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Jazz@hawks, 3.25.12, 4:00 p.m.

I'm not sure if anyone here has yet but if not I'll be the first to attempt to defend Corbin by saying that the starters likely told him there was no way they were being pulled from the game, and Corbin may have thought it may be wise to leave them in for two reasons. If he sat them, the back-ups (Favors, Burks, etc.) would likely have to finish that OT period because of the short time frame. Additionally, the minute he sat them (especially Big Al), their legs would tie up, and they'd be worthless if he tried to get them back in there.
CJ never should have been in at the start of the 2 OT. Ty should have put Favors in for at least 2 minutes. Stupid goddamn coaching.
this loss is on TY
he never ever subs in OT
0-3 for this road trip
0 ****ing 3 thx to ty stupiidity
hawks on 3 rd night of a back to back
3rd night yet you dont use fresh legs
**** ty corbin he sucks
Hopefully this game roots out all the morons who think Ty is a genius for exhausting the starters.

27 combined minutes for Kanter and Favors in a 4OT game. Think about that.
When we were up I knew it meant another OT. When they were up I knew it meant the game was over. CJ has no understanding that if you don't finish the play then everything you did before on the play don't mean anything. He only cares about how he looks as he lets the ball go I think.

My health is not good today that's why I'm acting like a grumpy old man but if I could hit these guys with my cane I would right now.