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Jazz at Wizards Game Thread

Brilliant basketball Hood. Turnover, take a bad shot, then get yourself ejected. Way to help the team.
Favors is "hurt" maybe there is a specialist in Chicago we can send him to while letting Mirotic play for him.

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yamers: hood is just
yamers: enraged
MDAV28: He just hit a guys phone out of his hands in the crowd
MDAV28: No joke
JazzMan4Life: Wow
yamers: rodney hood is having a bad time
Saint: Hood hates refs this year
MDAV28: He might get suspended another game for that
Archie: Hood is a black hole
Ellipse: Hood jawing ain't defending.
Saint: damn did he really?
devin_c: **** hood
Saint: Hood really doesnt get respect from refs tho
MDAV28: Yeah I rewound it. Guy courtside on the way to the locker room holding his phone out and he slapped it out of his hands onto the floor
Archie: Weird fronzen rope layup
yamers: LMAO
Archie: Lol
Archie: Hope someone uploads that on YouTube
Archie: Beautiful pass
Hekate: nice pass there
Saint: I like that Hood did that tho lol
Saint: **** the wizards and their fans and their fan's phones
Archie: We don't need a big, apparently
Hekate: JJ with lockdown defense
jom2003: it takes Hood's ejection for snyder to finally start using this lineup
Archie: Oof

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I am not home so haven't watched any of this game... Did Rubio and Udoh just become Stockton and Malone?
yamers: really wonder what kind of contract hoods gona get in the off-season
yamers: what offers
jom2003: Rubio + 4 shooters
Archie: I think, sometimes, Synder's lineup coaching is his Achilles heel.
Archie: *rotation
yamers: i think snyder's roster is his achilles heal
yamers: heel
MDAV28: I think there's some other forces affecting Snyder's rotations this season
JazzMan4Life: I missed that phone slap hopefully someone uploads a clip lol
jom2003: we have lineups that actually work, but snyder refuse to use them
Archie: True too
yamers: what other forces?
yamers: gorttat looks like a human goat
Archie: Synder's great at developing and engaging players.
yamers: who needs mirotic
yamers: qwhen u got
jom2003: Jerebko killin it
Archie: Jerebko needs more burn.
Jazzta: Jerebko in the right spots
jom2003: dnp after dnp
Rubashov: hey wassup
Rubashov: why is favors out?
Archie: He's being traded and or ankle
MDAV28: Wow Royce
yamers: this wizards team
yamers: wtf is this ********
yamers: can't beat a bunch of dleaguers
Hekate: Royce bringing it
yamers: cant even ****in help us tank
Archie: Royce's confidence is so much better now.
JazzMan4Life: Royce!
Jazzta: Royce is an NBA player
jom2003: fast pace is tha truth

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jom2003: everyone thrivin under fast past
jom2003: *pace
Rubashov: yeah royce makes AB even more expendable. Any word on a destination for favors?
JazzMan4Life: good question why is Favs out?
Saint: sprained ankle
JazzMan4Life: ahh thanks
Archie: Chicago
Jazzta: Favs <---> Mirotic
yamers: ingles right on q
yamers: the tank captain
radiohegel: Hood is about to have a suspension/fine
radiohegel: https://twitter.com/kenny_is_me/status/951268077580136449
jom2003: that was a slow mo turnover
JazzMan4Life: lol thanks radio
JazzMan4Life: def gonna get fined
MDAV28: He will get suspended
Archie: Haha. Thanks for the link.

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jom2003: more pace pls
Hekate: Nice
Jazzta: Lol Hood
JazzMan4Life: hot take: I think we are better with Mitchell on the floor.
Rubashov: yeah thats a good deal, i hate all this waiting until monday...
yamers: lmao hood man
Jazzta: Served that guy right, sticking his phone in his face
jom2003: we are better playing faster, period
yamers: lard **** got floor seats
yamers: surely can afford another phone
jom2003: we don't have the right pieces to play slow, not any more
yamers: hood is probably gone soon anyway
Rubashov: why did hood get tossed?
yamers: talkin **** to the ref
MDAV28: Being a baby
Rubashov: jesus i thought he'd have done something decent like hit someone.
MDAV28: Nope just a fan's phone
Rubashov: pissweak
yamers: yeh was a bit odd ejection
Saint: nah it ws just a high five
yamers: refs are soft
Rubashov: jesus if you're gonna get tossed make it worth it, haven't these kids seen the life and times of dennis rodman?
yamers: jonas
yamers: ****ing idiot
Hekate: How do they call it out of bounds?
Hekate: Just how?
JazzMan4Life: Tony Brothers should have seen that
yamers: jonas seriously an idiot
yamers: howd he miss that dunk

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Rubio trying to get to his average turnover per game before he runs out of time... lol

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yamers: nice outlet by mitchel
yamers: only to have jonas blow it
Rubashov: these refs ****ing suck
MDAV28: It's calls like that, that I just can't understand
yamers: what happen?
MDAV28: I realize the job is hard and you have to be crazy attentive but I don't know how you can justify calling that
yamers: job isn't that difficult
yamers: u got 3 people out there
yamers: all looking for specific things
yamers: they are just in a refferee union
yamers: and they keep cycling in their family members in and friends
yamers: so actually getting into their circle is impossible even if ure an amazing ref
yamers: its all about the union
Jazzta: Come on "el Jazz"
yamers: and then the PC crowd wants a female nba ref
yamers: and shes ovbiously not cut out of the job
Jazzta: Don't be mofos
yamers: she got the job cos shes a female
yamers: lot of other female refs better
yamers: she just happens to be friends with the other ref
yamers: cp3 said the same thing
yamers: tank captain ingles tho
Archie: Great input, Trump.
Jazzta: *barf
Rubashov: well played archie
yamers: i'm black
Saint: Jazz been playing to well
Saint: time to tank
yamers: carry on

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yamers: there we go ingles
Archie: Misogynists come on in colors, like orange.
Archie: Tank
yamers: damn uit
yamers: we needed ingles to continue tankin
Rubashov: He could be the greatest tank commander since Rommel
Hekate: Can't tank with Udoh playing
Hekate: gotta bench hiim
MDAV28: Ooooooo that could've been nasty
jom2003: joe johnson
jom2003: pls come off
yamers: lmao wait
yamers: udoh didnt touch him
yamers: what in the hell! LMAO!
Rubashov: great block
yamers: kelly just got rocked by the rim
Rubashov: they need to bring out the vet with the shotgun and the blue tarp and put Joe johnson out of my misery
MDAV28: I don't understand why they don't bring Oubre over to screen with JJ on him
yamers: mitchell just hasnt been able to get into any rythm
yamers: how are we ahead?
yamers: wtf
Hekate: JJ brought the sneaky defense in the 2nd half

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Sidney Lowe a coach for Washington? I wonder if he’s worn this sports coat to coordinate team colors:

Breaking news. Royce O'Neal is better then Burks and Hood.

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Archie: Udoh>>> Gobert >>> Favors
Saint: Hood was justified
Saint: teh refs suck
yamers: we tankin?
Saint: and teh fan had it coming to him
Ellipse: I like how the assigned assistant coach goes to Rubio and DM to give them advice.
yamers: https://media3.giphy.com/media/zaZ2pATbkfBKw/giphy.gif?cid=8e2f2bd95a56c6797667702e4516daf5" alt="" style="width:179px" />
Rubashov: Sometimes you just gotta slap a bitch
Rubashov: or at least slap their phone like a pansy
Jazzta: This
Ellipse: Don't matter if the fan deserved it, players don't screw with the paying customers.
Archie: I do not want Mitchell in the dunk contest.
MDAV28: I don't think I want to see Don's shooting numbers tonight
yamers: what in gods nmame
MDAV28: Yeah I think that's pretty messed up to hit a random guy's phone
Archie: Stop making shots, damn it.
MDAV28: Didn't even look like he said anything
Rubashov: paying customers? they can go to hell
yamers: rubashov
yamers: shouldnt u be busy hacking the whitehouse
Ellipse: The dunk contest is just an opportunity to get hurt.
Jazzta: You dont stick a phone in a bro's face
Rubashov: yamers you bitch i do what i want
yamers: tank LORD IS BACK
MDAV28: Take us home John Wall

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