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I like what the jazz are doing!

Jazz 8/24

...by mixing a good young core in Williams, Miles, Hayward, Millsap, Jefferson with veterans like AK, Okur, Bell, Elson, and possibly Watson or James. Which makes me ask myself, how do we like this young core for the future?

Williams (25)
Miles (23)
Hayward (21)
Millsap (24)
Jefferson (25)

keep this young nucleus in tact, with veteran leadership we've missed since Fisher and Harpring (I think Bell takes on that role this year) and the future looks bright with the Jazz! Guys like Evans, Thompson, and Fesenko are just icing on the cake if they can progress and show their potential!
Yeah, cause when I think of veteran leadership/locker room presence, I think Franciso Elson and Mike James.
I would love Watson as our back up. I think its a good to great team, still not long or athletic enough to beat the Lakers though. If they can keep the young guys together and add a few more pieces in the next year or so we should be legit contenders just as the Thunder start to peak and the Lakers decline.
ya get a Roy Hibbert or Marc Gasol in the coming years with AK coming off the books! Definitely agree they need some length!
Hibbert would have to wait until 2012, but Gasol and Noah would be two bigs I'd be willing to throw some money at to pair with Deron and Jefferson. AK, CJ, and Price come off the books next summer. How funny would it be to screw the Bulls and Boozer and sign Noah away!
...by mixing a good young core in Williams, Miles, Hayward, Millsap, Jefferson with veterans like AK, Okur, Bell, Elson, and possibly Watson or James. Which makes me ask myself, how do we like this young core for the future?

Williams (25)
Miles (23)
Hayward (21)
Millsap (24)
Jefferson (25)

keep this young nucleus in tact, with veteran leadership we've missed since Fisher and Harpring (I think Bell takes on that role this year) and the future looks bright with the Jazz! Guys like Evans, Thompson, and Fesenko are just icing on the cake if they can progress and show their potential!

I like what their doing, just for the fact they added size and veterens this year.

You've got Okur, Jefferson, (hopefully Big Fes), and Elson all around 7 foot.
Plus you've got Kirilenko, Millsap, Hayward, and Evans all around 6'9.

Talk about having most of your team 6'9 and taller lol.
I like the core. WIsh we had a little more size though. As for the veteran leadership kick, Deron is our Veteran Leadership. He's been to the playoffs enough times and is the leader of this team. If you want a ring to point at, point at Okur's or something just to help you sleep better.