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Jazz midseason ratings


Well-Known Member
What are your ratings for the Jazz players so far? What would you give to Corbin? Rate with an A, A- and so on.You are welcomed to argue why you gave this kind of a rating to a certain player. I hope we don't have a similar thread. Please only give one rating and not two like me. At the end, we can look what the average ratings are and whether you are satisfied with the players and coach's performance or not. Discuss.

Al Jefferson - B+ (or A-) : like him or not, still our best player and reliable in the clutch.

Paul Millsap - B- (or C+) : inconsistent but has improved lately. still a good player. i miss the old mansap.

Marvin Williams - C : biggest disappointment so far. should be more aggressive and take it more to the basket for a guy with his athleticizm. lacks the fire but still a decent role player. about the only one on the starting lineup that plays good defence. misused? will do much better next year.

Randy Foye - C+ (or B-) : a guy that is not afraid to take a three point shoot and makes them at a good rate. brings nothing else to the table. can help a lot if he hits his shots. not a starter at all. still handles the ball well and can be 'the man' at times. did not really expect more.

Jamaal Tinsley - B- : has done a great job replacing mowill. the only real point guard on this team. does a better job running the team than williams. a joy to watch.

Gordon Hayward - B+ : somewhat inconsistent. still a good and versatile player that can do about everything on the floor. very talented and good season so far. all-star potential.

Derrick Favors - B+ : next year should be his breakout season. tons of potential. a defensive stalwart in the making. needs to improve his offense. will he put it together? all-star potential.

Enes Kanter - B : has improved his game and will only continue to get better. tons of potential. literarily the bull from istanbul with great touch. an all-star in the making?

Alec Burks - N/A : can't say much. wasted talent, screwed on the bench like other young studs.

Demarre Carroll - A- : very satisfied with him. great energy and defense off the bench. can hit some shots. deserves more minutes like kanter, favors and burks also.

Earl Watson - D : quite useless but tries hard at times.

Maurice Williams - C+ : plays out of control, not controlling the tempo, many mistakes. can still score and shoot the ball. bad shooting selections at times like foye. can really impact the game sometimes. maybe a little bit underrated. still adds something and leadership to this team. it's not like we are really missing him a lot since Tinsley took over.

Jeremy Evans - N/A : no comment.

Kevin Murphy - N/A : no comment.

Coach Corbin - C : not a fan of his. average at best. still a classy guy.
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First, there is no such thing as an A+. Second, if you give Earl a C then you don't watch the games! These PG we have continually pick up their dribble just below the three point line. Damn, I'm so sick of our guards!
i tried to fix it a little bit. i had no expectations from watson, but tinsley and carroll as well as kanter are the players i am most satisfied with. i expected bigger leaps by favors and more consistency from hayward. but they still have done a really good job. i'am most disappointed in mawill, followed by millsap.
What are your ratings for the Jazz players so far? What would you give to Corbin? Rate with an A+, A, A- and so on.You are welcomed to argue why you gave this kind of a rating to a certain player. I hope we don't have a similar thread. Please only give one rating and not two like me. At the end, we can look what the average ratings are and whether you are satisfied with the players and coach's performance or not. Discuss.

Al Jefferson - B+
Paul Millsap - B
Marvin Williams - C
Randy Foye - C+
Jamaal Tinsley - C+

Gordon Hayward - B-
Derrick Favors - B
Enes Kanter - B
Alec Burks - C or N/A
Demarre Carroll - B-
Earl Watson - D+

Maurice Williams - C+

Jeremy Evans - N/A
Kevin Murphy - N/A

Coach Corbin - C+

Hey y'all. Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been stalking the board long enough that I think I have the lingo down somewhat. Lets see....
Jefferson sucks, trade him now.
Corbin can't coach worth a damn.
Can the CJ Miles experiment please end?
Page after page of crazy *** trade ideas that don't make a damn bit of sense.
And...oh yeah, of course, Best Buy.

Sorry guys, I don't have any insider information (was it Grand Harrison?) to offer, just a basketball fan that loves the jazz.

Now, for the "grades".

Al Jefferson - B+ (consistent scorer. Makes bone headed decisions at times. Passes A LITTLE out of the post now.)
Paul Millsap - B+ (had little slump, but I think still the jazz overall best player)
Marvin Williams - D (where the hell has this guy been? I had high hopes he would break out. Guess not)
Randy Foye - B (provides just what we hoped he would. Three point shooting. Defense is suspect, but it's not his fault Corbin uses him wrong)
Jamaal Tinsley - B+ (has filled in nicely for Mo)

Gordon Hayward the starter: B-, GH off the bench: A- (perfect role coming off bench. Getting better. Is Hayward God?)
Derrick Favors - B (needs more minutes. Offense coming slower than I hoped, but coming)
Enes Kanter - B (needs more minutes. Could be a beast)
Alec Burks - B (has shown a little promise in limited minutes. Jury still out)
Demarre Carroll - A (should be starting. Has trouble deafening in the post, but great all around hustle guy)
Earl Watson - B- (shouldn't get a lot of minutes....but can make impact for what little talent he has...in limited minutes)

Maurice Williams - B (is what I thought he would be. But, not long term solution.)

Jeremy Evans - incomplete
Kevin Murphy - Incomplete

Coach Corbin - D+ (has shown that he CAN make adjustments, but seems awful reluctant to do so)
Al Jefferson - B: Improved passing and defense against the PNR. Still our most reliable offensive player
Paul Millsap - C-: Very dissappointed in him this season. No longer hustles and has become worse than Al on defense
Marvin Williams - C: A little dissappointed in him. Was hoping for him to get better in our system. If we had a system that is.
Randy Foye - B: Did not expect much from him. His 3 point shooting has been fantastic and he's shown that he can handle the ball.
Jamaal Tinsley - B-: Not starter quality but that is not his fault. Was an adequate backup and is our best passer at PG.
Gordon Hayward - B+: Quickly becoming our best player right now. Should be getting even more minutes. Still learning and making mistakes though.
Derrick Favors - B+: Best defender on the team by a mile. Showing signs of an offensive game though he is inconsistent there. Maybe that's because he rarely gets a shot on that end of the floor.
Enes Kanter - B: A pleasant surprise for me. I was down on him after last season and camp. Has looked better than expected so far this season.
Alec Burks - I: Have not seen enough of him on the floor. Shows signs of being able to play PG and SG and that is encouraging though.
Demarre Carroll - A: Is our best wing player not named Hayward. Great on the defensive end and brings hustle to every play. Should be playing more than Foye, Burks and Marvin
Earl Watson - F: Flat out the worst player on the team. No shot. Too many To's. and really brings nothing but an alley oop pass occasionally.
Maurice Williams - C-: He just doesn't look or play like a PG. I'd rather have Tinsley on the floor than him and rather have Foye, Hayward or Burks at SG.
Coach Corbin - D: I just don't think he's a good coach. I think this year and last should have been about the future and developing our roster. Feels like it's completely been 2 wasted seasons.
Al Jefferson - B: Improved passing and defense against the PNR. Still our most reliable offensive player
Paul Millsap - C-: Very dissappointed in him this season. No longer hustles and has become worse than Al on defense
Marvin Williams - C: A little dissappointed in him. Was hoping for him to get better in our system. If we had a system that is.
Randy Foye - B: Did not expect much from him. His 3 point shooting has been fantastic and he's shown that he can handle the ball.
Jamaal Tinsley - B-: Not starter quality but that is not his fault. Was an adequate backup and is our best passer at PG.
Gordon Hayward - B+: Quickly becoming our best player right now. Should be getting even more minutes. Still learning and making mistakes though.
Derrick Favors - B+: Best defender on the team by a mile. Showing signs of an offensive game though he is inconsistent there. Maybe that's because he rarely gets a shot on that end of the floor.
Enes Kanter - B: A pleasant surprise for me. I was down on him after last season and camp. Has looked better than expected so far this season.
Alec Burks - I: Have not seen enough of him on the floor. Shows signs of being able to play PG and SG and that is encouraging though.
Demarre Carroll - A: Is our best wing player not named Hayward. Great on the defensive end and brings hustle to every play. Should be playing more than Foye, Burks and Marvin
Earl Watson - F: Flat out the worst player on the team. No shot. Too many To's. and really brings nothing but an alley oop pass occasionally.
Maurice Williams - C-: He just doesn't look or play like a PG. I'd rather have Tinsley on the floor than him and rather have Foye, Hayward or Burks at SG.
Coach Corbin - D: I just don't think he's a good coach. I think this year and last should have been about the future and developing our roster. Feels like it's completely been 2 wasted seasons.

I agree with this 100%
Al Jefferson - B: Improved passing and defense against the PNR. Still our most reliable offensive player
Paul Millsap - C-: Very dissappointed in him this season. No longer hustles and has become worse than Al on defense
Marvin Williams - C: A little dissappointed in him. Was hoping for him to get better in our system. If we had a system that is.
Randy Foye - B: Did not expect much from him. His 3 point shooting has been fantastic and he's shown that he can handle the ball.
Jamaal Tinsley - B-: Not starter quality but that is not his fault. Was an adequate backup and is our best passer at PG.
Gordon Hayward - B+: Quickly becoming our best player right now. Should be getting even more minutes. Still learning and making mistakes though.
Derrick Favors - B+: Best defender on the team by a mile. Showing signs of an offensive game though he is inconsistent there. Maybe that's because he rarely gets a shot on that end of the floor.
Enes Kanter - B: A pleasant surprise for me. I was down on him after last season and camp. Has looked better than expected so far this season.
Alec Burks - I: Have not seen enough of him on the floor. Shows signs of being able to play PG and SG and that is encouraging though.
Demarre Carroll - A: Is our best wing player not named Hayward. Great on the defensive end and brings hustle to every play. Should be playing more than Foye, Burks and Marvin
Earl Watson - F: Flat out the worst player on the team. No shot. Too many To's. and really brings nothing but an alley oop pass occasionally.
Maurice Williams - C-: He just doesn't look or play like a PG. I'd rather have Tinsley on the floor than him and rather have Foye, Hayward or Burks at SG.
Coach Corbin - D: I just don't think he's a good coach. I think this year and last should have been about the future and developing our roster. Feels like it's completely been 2 wasted seasons.

way too hard on Millsap, but that's your shtick.

Not a bad list otherwise.
My stab at it:

Big Al = B+. While I think he still needs to go for youth to develop, from the old eye test he has improved his passing a ton. Watching him get killed on the boards against the Lakers was disturbing though. Still, while he's a black hole he's becoming less of one.

Sap = C+. I do remember a day when he hustled like hell and played good defense and was a great rebounder. Still, his offense is fairly consistent and I really believe he is one of the most disrespected players in the league when it comes to refs. I loved the tech he picked up yesterday, and wish Corbin would pick up a few for him. He gets hammered a ton and can't get to the line. If the refs were fair to him he might be averaging a few more points a game.

Marv = C-. His defense is fine, and he can hit a shot every now and then. Other than that I'm not sure what he does, though at least he doesn't seem to make waves when being benched.

Tinsley = C+. A lot better than I thought he would be. He runs the offense pretty well and is the best passer on the team. Still his defense is awful (granted it's his age, but still) and his shot selection isn't great. Though he does have those games where he is hitting shots. A B- would be a fair grade too.

Foye = B. Probably the best shooter on the team. A terrible defender, but his relative consistency lately on shots has turned me into a fan.

Hayward = A-. I really think he might become the best player on the team. He's a little out of control at times but he comes in and makes an impact and is really just solid all around. Good defender, good passer, good driver, good shooter. That many goods starts to equal to great to me.

Watson = D. Granted, there are games like yesterday where he hustled his *** off, and he usually at least does that, but when those plays aren't working I'm at a loss to see what he does well on the court. His defense isn't great and his offense is horrid. I guess he's good for an ally oop pass and a steal or two.

Favors = B. Actually I think he's coming along better. His jumper is getting a little more reliable, as with his FT shooting. His defense is great, and if he can develop a few moves he really can be a quality big.

Kanter = B. Almost the same with Favors, though I think he has the potential to be a much better offensive player but not as good on defense. Wish the Jazz would let him try that 15 footer a little more, he has a pretty smooth shot. Both him and Favors' skill sets seem to compliment each other, which is why I can't wait until they are starting together, if that ever happens.

Carroll = A-. In a just world he would be the starting wing over Marv. He has great energy, plays ok defense, and his offensive game is improving. He's exactly the sort of guy who goes out there and does the dirty work and doesn't demand the ball all the time. I love his game.

Burks = C. Though I haven't seen him play much to give him a better or worse grade. There are times out there when he does stuff that makes me cringe, but I legitimately believe he's playing under better control and not chucking as the games have gone by. I thought he did well with the Foye lineup that Ty has abandoned for some odd reason.

Evans = D. Granted, he pretty much never plays. Doesn't seem to do all that much when he does play. I'm not sure he's cut out for the NBA, but hope I'm wrong since he's just such a solid guy that it's hard not to root for him. That being said I hope he can get as much money as he can in this league and cash out and have a good life. Hope to see him in the dunk contest.

Murphy = Inc. Though if I werent' giving those grades it would be an F. I don't see much NBA level talent there either, though he hasn't had much chance to show anything.

Mo = Inc. Until he got hurt it would have been a C+. He doesn't seem like much of a PG and honestly, I've never seen a starting caliber PG have so many problems dribbling, but he can score well.

Ty = C-. Probably a high grade from a total Ty basher like myself, and I detest his substitution patterns and his unwillingness to call a timeout and his bizarre fetish for the vets, but hey, the Jazz are over .500 playing a heavy road schedule of games. That has to be worth something.
A+ for everybody.

since i am not living in the states and never have, i thought it would exist and i am sure this rating system exists in some areas in the states. due to the fact that it might make some of you guys happier, i deleted A+. if you would know about the foreign european rating system, you would have no clue about ratings. for example, switzerland, germany, turkey, france and so on are all different. so forgive us since we are talking in a second language and about different rating systems that is completely unknown to us. btw, myself being able to talk 6 different languages doesn't make the whole thing easier at all. :)
Mo Williams B+
Jamaal Tinsley B+
Earl Watson B-

Randy Foye B
Gordon Hayward A-
Alec Burks C+
Kevin Murphy D

Marvin Williams C
DeMarre Carroll A
Jeremy Evans N/A

Paul Millsap B
Derrick Favors B

Enes Kanter A
Al Jefferson C
since i am not living in the states and never have, i thought it would exist and i am sure this rating system exists in some areas in the states. due to the fact that it might make some of you guys happier, i deleted A+. if you would know about the foreign european rating system, you would have no clue about ratings. for example, switzerland, germany, turkey, france and so on are all different. so forgive us since we are talking in a second language and about different rating systems that is completely unknown to us. btw, myself being able to talk 6 different languages doesn't make the whole thing easier at all. :)

As far as I know, there really is no A+ as a formal grade in their system but non-education-related grade-givers use that as a sign of extreme satisfaction from the subject's performance. So no problem using it.
Good thread and effort but it does not make any different unless you change the rotation, make huge moves and transform mind of Corbin to other way. The average rating for this team is C and it's mediocrity for the team which will be 7th or 8th and get out of playoff earliest just like last year.
Al Jefferson - B: Improved passing and defense against the PNR. Still our most reliable offensive player
Paul Millsap - C-: Very dissappointed in him this season. No longer hustles and has become worse than Al on defense
Marvin Williams - C: A little dissappointed in him. Was hoping for him to get better in our system. If we had a system that is.
Randy Foye - B: Did not expect much from him. His 3 point shooting has been fantastic and he's shown that he can handle the ball.
Jamaal Tinsley - B-: Not starter quality but that is not his fault. Was an adequate backup and is our best passer at PG.
Gordon Hayward - B+: Quickly becoming our best player right now. Should be getting even more minutes. Still learning and making mistakes though.
Derrick Favors - B+: Best defender on the team by a mile. Showing signs of an offensive game though he is inconsistent there. Maybe that's because he rarely gets a shot on that end of the floor.
Enes Kanter - B: A pleasant surprise for me. I was down on him after last season and camp. Has looked better than expected so far this season.
Alec Burks - I: Have not seen enough of him on the floor. Shows signs of being able to play PG and SG and that is encouraging though.
Demarre Carroll - A: Is our best wing player not named Hayward. Great on the defensive end and brings hustle to every play. Should be playing more than Foye, Burks and Marvin
Earl Watson - F: Flat out the worst player on the team. No shot. Too many To's. and really brings nothing but an alley oop pass occasionally.
Maurice Williams - C-: He just doesn't look or play like a PG. I'd rather have Tinsley on the floor than him and rather have Foye, Hayward or Burks at SG.
Coach Corbin - D: I just don't think he's a good coach. I think this year and last should have been about the future and developing our roster. Feels like it's completely been 2 wasted seasons.

That about sums it up right there. We have a good fun roster that should be more exciting that it is. One man is responsible for our misery.
It's Ty. Big Al and Sap would actually be fun to watch if they were split up. Marvin is too high. He's pretty bad for as many minutes as he plays.
If he was a fringe role player I'd give him a C. He would be decent to have in certain situations. Where he is at now he is almost as bad as Watson.
Watson a little low. He's a good alley hoop passer :cool:. Plays decent at home. Watson, and Marvin I've give D+s too.
Al Jefferson - B+ (or A-) : like him or not, still our best player and reliable in the clutch.

he is not our best player
kanter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jefferson

there is more to basketball then chucking 15+ shots per game.
he is not our best player
kanter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jefferson

there is more to basketball then chucking 15+ shots per game.

i'm not a big fan of jefferson. i'd rather see our young guys get his minutes. but still, he was the most reliable player in the first half.