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Jazz at Trailblazers 4/11 @8 PM Mountain Time

This is a weird game. A game like this is the time for Exum to step up, make drives, make mistakes. But he isn't doing that. We'll see how much progress he makes this summer - just hasn't clicked yet for him, especially without Hayward to babysit.

I also don't understand how we aren't down twenty with the line-up we've played.
The Blazer are daring, DARING Exum to do anything. They aren't even covering Exum. Exum turns the corner, clear path to the basket, and the Blazers back off Exum and Exum passes, TO. Could have easily been a layup. Snyder pulled Exum right after that.

I'm really excited to see Hood and Exum this summer. I expect Hood to have a "Deron" summer league: play 2 games, completely dominate in each one, and then call it quits. I want to see what Exum looks like. Summer league should be where he tries to be the player the scouting report said he is.
Exum with the foul, Exum with the TO, Exum falls down and allows a three, Offensive foul Exum. GET HIM OUT!
I am sick of watching Exum getting switched to the slowest player on the floor and pulling up for off-rhythm 3 instead of driving.
Love the Exum whining. It's classic. Like listening to Roscoe whining or Wilson whining.

Also, who are the Stockton's at the game? The announcers said they come to every Jazz game in Portland.