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I'll likely be coming out for playoffs

I would love to see one of these so-called condescending posts I supposedly wrote. I got attacked from the get-go just for expressing my opinion and was in defensive mode from then forward. Then got trolled mercilessly in threads not even related. I think we have different definitions of condescending or different perceptions of it.

too lazy to pull up the threads, but there was definitely several. People post things I disagree with all of the times-- but yours had this "i, here on logic mountain, am tempering my expectations as I am too wise to overhype these miniscule offseason additions; 45 wins max."

Either way, water under the bridge.
Anyone going to these games better bring the fire! Signs, jerseys, face painting, horns... bring the fire and make Vivint rock the entire game.

I have a few surprises for ya
Did you see my SerpicoNJ t last night?
Ya it was epic as hell. I thought I commented on it but maybe I was thinking of commenting and never actually said it.
What were they??
I failed.
I went to get my hair done like rudy gobert but the line was WAY too long and since I had went fishing all day I didn't have time to wait.

I was going to wear jazz slippers too but didn't do that either.

So I just had my jazz belt, jazz wallet, gobert jersey, and jazz hat.