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If next season is canceled, how is 2012 draft order determined?

Not sure what you mean about no draft held, so I'll try to be perfectly clear in case I'm causing the confusion:
* In 2011, obviously they will use the 2010-11 standings to determine draft order. They will hold the draft, and those players' rights will belong to the team that drafted them in 2011. They may not sign contracts for a while, but they will remain the property of those teams until business resumes and the new CBA rules will apply to their contract dealings.
* If there is no 2011-12 season, I expect that they will again use the 2010-11 standings to determine draft order, but will probably run the lottery again (so there could be a different order in the top 14, but not 15-20).

If there's no NBA season at all next year, the Jazz could potentially have 4 lottery pick rookies in one season (2011: NJ and Utah picks, 2012: GS and Utah picks).
Am I the only one who doesn't give a rats butt hole about the NBA, the Jazz, or anything related to basketball anymore? Bring on the off season.

....you forgot about me? So that makes two of us!!! (One correction, though....bring on the LOCKOUT!)
Not sure what you mean about no draft held, so I'll try to be perfectly clear in case I'm causing the confusion:
* In 2011, obviously they will use the 2010-11 standings to determine draft order. They will hold the draft, and those players' rights will belong to the team that drafted them in 2011. They may not sign contracts for a while, but they will remain the property of those teams until business resumes and the new CBA rules will apply to their contract dealings.
* If there is no 2011-12 season, I expect that they will again use the 2010-11 standings to determine draft order, but will probably run the lottery again (so there could be a different order in the top 14, but not 15-20).

If there's no NBA season at all next year, the Jazz could potentially have 4 lottery pick rookies in one season (2011: NJ and Utah picks, 2012: GS and Utah picks).

* I assume you mean 15-30
**Since we owe Minny a 1st rounder, wouldn't that 2012 1st go to Minny?
The pick is top 14 protected in 2012, so the Jazz would (and probably will, regardless) keep it.
This makes taking a euro rookie even more intriguing in that they could still play for their current teams whereas who knows how many of the US kids will be able to play. Although I doubt it affects the draft order much if at all.
This makes taking a euro rookie even more intriguing in that they could still play for their current teams whereas who knows how many of the US kids will be able to play. Although I doubt it affects the draft order much if at all.

If they dont sign their contract before the lockout begins couldn't the American kids go over and play in Europe as well? This way they could still make some dough.
If they dont sign their contract before the lockout begins couldn't the American kids go over and play in Europe as well? This way they could still make some dough.
Since they will be locked out yes I believe they could but again how many would go over and how many of those euro teams would bring over 1yr rentals is more of what I was meaning.
Since they will be locked out yes I believe they could but again how many would go over and how many of those euro teams would bring over 1yr rentals is more of what I was meaning.

Some of the teams have very wealthy owners (the Greek teams especially) and might make pretty generous 1yr offers.
I have to think they would use the 2011 standings again. There's no perfect solution, but I think that's most fair. I don't think there's any way to justify a scenario that has a top team getting a shot at a top pick (like a 30-team lottery). It's also unfair that a team's bad 2010-11 season gives them two top picks, because they might have improved in 2011-12, but it's more fair than the other way.

This makes sense, however, the Jazz get screwed in this scenario. I'm willing to bet that our 2012 record will be A LOT worse than what we will end up with at the end of this season. So, for the 2012 draft lottery, instead of having the 3rd or 4th worst record in the league (and thus more ping pong balls in our favor) we'll get stuck with the 11-13th pick again...
I have to think they would use the 2011 standings again. There's no perfect solution, but I think that's most fair. I don't think there's any way to justify a scenario that has a top team getting a shot at a top pick (like a 30-team lottery). It's also unfair that a team's bad 2010-11 season gives them two top picks, because they might have improved in 2011-12, but it's more fair than the other way.

This makes sense, however, the Jazz get screwed in this scenario. I'm willing to bet that our 2012 record will be A LOT worse than what we will end up with at the end of this season. So, for the 2012 draft lottery, instead of having the 3rd or 4th worst record in the league (and thus more ping pong balls in our favor) we'll get stuck with the 11-13th pick again...
In more Jazz get screwed news, although they are currently in 12th position among the teams not making the playoffs, they will probably end the season with a better record than one or more eastern conference teams that end up making the playoffs. The same thing could also happen with Golden State. I'll bet if there is no season next year they reseed the drafts by worst record without regard to whether they made the 2011 playoffs or not, so our two draft picks could actually move in the wrong direction by a couple of spots.
Pretty sure this is how the league will justify getting the Lakers the #1-#3 picks to ensure no let-down as the Kobe era slowly draws to a close.
The NBA will do whatever helps NY and LA the most. So more than likely they will make it an even draft with everybody having the same shot at the 1st pick.
Is there any way we could just cancel the rest of this season to resolve the lockout?

To me, this season can't end fast enough!
1. Lakers
2. New York
3. Bulls
4. Spurs
5. Boston
6. Miami
7. New Jersey
18. Utah
30. Orlando (I think he Hates D. Howard)