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Jazz believe No. 3 pick will bring immediate boost

I am not sure I would say that Knight would bring an immediate boost if he is the guy we choose. Even Kanter a little bit for that matter. I guess we'll see how the workouts go and who the 1st and 2nd pick take.
"Corbin said the No. 3 pick will be a player who can make everyone else better, and push to take an existing player's spot."

Sounds like Knight,Walker, or Williams to me.
"Corbin said the No. 3 pick will be a player who can make everyone else better, and push to take an existing player's spot."

Sounds like Knight,Walker, or Williams to me.

I don't really see Knight being able to contribute next year at all. I don't even see him beating out Watson or Price for the back up job next year. I think he's at least two maybe three years away from contributing. That's fine... if they are looking for a project that might be ready a few years down the road, but if they are looking for someone to push for a starting spot next year, I don't see Knight being that guy. JMHO.
I could see KNight playing backup pg and doing really quite well. If we draft Kanter, Id be much happier to see Millsap moved for a SF and Let Jefferson, Favors, and Kanter fight out the bigs rotation!
If you don't think Knight would beat out Price at the very least then you need to look into a new sport to follow.

Also, I'm gonna blow everyone's mind here, but MAYBE it's in a Chicago paper because that's where the combine is? It's a stretch, I know........but I didn't make my millions playing it safe.
"Corbin said the No. 3 pick will be a player who can make everyone else better, and push to take an existing player's spot."

Sounds like Knight,Walker, or Williams to me.

As we know Corbin does not make the pick so I think KOC will go with who will be best for the future of the Jazz, not the first few months of the season. Much like he did with Hayward.
I just don't see what he does better than Price. They both can hit open jumpers. I don't see Knight being overly quick so I don't see him being able to get by anyone on the dribble. They just said on the NBA Combine that Knight can't go left yet. He's not that physical yet. He's got size and he's a good shot... but he's also pretty streaky. I didn't say he'd never be better than Price. Just don't see it yet. I realize a lot of people are a lot higher on Knight than I am... I just see him being a better college player than a pro.
Sorry but Price has never shot consistently and he is a border line NBA player so I doubt he is better than Knight. On the other hand, I would not pick Knight at 3 either.
It's Kanter all the way if he's there. Stop fooling yourselves.

You can start printing the Kanter jerseys now....I'm that sure.