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I really like Ty Corbin


Well-Known Member
Last season I thought he wasn't anything special, but in retrospect he inherited a turd. This season he's shown up with his own philosophy, pushed it hard (and it's working) and is continuing to show that the guy that really is playing better deserves the playing time whether they're a rookie or a useless vet like CJ or Raja Bell.

So, hat's off to Ty as far as I'm concerned. He seems like a great coach for where this team is - tons of young guys, tons of question marks in terms of production. He doesn't run an automated substitution pattern, presses defense hard and loves to see his team succeed.
I hated him last season. This season I think he is doing a good job. If he can find a way to get our starting wings out of their funk, he will be doing a great job.
I hated him last season. This season I think he is doing a good job. If he can find a way to get our starting wings out of their funk, he will be doing a great job.

Well, you can't teach a crappy player to play well.

CJ's never met a shot he didn't like and Bell is just.. bad.

The promising thing is that he's giving time to Burks, Hayward and whoever else can step up and give them something useful (Howard still seems like the lesser of 3 evils, even though he's been much better lately). Sloan would have been like "K Raja, here's your free 30 minutes per night considering your a vet and this other guy is wearing a Hannah Montana backpack.."
Well, you can't teach a crappy player to play well.

CJ's never met a shot he didn't like and Bell is just.. bad.

The promising thing is that he's giving time to Burks, Hayward and whoever else can step up and give them something useful. Sloan would have been like "K Raja, here's your free 30 minutes per night considering your a vet and this other guy is wearing a Hannah Montana backpack.."

I think that lack of job security (aka lack of icon-status assured endless tenure) is actually gonna force him to play the best players. Novel thought

i think he fits the team quite well, last year was a learning experience for him, has helped him a lot
Last year I thought he was the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. This year I think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. If they lose tomorrow night I will, once again, think he is the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. But, if they win, I will think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. Because, I am a Jazz fan and that is just how we roll.
There was an interesting postgame quote from Devin Harris. He was asked what he thought of Corbin's rotation and how no player has a set amount of minutes, and if he found it interesting and refreshing. Harris paused and replied "it's interesting". Sorry you don't like it, Devin, but count me among those who is enjoying watching the minutes shift from players who feel entitled to players who are earning their time.
Last year I thought he was the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. This year I think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. If they lose tomorrow night I will, once again, think he is the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. But, if they win, I will think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. Because, I am a Jazz fan and that is just how we roll.
Last year I thought he was the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. This year I think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. If they lose tomorrow night I will, once again, think he is the biggest piece of crap that ever roamed the Earth. But, if they win, I will think he is Jesus that sweats more than his fair share. Because, I am a Jazz fan and that is just how we roll.

The Jazz fan at work :-)
Some people don't seem to understand that Ty is still a rookie for the most part also. He is learning along with the team on how to properly be a HC in the NBA. I hope Ty is our coach for the next 20 years just like Sloan was.
He's smarter than the avererage bear.

Memphis is a rugged team so Corbin plays Milsap and Big Al much more minutes than Favors, Kanter and Evans who'll be ready for a fast Golden State team tommorow.
Burks got extended minutes as well because the 2 position on Memphis wasn't amazing today, but tomorrow that position will be tough to guard and a fresh set of CJ legs should do the trick.

Ty's defensive philosophy is playing well too. The only problem is minutes for Bell and Evans. Bell needs horshoe minutes and Evans needs horse minutes
I've been happy with Ty so far. He had certainly made the nay-sayers eat their words so far. Hope he keeps improving with the rest of the team.
I've been happy with Ty so far. He had certainly made the nay-sayers eat their words so far. Hope he keeps improving with the rest of the team.

I must admit I was irritated the way Burks was getting no time, but I have to say that was about the biggest overreaction in the history of overreactions. Such is the way it goes on these boards I guess.
Looks like Ty is letting Bell play his way out of minutes. Shouldn't be long before Burks or Hayward is starting at the 2. The way Howard is playing he should be starting soon too.
I've been happy with Ty so far. He had certainly made the nay-sayers eat their words so far. Hope he keeps improving with the rest of the team.

If Raja Bell tomorrow will start make double-doubles - than what, we all should eat our words?

If somebody suck - that is normal to be discussed. Yes, Ty showed some improvement, but in the beginning he struggled - and he received the critics at that point.

ps. The post with Jesus was excellent and a good example of how thin is the line between love and hate ))
I really like the way Ty is coaching. The defense the team is running looks completely different out there than they have ever looked before. It seems like there are less and less open shots as the teams adjust to the new rotations.
count me in the crowd that liked Corbin from the beginning. It's clear the guy works really hard and responds to the effort that is being put out.

I'll be paying attention to the way he handles the Raja situation.... The rest of his minutes should go to Evans, IMO