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Interesting video about internet porn

Very interesting video, I know many friends in their 20's that would much rather squeeze one out to porn then have sex with their wife. It's craziness. That's seems so depressing.

While that does seem unfortunate, if their wives have been taught all their lives that sex is dirty and they only tolerate their husband doing it to them by just laying there and not resisting then it's somewhat understandable.
Very interesting video, I know many friends in their 20's that would much rather squeeze one out to porn then have sex with their wife. It's craziness. That's seems so depressing.

I wonder how many rapes have been saved by porn. You have to think there are quite a few. A guy gets super horny rubs one one and and feels a lot less rapy. I won't deny it hasn't cause it's share of rapes though.
Very interesting video, I know many friends in their 20's that would much rather squeeze one out to porn then have sex with their wife. It's craziness. That's seems so depressing.

well yeah, if they're all sharing the same wife, it's understandable. Poor woman, she must get tired.
Don't have kids please.

You do realize that Utah is the internet porn capital of America?


So before you judge me for merely acknowledging how widespread pornography is you should know that probably a quarter to a full third of the men that you sit in church with for 4 hours every Sunday were rubbing off a batch to internet porn the night before.....while I was having sex with my wife - but that's another story.
I've long held that SLC (and Utah in general) has the most unhealthy sexual politics of any place I've ever spent significant time. I'm not saying that pornographic material is inherently unhealthy, but I never knew anybody in Utah who consumed it who didn't also consume a wealth of personal torment. That's unhealthy.
time to go back to dial-up?

what would be interesting as well is to understand why young men are more likely to get addicted to all sorts of other online activities like gaming and gambling and why women just seem to get addicted to things like FarmVille and bejeweled bedazzle or whatever it is.
Could somebody answer my question on the first page? I am curious to know if people think its bad if you and your wife are REALLY into it. I know a couple like this and they are practicing Mormons.
Very interesting video, I know many friends in their 20's that would much rather squeeze one out to porn then have sex with their wife. It's craziness. That's seems so depressing.

Maybe their wives are a bunch of bitches?

Have you seen some of the fat asses in this state? I don't know how half the BYU students get married... Oh wait... Yeah I do. Who else is some 300 lbs woman going to marry if not her 150 lbs Star Wars Hobbit Zoobie studying law?

Have you ever been to the south? The east coast? Barf...

The key to porn, just like guns, isn't to "take away" peoples' guns or porn. Guns and porn will be around for the taking no matter what restrictions you put up. The key is to change our eating habits so that supersize me (with a diet drink of course) isn't the norm and that getting out of your house to start the ignition of your car isn't considered exercise.

If more people in this country (and state) didn't just let themselves go we'd be a lot better off.
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I'm sure those sexy layers of under-potato-sacks that are always a reminder of your eternal covenants made to a god with a brutal track-record of hating sex (except when he doesn't) really sets the mood too. Also, all women are ready to go at the command of their mate, right?
You do realize that Utah is the internet porn capital of America?


So before you judge me for merely acknowledging how widespread pornography is you should know that probably a quarter to a full third of the men that you sit in church with for 4 hours every Sunday were rubbing off a batch to internet porn the night before.....while I was having sex with my wife - but that's another story.

I laughed. Excellent.
i'm sure those sexy layers of under-potato-sacks that are always a reminder of your eternal covenants made to a god with a brutal track-record of hating sex (except when he doesn't) really sets the mood too. Also, all women are ready to go at the command of their mate, right?


I'm sure the garments that are objectively un-sexy and are (or are supposed to be) a reminder of your eternal covenants made to a god with a brutal track-record of hating sex (except when he doesn't) doesn't help set the mood. Also, women (including wives) aren't always ready to go at the drop of a hat.

Does that help?
I'm sure those sexy layers of under-potato-sacks that are always a reminder of your eternal covenants made to a god with a brutal track-record of hating sex (except when he doesn't) really sets the mood too. Also, all women are ready to go at the command of their mate, right?

From someone who has recieved multiple personal attacks on my wife (thanks M3At & KKyke), this is possibly the most discusting RANDOM personal attack I've seen on JazzFanz.

So many dup post to chose from in this thread and this one and the follower stands out...
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I'm sure those sexy layers of under-potato-sacks that are always a reminder of your eternal covenants made to a god with a brutal track-record of hating sex (except when he doesn't) really sets the mood too. Also, all women are ready to go at the command of their mate, right?

I'm not even mormon and this is retardeddd.
Very interesting video, I know many friends in their 20's that would much rather squeeze one out to porn then have sex with their wife. It's craziness. That's seems so depressing.

Because foreplay can be cumbersome to selfish lazy fat tards.