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Jazz make an offer to Josh Howard

Word is Spurs have offered Howard something. Do we want Howard now that the genius that is Popovich approves of Howard?

Not everyone has to be uber proud of this nation. Have we done great things?? Ya sure. But, so has J Kidd and he liked to beat his wife. Don't have to pretend that we didn't have slavery, practically wipe out the indigenous people of this nation, and we get our first African-American President just to treat his as the biggest scape goat for problems that have been hanging over this nation for decades.
Not everyone has to be uber proud of this nation. Have we done great things?? Ya sure. But, so has J Kidd and he liked to beat his wife. Don't have to pretend that we didn't have slavery, practically wipe out the indigenous people of this nation, and we get our first African-American President just to treat his as the biggest scape goat for problems that have been hanging over this nation for decades.

Please "Go Occupy" something. We are talking about a milliionaire basketball player here.
Personally, I like to see a willingness to look at guys with character issues in their past. Unlike most teams in the NBA, the Jazz have a clear identity and culture. It might be Sloan's greatest legacy. So anybody signing with the Jazz knows coming in how we do things. As a result, KOC can take a few more risks because there's no fear of turning into a Sacramento where the inmates run the asylum.

Aside from smoking joints and dissing national anthem, what are character probs with Howard? Sincere question.

(BTW, I don't see either as a character issue, in fact, I think both are much ado about nothing. I'd, for example, take these over someone who hangs out in strip clubs with shady characters any day. Although Howard may do those too for all I know.)

Any of those issues by itself is not such a huge deal, but they do kind of show a pattern of a guy with questionable judgment. I'm not wild about him anyway. He was pretty good at one point but seems to have declined significantly. I'm more worried about a decline in skills and recovery from major injury than I am whether he shows the appropriate reverence during national anthem.
Please "Go Occupy" something. We are talking about a milliionaire basketball player here.

So, what difference does it make if he's a millionaire basketball player? I think the point was that the poster didn't think the issue about national anthem was such a big deal and that there may be some justification for it (not saying I agree) and that this is not necessarily a good reason to oppose Howard. That fact that he's a millionaire basketball player strikes me as irrelevant to the point he was trying to make. (I don't agree with Howard's statement on this issue, but I see his conduct in this case as inconsequential.)
If he plays good and contributes to the team then I say bring him in. There are too many haters out there who just don't want to let things go. I think that we are in need of a strong 2 or 3 and Howard plays to this great. I like this deal and if the Jazz can wrap this up will only be a stronger team. Lets see him play and then we can judge him.
If he plays good and contributes to the team then I say bring him in. There are too many haters out there who just don't want to let things go. I think that we are in need of a strong 2 or 3 and Howard plays to this great. I like this deal and if the Jazz can wrap this up will only be a stronger team. Lets see him play and then we can judge him.

If we feel strongly enough that his character is good enough that it will not effect our younger players, considering him is not so bad. However, when is the last time he played good basketball if that is all you care about?