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if we still had dwill would we be in the running for howard?


Well-Known Member
howard wants to play with williams, if we still had deron, do you think howard would want to come to UTH the way he wants to go to NJN right now?

PG: williams
SG: bell
SF: hayward
PF: milsap
C: howard

I'm sure it would cross his mind, and he would consider it. But not to the degree he is with the Nets. It's more than just getting to play with a top PG, it's getting to play for one of the richest owners in the NBA and getting to be the face of a big-ish franchise when they relocate to Brooklyn. With the Nets he will get to compete for titles AND sell his brand more. In Utah he would have only had one of the two.
I also heard his Adidas deal is going to be massive partly because he will be in Brooklyn in a big market. True?
I think you'd be seeing a situation much like Lebron two years ago, where several teams would be clearing out cap space in an attempt to get both of them. New Jersey and Dallas would likely both be in the mix.

I think KOC was/is smart enough to know the likelihood of attracting big-time free agents.
I'm pretty sure DWill talked to Howard about it before, and he didn't want to come here and play even with DWill.
It's kinda like you and your hot girlfriend.....

She wants to bang me. But you're kinda of boring and not very flashy. So we move to Dallas so we can bang under the bright lights. Plus, everything is bigger in Dallas.

Get it?
howard wants to play with williams, if we still had deron, do you think howard would want to come to UTH the way he wants to go to NJN right now?

PG: williams
SG: bell
SF: hayward
PF: milsap
C: howard


No, absolutely not, not a chance in hell. No way. Nope.
...Jazz would never pay or afford two massive max contracts like Dwight and Deron, so no, it would not have happen.
When the Jazz were knocking on the door in the 90's and they had, arguably, the best tandem in NBA history and one of the best coaches of his time, we're they ever able to land big name free agents? Or were players saying **** like "You go play in Utah!" (Ron Harper)?

If big name free agents weren't willing to join that team and almost guarantee a 'chip or two, what on God's green Earth would make you think they would come over to U-tar to play for a rookie coach with only one really good player??
If big name free agents weren't willing to join that team and almost guarantee a 'chip or two, what on God's green Earth would make you think they would come over to U-tar to play for a rookie coach with only one really good player??

...and who, pray tell, is that???
...and who, pray tell, is that???

I was answering the OP's question, about if we had DWill still would Dwight come to UT.... so, the "one really good player" I was talking about was DWill, when he was here.

As it stands now, we have a collection of good players, and some nice young talent—and that's about it.