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Invasion of Iraq

Invasion of Iraq

  • Still support W and his decision

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Having the 2 dictators would have maintained control of the region.

Without the pissed off Sunnis in western Iraq, this whole ISIS/ISIL thing and Syrian Civil War never happens.


ISIS did not destabilize Syria. They stepped into a vacuum. You have confused cause and effect. ISIS is the effect of Syrian destabilization not the cause of it. The cause was a crackdown by Assad following "Arab Spring" protests.

You do not need to advocate for Saddam to be against the invasion. I do believe that we should not have invaded but I do not feel the need to advocate for Saddam to justify that position. Just listen to yourself. You are advocating for a mass murdering dictator. There is no need to. There are plenty of things to base your criticism on without stooping to such a low thing.

I personally do not think that Saddam could have held on to power. The evidence is in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria. Each of those countries has taken it's own path since the Arab Spring. Each has different demographics and education levels that influence the outcome. By far the worst situation is in Syria. The one country that a Baathist had firm control over. Saddam would not have made things better.

ISIS did not destabilize Syria. They stepped into a vacuum. You have confused cause and effect. ISIS is the effect of Syrian destabilization not the cause of it. The cause was a crackdown by Assad following "Arab Spring" protests.

You do not need to advocate for Saddam to be against the invasion. I do believe that we should not have invaded but I do not feel the need to advocate for Saddam to justify that position. Just listen to yourself. You are advocating for a mass murdering dictator. There is no need to. There are plenty of things to base your criticism on without stooping to such a low thing.

I personally do not think that Saddam could have held on to power. The evidence is in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria. Each of those countries has taken it's own path since the Arab Spring. Each has different demographics and education levels that influence the outcome. By far the worst situation is in Syria. The one country that a Baathist had firm control over. Saddam would not have made things better.

Thriller doesn't see the people in that region as real human beings. He thinks that how we should deal with that region is to support brutal dictators to keep the sub human scum in line because without an iron fist to beat them down they will pose a greater risk to real humans, like Americans.
Thriller doesn't see the people in that region as real human beings. He thinks that how we should deal with that region is to support brutal dictators to keep the sub human scum in line because without an iron fist to beat them down they will pose a greater risk to real humans, like Americans.

This is probably the best encapsulation of US Foreign Policy since 1946 that I've ever read. Except maybe I'd replace the word "Americans" with the phrase "American business interests".
LOL at the poll results. Not even one of the prominent board trolls supporting W? Come on!