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Game Thread Jan 17, 2022 08:30PM MT: Jazz at Lakers

Added to Calendar: 01-17-22

There was a play sequence middle of the 3rd where Don shoots a stupid long three… for no real reason and then allows a back door cut to Bradley where he just falls all the way asleep. It’s those little sequences he needs to cut out if we are going to win a title.

He also had a nice sequence where he snagged a couple steals… for the most part I thought he was solid on defense.

I’m officially worried about Royce’s defense. He’s either lost a step he couldn’t afford to lose or he’s hurt. If he’s hurt let’s sit him… give House and EP extended run.
We don’t have House because flexibility and if we did have House, he wouldn’t be utilized because Quin.

Quin is at a point where he needs to be proved right. He’s had repeated bad outcomes that he believes is bad luck and an unfavorable roll of the dice that is unlikely to repeat. We’re at the point of tripling and quadrupling down on that. Quin has his guys. Personnel changes are worthless because 1) Quin has his guys and 2) the overachieving mental components remain the same.

The only two people who can save this season are Ainge and Alex Jensen. Anything else is window dressing.
It’s time for Ainge to come in and do the dirty work he was hired for and fire Quin. Alex Jensen has had a front-row seat to knowing what makes us successful and that can be continued. He’s also had a front-row seat to all this nonsense and may (or should) have an opinion on it that he probably can’t express as the mentee.
In medicine there’s a concept called the “number needed to treat,” which is a statistical measure that breaks down how many individuals you would have to give a certain intervention to for preventing or treating a certain condition. For instance, with antihypertensives, you’d have to treat 100 people with them to prevent one heart attack. Then there’s the “number needed to harm,” which is the opposite and measured for whatever particular outcome or condition you’re looking at. The question isn’t so much will something work but rather at what frequency and what’s the trade off. Quin’s going to keep running the same thing, believing that doing so he will eventually hit. The problem is that when it hits someone can feel vindicated and say, “See! I told you it works!!” How many times would Quin have to be given these same circumstances over and over for us to finally have a good outcome? On the flip side, how many times would you have to give Quin those circumstances to have a really bad outcome? Quin isn’t dynamic enough to change anything. 10 rolls of a pair of dice is probably big enough to give you a reasonable chance of rolling a particular number. But what if you don’t have 10 rolls? Are you content to play the numbers in small samples or do you want to go about loading the dice?

The window is narrow. Teams spend years trying to get where we are. Quin’s a large part of why we’re here. But how much of this window can we sacrifice with Quin’s “trust the simulation” method?
Snyder has to emphasize finding Gobert on deep post mismatches. It's such a waste that we dont use those when Gobert has really improved his seal and catch ability.
I agree. You have to at least make it a threat. Instead, teams know that they can get away with smaller defenders getting sealed while everyone else stays at home in shooters because our damn shooters refuse to award Gobert and dump it down low. It’s really frustrating how one dimensional we are.
Watching Royce get easily screened and Westbrick blowing by him to dunk on Gobert sums it up.

He's not a starter, and we aren't good enough. Quin is rigid af. Get JC out of there when he is bricking! JESUS
Watching Royce get easily screened and Westbrick blowing by him to dunk on Gobert sums it up.

He's not a starter, and we aren't good enough. Quin is rigid af. Get JC out of there when he is bricking! JESUS
You're pathetic if you're blaming it on Royce.

The player most at blame was Bogey, but in reality it was an extremely illegal moving screen so I dont entirely blame Bogey (but still he has to be more aware and not that caught off guard)
You're pathetic if you're blaming it on Royce.

The player most at blame was Bogey, but in reality it was an extremely illegal moving screen so I dont entirely blame Bogey (but still he has to be more aware and not that caught off guard)
It was amazing… he wasn’t set at all and had two hands extended on the guy… then he’s go through the hole like a fullback
I thought Royce was good tonight. There was a stretch of play where he was getting tips and deflections on seemingly every possession. The team as a whole played well on defense. He also hit a couple shots, which could not be said for most tonight.

Honestly, the Jazz lost to a freaking Stanley Johnson offensive outburst. I love Stanley Johnson and have believed in him not matter how bad he’s been. But we can’t let Stanley Johnson running a PnR as the ball handler destroy us. The first time was a beat quirk by the Lakers. But it can’t take you 5-6 possessions to figure out how to stop SJ running a PnR with no shooters around him. If Quin was alive he would have stumped that out after one possession, but he’s incapable. We got Terrance Mann’d again…but worse. A 5 put offense can be tough when 4/5 of your defenses can’t guard a cone. But there’s no way SJ running PnR with no shooters around him should unravel your defense. I don’t care how bad your players are you figure that **** out fast.

The Lakers have had their ups and downs this year, but over the years they’re really good at shrinking the court. Vogel knows what he’s doing and trains his players well. I thought their ability to help and recover was the key to their defense. They were rotating way faster than we could move the ball. I don’t know where the Lakers rank right now defensively, but I know they can turn it up on defense. They have that infrastructure and leadership from LeBron.

I do think our defensive issues are mostly talent centered. We’ve had good defense in the playoffs with good defensive talent. But we can’t divorce these bad habits from Quin. If we had Stanley Johnson, he probably would be staying home on THT like he’s prime Ray Allen while we give up open lanes to the basket.

I feel like SJ bumped into more people tonight than all of our wings combined. He knows he has to do that to make an impact. I’m fking dying watching JC do the same thing, except his idea of making an impact is trying to score at will and there’s no consequence for hijacking the offense.
Royce got cooked on a few straight line drives. He got nailed on a back door or two. He’s never been a stopper per se but his lateral movement isn’t as good right now. I can’t imagine what it will look like when he gets Booker coming up on the schedule.
I agree. You have to at least make it a threat. Instead, teams know that they can get away with smaller defenders getting sealed while everyone else stays at home in shooters because our damn shooters refuse to award Gobert and dump it down low. It’s really frustrating how one dimensional we are.
Either that or when they switch run the picks with bogey or Gay and then have them bury the smaller guy in the post.
Garbage loss. And I'm tired of seeing people dunk on someone and use their non-dunking hand to push down on the person they're dunking on - that should be called an offensive foul.

Bogie, JC and DM were **** tonight. 9-41 between the three of them. That's why we lost. Because they blew.

The bright side of this clown loss is there will hopefully be a shake-up now, likely within the team. I hope Rudy continues to call out players. It's bad enough some guys on our team are **** defenders - but when they suck on offense as well they're pretty much worthless when they're on the floor.
Yeah, but by rule as a Jazz fan I can never complain about a moving screen because Rudy sets 100 a game.
Oh I know so I didn’t get too upset… at least Rudy tries to look like a normal screen… Lebron was like… nah I’m going run block style. This is where you have to sell it and just flop… especially JC cuz he ain’t doing nothing else.
How the **** did Quin not challenge the Bojan foul on LeBron at the end? What was he waiting for?
How the **** did Quin not challenge the Bojan foul on LeBron at the end? What was he waiting for?
It was never going to be overturned... but I really wanted them to look at it too. Essentially Bogey leaned over which is illegal if the guy decides to plow straight into you??? Basketball officiating makes zero sense tbh. The old white guy ref is one of my least favorite... he makes weird calls.

I also wanted a review on the Westbrook dunk just because it definitely was not a foul on Rudy. It may not have been an offensive foul I guess... but I wanted to see if the refs felt a little dumb calling a foul on Rudy on that play. Its the foul call that probably annoys me most when the only contact is the guys off arm and they call it on Rudy.
Contrarian take. The Jazz will destroy the Lakers in a playoff series. They played tired last night and it was close. With some rest they would bury the Lakers.
Contrarian take. The Jazz will destroy the Lakers in a playoff series. They played tired last night and it was close. With some rest they would bury the Lakers.
Depends on if AD is healthy, but I agree we normally win that game last night. We missed so many shots... we took a lot of bad ones but missed more good ones than normal.
Contrarian take. The Jazz will destroy the Lakers in a playoff series. They played tired last night and it was close. With some rest they would bury the Lakers.
Oof you really think the Jazz beat the Lakers (assuming they have AD back) in the playoffs? Lebron will turn it up a level and we don't have a MIkal Bridges or Jae Crowder to slow him down like the Suns did a year ago.

I'd take lakers in 5 or 6
We would be very intimidated and insecure against the Lakers. Not because we should be, but because we don’t have any mental fortitude to not be and Quin will not offer or instill any other form of confidence other than “trust the system,” which he allows the entire team to collectively abandon at the first sign of adversity.
Oof you really think the Jazz beat the Lakers (assuming they have AD back) in the playoffs? Lebron will turn it up a level and we don't have a MIkal Bridges or Jae Crowder to slow him down like the Suns did a year ago.

I'd take lakers in 5 or 6
5 or 6? The Lakers would take it in 2 or 3, easy!