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IRS Targeting Right Wing Groups


Well-Known Member
2018 Award Winner
Are right wing news outlets the only ones reporting this?

This leads me to believe that you did not even read the links I provided. If you would have then you would see that they are from the Huffingtonpost and CNN in addition to Fox and the Washington Post.
The IRS has, for at least the last 2 years, targeted right wing/conservative groups for audits and reviews of tax exempt statuses.

What are your thoughts on this and is it an IRS problem or a government problem and why?

It's an IRS/government problem that they focused on key words like "Tea Party" at one point. That was wrong.

However, there were a lot of new groups springing up after 2008, and it makes sense to look at all the new politically oriented non-profits carefully (or at least, a a randomly chosen subset to begin with), to make sure that they were following the rules for non-profits. So, the general idea was acceptable, but how it was carried out was wrong, and some people should be held accountable for that.
This leads me to believe that you did not even read the links I provided. If you would have then you would see that they are from the Huffingtonpost and CNN in addition to Fox and the Washington Post.

AKA the news organizations with some of the most right winged views and agendas.

If this is true though, then good. The right wing and the right wing extremists are destroying this country with their greed.
AKA the news organizations with some of the most right winged views and agendas.

If this is true though, then good. The right wing and the right wing extremists are destroying this country with their greed.

What do yo think CNN ands the huffington post is if not the fox news and wash post of the left? Just admit you didn't click the links.
What do yo think CNN ands the huffington post is if not the fox news and wash post of the left? Just admit you didn't click the links.

HuffPo is liberal. CNN is not (there's a big gap between CNN and MSNBC).
HuffPo is liberal. CNN is not (there's a big gap between CNN and MSNBC).

Huff is obviously more liberal than CNN but I'd state that CNN is center left. Either way it shows that across the spectrum is reporting on this issue.




I don't need to click the links to see what site they'd direct me to...
I don't need to click the links to see what site they'd direct me to...

So then are you telling me that CNN and Huffington post are right wing? If not then why ask if only right wing outlets are reporting on the issue when you can see that is not the case?
Huff is obviously more liberal than CNN but I'd state that CNN is center left. Either way it shows that across the spectrum is reporting on this issue.

CNN looks center-left to those on the right, and center-right to those on the left.
This is bull ****. I actually found myself semi-agreeing with Glen Beck today. (shoot me, now) If this is all what it looks like, I hope they burn Obama and all his little bitches to the ground.
Appropriately, Senator Marco Rubio called for the resignation of the IRS Commissioner - only problem is there is no IRS Commissioner due to republicans blocking and stalling Obama appointments as routine.

Ironically, all of this occurred under an IRS Commissoner that was appointed by President Bush - who should certainly be called in front of committee. But it kind of kills the sting of any underlying implication of a scandal.
Appropriately, Senator Marco Rubio called for the resignation of the IRS Commissioner - only problem is there is no IRS Commissioner due to republicans blocking and stalling Obama appointments as routine.

Ironically, all of this occurred under an IRS Commissoner that was appointed by President Bush - who should certainly be called in front of committee. But it kind of kills the sting of any underlying implication of a scandal.
I saw that about Rubio -- what a stupid clod. He also had a blaring typo in the middle of his letter too. When we get another four years of a democratic president, you can all thank the Republicans.
Right wing left wing who cares? Tax cheats are tax cheats. If you have nothing to hide why worry about it? It seems like those bitching about it are more concerned with brewing a scandal than the actual crime that they committed.

To me, the IRS could purposely target white Mormons in Utah. Bring it on. I have my ducks in a row and have nothing to hide. I'm not a pansie *** bitch hiding in some downstairs bunker waiting for communist nazis to take over the government. I ain't trying to excuse my own tax cheating immorality by blaming everything on the government. Whether you are left wing or right wing tax cheating is tax cheating. God doesn't look at dishonesty any differently.

And that's what I find most astonishing here. So many folks are upset that they got caught. Do they really understand the gospel so little? Uncle Sam might not catch you. But what about a higher power?
Wow, the IRS looks at groups of extremists whose number one priority is avoiding taxes to see if they are in compliance with tax laws. Seems logical to me.
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It's an IRS/government problem that they focused on key words like "Tea Party" at one point. That was wrong.

You are wrong. The very name "Tea Party" proclaims a goal of not paying taxes. You people act like the government should just rubber stamp any application for anything without examining its merits.
Here is a solution. Stop giving nonprofit status to political groups. Stop allowing non-profit political groups to hide the ID of donators.

Are these groups commonly used to provide tax deductions in exchange for political donations, in violation the intent of the laws? I would not be surprised.