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I voted today.


Well-Known Member
I voted early today in my home swing state. Huge numbers of voters for early voting, and nearly 80% of them were people Trump had denigrated at some point, not including women. Saw over a dozen Clinton-Kaine signs in that part of the city with only one or two Trump-Pence signs. My daughter went with me and pressed the button to submit the ballot.

After about a two-year hiatus, I came back to JF during this election to try and make sense of this madness with others scattered throughout the country. Trump’s words have caused me and those around me great anxiety. I have been more intense than many of you have desired, and I apologize if it made you uncomfortable. I also apologize if I was not as patient as I should have been. I hope in less than a month we can put this man behind us and make everyone in our country feel included. God help us otherwise.

I wish you all happiness and thank you for your respect and time. A few of you in particular have been a calming voice in this, and I thank you for that, truly. I know this may seem indulgent, but this is who I am. Peace.
I voted early today in my home swing state. Huge numbers of voters for early voting, and nearly 80% of them were people Trump had denigrated at some point, not including women. Saw over a dozen Clinton-Kaine signs in that part of the city with only one or two Trump-Pence signs. My daughter went with me and pressed the button to submit the ballot.

After about a two-year hiatus, I came back to JF during this election to try and make sense of this madness with others scattered throughout the country. Trump’s words have caused me and those around me great anxiety. I have been more intense than many of you have desired, and I apologize if it made you uncomfortable. I also apologize if I was not as patient as I should have been. I hope in less than a month we can put this man behind us and make everyone in our country feel included. God help us otherwise.

I wish you all happiness and thank you for your respect and time. A few of you in particular have been a calming voice in this, and I thank you for that, truly. I know this may seem indulgent, but this is who I am. Peace.

I've always thought you were a good dude and very smart.

And a knucklehead.
I got my Trump card today, and sent Mike Lee and other Utah cowards a piece of my mind.

I try to shake things up. Hope to challenge the thinking of others like I challenge my own sometimes. I understand the idea of making a case one way or another. I like a case made well. I don't expect anyone to just buy into mine. JJAS, you sorta lit into me like you figured me for a fool, and I can dish it right back. Too bad it's so easy to pretend not to understand, that is the defense of someone who won't learn. Oh well.

It seems you voted on an idea of how others offend you, or offend those you consider vulnerable to it. In my life, theres's always been plenty of people, of all kinds, willing to heap it on me, and I have learned to take human ignorance for what it's worth.

Trump doesn't bother me. I don't see anything in him intended to just knock others down, even Cruz or Hillary. He respects people, really. He respects them more if they "Stand and Deliver" on their own account.

Maybe he got his manners in a tough neighborhood, in a rough playground, but he wouldn't kick a puppy or anyone unless it was considered a fair fight. I guess beauty contestants rank as a "fair fight", and so do symbols of other ideals challenging what he considers "America". I think he means mostly people who don't respect laws or the American heritage.

Still, it's been Hillary's strategy to divide the Republicans and do the traditional Dem smears that are rolled out practically every election even for milktoast doofusses like Romney. The Clinton emails clearly show she supported Trump to become the Republican nominee because that's who she wanted to run against.

I just think you're mistaken if you think Hillary cares about you.

I think Trump was as surprised as I have been by the people who turned out to his support. I think it shows a rising trend that will continue. We are at an end of an age.
Trump doesn't bother me. He respects people, really.

Interesting. And what, may I ask led you to this conclusion? Was it the bragging about being able to get away with criminal sexual assault, or was it his actual ability to get away with it? Perhaps it was his walking in on underage teen USA girls while they were undressed. You know, other people's daughters. After all, like he told the girls, it's nothing he hasn't seen before.

Yeah, he really seems like a very respectful ***** grabber.
Voted for Trump. Excited for America to be great again. Missed it the first time.
Voted for Trump. Excited for America to be great again. Missed it the first time.

That sucks. How did America fail you? You seem like a man well off. I think you have a pretty good job. You are smart. I bet you have a higher education. You probably can provide for your family. You arent jail I dont think. What happened? Why wasnt it great for you?
That sucks. How did America fail you? You seem like a man well off. I think you have a pretty good job. You are smart. I bet you have a higher education. You probably can provide for your family. You arent jail I dont think. What happened? Why wasnt it great for you?

Ohhh ****. I can't wait for this reply....
That sucks. How did America fail you? You seem like a man well off. I think you have a pretty good job. You are smart. I bet you have a higher education. You probably can provide for your family. You arent jail I dont think. What happened? Why wasnt it great for you?

I actually like America, and Americans, quite a bit. Most of my friends are American. Practically all the people I've had sex with had been Americans. If I were to rank countries, the U.S. would be in contention for first place. Why else would I have such a problem with Trump and everything he stands for?
I actually like America, and Americans, quite a bit. Most of my friends are American. Practically all the people I've had sex with had been Americans. If I were to rank countries, the U.S. would be in contention for first place. Why else would I have such a problem with Trump and everything he stands for?

Thats not what you said. You said you missed it the first time. You implied you never experienced a great America.
I voted early today in my home swing state. Huge numbers of voters for early voting, and nearly 80% of them were people Trump had denigrated at some point, not including women. Saw over a dozen Clinton-Kaine signs in that part of the city with only one or two Trump-Pence signs. My daughter went with me and pressed the button to submit the ballot.

After about a two-year hiatus, I came back to JF during this election to try and make sense of this madness with others scattered throughout the country. Trump’s words have caused me and those around me great anxiety. I have been more intense than many of you have desired, and I apologize if it made you uncomfortable. I also apologize if I was not as patient as I should have been. I hope in less than a month we can put this man behind us and make everyone in our country feel included. God help us otherwise.

I wish you all happiness and thank you for your respect and time. A few of you in particular have been a calming voice in this, and I thank you for that, truly. I know this may seem indulgent, but this is who I am. Peace.

Please stop injecting steroids into your gluteus.

Thats not what you said. You said you missed it the first time. You implied you never experienced a great America.

I missed it too, btw. If what we have now is not Great America then I missed it the first time.