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It's time to bring in "The Jimmer."


Well-Known Member
Our PG problems have been going on long enough. We honestly can't be any worse than what we are now. He'll at least give us some points (we already hardly play D in the PG spot anyways).
Does the organization need a janitor? If so, I say we give him a try.
I know I've made some pretty bad threads, but this one has to be the worst of the year.

Actually, the Jazz board should do it. Can you imagine how many Jimmer jerseys would fly off the shelves? I guarantee there aren't a whole lot of Burke #3 jerseys being sold. And that is the goal of the Jazz' FO: to make money.

Can Tebow play some SF?
Don't be an ***. I'm sure he could at least qualify as the first male Jazz dancer.

With this face?


Don't think so.
The Jimmer love amazes me, and it is not just byu fans. On espn after the Knicks cut him, all the comments were about how terrible the Knicks were for not giving him more of a chance. Sure the Knicks are a dumpster fire right now, but the Kings, Bulls, Pelicans, and the Spurs cut him. He has played for numerous franchises and numerous coaches including the best in the game, Greg Popovich and they all cut him.

It is time for people just to accept that he is just not an NBA player. The Jazz missed the best chance to get him. They could have brought him in when he was bought out in Sacramento in 2014. It would have been perfect since the Jazz were knee deep in the lottery and could have used something to at least create buzz around the team in a year when they were playing for a top draft pick. He could have sold jerseys, sold tickets, and helped Utah get a great draft pick. Other than that season, there is no reason for jimmer. The team is trying to win and a sideshow is not what the team needs during a playoff chase.