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jazz fanz= ra-tards


Well-Known Member
wow jazz fanz are really retarded! all 90% of the posters on here do is bash the players on the jazz team.
2 years ago how bad boozers D was. how bad memos D was. how bad dwill was.
last year how good big was then how bad he was.
then how good dwill was trhen how bad he was.
and this year is just bag on everyone, 90% of the people on here have no idea how to play ball or anything, and are just pawns.
oh yeah not to mention the disgrace of the jimmer stuff, never should fans of a team be cheering for a player on the other team to come into the game...
i hope the rumors of the millers moving the team are true.
people in utah dont deserve a team. your all a bunch of idoits
oh yeah not to mention the badgering of slaon on how bad he was... then the crying when he "retired" and now everyone hates corbin
Before you start calling everyone idiots you should learn how to spell it. Secondly, this is a Jazz discussion board where fans have a chance to compliment, complain, rant, express eternal love for the Jazz or one of its players. So if you are offended or pissed at the discuss how about you come up with an intelligent rebuttal instead of 4th grade rant about how everyone is picking on the team.

Sorry if it offends you that players, coaches and even organizations can frustrate fans but they also can bring excited and joy. However, you can't have it both ways. If all you do is brag about how wonderful the Jazz are then you are a homer. If all you do is complain then you are a whiner. The reality is most people are a little of both but I am certainly glad that Jazzfanz and the Utah Jazz are part of my life. I appreciate both but even if it means that every so often we have some holier-than-thou poster who whines about people pointing out the reality of the team's play. You are welcome to stay or you can leave if the discussion upsets you so much. There is really no reason to call the whole board idiots. You sound pretty thin-skinned.

As far as the Jazz moving, do you have some credible source for your ridiculous threat? I highly doubt that will happen but if they do I will still be a Jazz fan and I will still complain when the Jazz suck and when they play well I will cheer them on. No matter what I will be a fan until my last breath.
How could I not see this before? If I am so obviously a ra-tard when it comes to NBA matters, how else am I wrong? Maybe Xenu DID nuke the volcanoes of souls. Maybe 220 lbs is too heavy for my height. Am I even real? Why is there something instead of nothing?

What a life altering thread. Thank you OP.
wow jazz fanz are really retarded! all 90% of the posters on here do is bash the players on the jazz team.
2 years ago how bad boozers D was. how bad memos D was. how bad dwill was.
last year how good big was then how bad he was.
then how good dwill was trhen how bad he was.
and this year is just bag on everyone, 90% of the people on here have no idea how to play ball or anything, and are just pawns.
oh yeah not to mention the disgrace of the jimmer stuff, never should fans of a team be cheering for a player on the other team to come into the game...
i hope the rumors of the millers moving the team are true.
people in utah dont deserve a team. your all a bunch of idoits

Says the guy whose ex was the biggest trollop this side of Bangkok.
wow jazz fanz are really retarded! all 90% of the posters on here do is bash the players on the jazz team.
2 years ago how bad boozers D was. how bad memos D was. how bad dwill was.
last year how good big was then how bad he was.
then how good dwill was trhen how bad he was.
and this year is just bag on everyone, 90% of the people on here have no idea how to play ball or anything, and are just pawns.
oh yeah not to mention the disgrace of the jimmer stuff, never should fans of a team be cheering for a player on the other team to come into the game...
i hope the rumors of the millers moving the team are true.
people in utah dont deserve a team. your all a bunch of idoits

wow jazz fanz are really retarded! all 90% of the posters on here do is bash the players on the jazz team.
2 years ago how bad boozers D was. how bad memos D was. how bad dwill was.
last year how good big was then how bad he was.
then how good dwill was trhen how bad he was.
and this year is just bag on everyone, 90% of the people on here have no idea how to play ball or anything, and are just pawns.
oh yeah not to mention the disgrace of the jimmer stuff, never should fans of a team be cheering for a player on the other team to come into the game...
i hope the rumors of the millers moving the team are true.
people in utah dont deserve a team. your all a bunch of idoits

wow jazz fanz are really retarded! all 90% of the posters on here do is bash the players on the jazz team.
2 years ago how bad boozers D was. how bad memos D was. how bad dwill was.
last year how good big was then how bad he was.
then how good dwill was trhen how bad he was.
and this year is just bag on everyone, 90% of the people on here have no idea how to play ball or anything, and are just pawns.
oh yeah not to mention the disgrace of the jimmer stuff, never should fans of a team be cheering for a player on the other team to come into the game...
i hope the rumors of the millers moving the team are true.
people in utah dont deserve a team. your all a bunch of idoits
You dirty rat!
My favorite part was how 90% of the jazz fanz don't know how to play ball or anything...makes me wonder who he is watching. Do we have a stalker? Beware the blue sedan driving by while you are in your drive way shooting hoops and DO NOT take candy from strangers.
My favorite part was how 90% of the jazz fanz don't know how to play ball or anything...makes me wonder who he is watching. Do we have a stalker? Beware the blue sedan driving by while you are in your drive way shooting hoops and DO NOT take candy from strangers.

I'm part of the 10%
Love playing Bball...cant' understand how you can watch basketball without having played it
rosepark is the best kind of dual account at Jazzfanz. It's used sparingly, and always gets the unsuspecting.

As with all dual accounts, I blame Franklin until it's proven otherwise.
...frankly, in a Depression type economy, when players make 10's of thousands of dollars per game.....and millions a year......while playing like chumps....we have the right and prerogative to criticize profusely any and all such types whenever we want!