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Jack's Back

The Jazz have 6 solid players that they plan to build around. Gobert, Favors, Hayward, Burks, Hood and Exum.

07. Backup Center - I truly believe that if Quin Snyder wants Tomic, then they'll bring him over AND he'll be a perfect fit for the Jazz. His passing skills are elite and he'd offer scoring off the bench and a veteran championship caliber voice in the locker room.
08. Backup PF - Trevor Booker will likely be a trade chip this offseason, but I have a hard time seeing the Jazz matching his value and production for only $5 million. I think they keep him.
09. Backup wing - Most likely filled in the draft. This seems to be a strong point where the Jazz should be picking. Maybe another big if they add a free agent, but I think they're going to end up looking for depth vs. starter at this spot.
10. Backup PG - Much more likely to see a veteran brought in to back up Exum. Burke has struggled this season, and while I think he's improved in his role, the Jazz can (and should) look to upgrade. I think they're likely to trade him, but could see him or Neto replace Clark/Cotton as the 3rd PG.
11 - 14. Depending on what the Jazz do in free agency and the draft, they have some solid players already under contract with Burke, Jingles and Millsap. Plus, they have the rights two interesting foreign players in Pleiss and Neto, and another that they were high on last year in Motum. Plus, they also have some D-League guys that they've shown interest in this season with Jarrett, Cooley, Cotton and Christopher.

Realistically, depending on what they do with Tomic, Booker, the draft and free agency, I could see the back end of the roster being Burke/Neto, Jingles, Millsap, Cooley/Motum and then one open spot non-guaranteed guy for injury insurance. They intentionally kept the bench thin this year, but by finding actual players who can be upgraded in the future they might have created an opportunity to make it incredibly deep moving forward.

In the blurb on Jazznews it said the Jazz signed and released Tre Bussey on the same day. He is currently playing for the Idaho Stampede and not setting the world on fire. I don't remember this occurring.