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Jazz moving up in the draft?

Be shocking if they are aren't trying to move up. We don't need a 14 and 21 given the amount of young uns already in the fold. And I think they and most teams do try and move up every year but very difficult to pull off. I don't think it has ever been a PR move.

Who are the young guys already in the fold? We have like 5? 6 guys under contract, a vet who will for sure opt in because he sucked last year, and a ton of cap space that will need to be used in one way or another. The jazz could draft and sign 3 more rookies and still have room for vets. Besides, i thought the youth movement was on? And can Hayward really be considered that young anymore? Isn't Evans like 24 or 25 now? Hmmm

The jazz have a ton of holes and this draft is find outside of the top 10. I say stand pat (unless moving up really is an option that comes uber cheap) and draft these young kids. Then go from there maintaining cap room because come feb teams are going to look for salary dumps.
It's the BYU syndrome. 1/2 the fanbase hears their football team talk about impossible things, such as Heismans, National Champions, BCS bowls, etc and it never happens...yet they are trained to buy the hype (like this year, there are a lot of BYU fans that think Hill will be better than Tebow). Too much fantasy, not enough reality.

Don't think hill will be better than tebow, just better than wilson
It's the BYU syndrome. 1/2 the fanbase hears their football team talk about impossible things, such as Heismans, National Champions, BCS bowls, etc and it never happens...yet they are trained to buy the hype (like this year, there are a lot of BYU fans that think Hill will be better than Tebow). Too much fantasy, not enough reality.

While you're right when it comes to fans having their heads in the clouds I just want to remind lil brother fans that...

Remember how you folks were going to compete with USC for the division championship? At least, that's what I remember a lot of fans saying. What was your record last year? And the year before that? What are the predictions for next season looking like?

Ummmm yeah. Nice try lil brother ;)
I do not see any player that I would want to move up for. I think the Jazz need to fill up the roster and stay where they are. I think there are plenty of options at 14 and 21 that will be equal or better than a top 10 pick.
That's fine. But unlike many posters here, if we crack the top 10 I'd be more inclined to draft big than to draft a guy like Burke or CJ.

If you have a top 10 pick ALWAYS take BPA. Always. Ask Portland why you should never draft for need in the top 10 (MJ, Durant, Deron, etc). Oh, and has trading down ever worked out for anyone?
If you have a top 10 pick ALWAYS take BPA. Always. Ask Portland why you should never draft for need in the top 10 (MJ, Durant, Deron, etc). Oh, and has trading down ever worked out for anyone?

right. And if we do trade up then I think it is worth considering that the BPA isn't any of the most talked about "fan favorites" here on this board like CJ or Burke. In fact, it could easily be someone like Steven Adams.
Heyyy crazy thought... What if they're trying to move up in the second round? Trying to grab Erick Green or Nate Wolters early?
While you're right when it comes to fans having their heads in the clouds I just want to remind lil brother fans that...

Remember how you folks were going to compete with USC for the division championship? At least, that's what I remember a lot of fans saying. What was your record last year? And the year before that? What are the predictions for next season looking like?

Ummmm yeah. Nice try lil brother ;)

Not just fans. Media, ESPN, everyone said IF Wynn can stay healthy, Utah would compete for the South. Wynn didn't, they didn't.

Little brother? You are the one running around whining about Utah not playing you anymore?

"Mom! Big brother won't play with me anymore! Make him play with me!"

Ha ha. Little brother. You are so big and powerful, is that why you just signed a 2 for 1 with Arizona? Because all these teams are lining up to play you? Because you bring so much to the table, you get the same treatment as Utah State, Fresno State, etc? LOL. Good for you.

But hey, Heaps is going to win the Heisman this year, right? And BYU will be playing for a national title? Or is it that Hill is better than Tebow? LOL. Anae, who had his issues when he was here the first time has suddenly fixed them and will take BYU to the promised land? LOL. Good luck with that.

We will see how BYU does playing a 1/2 BCS schedule this year. Last year they played fewer BCS teams than this year and they still struggled. But hey, you lost a first round pick on defense, lots of DL, your OL is a mess, your starting QB hasn't played against real competition, your best WR disappears in big games, and your CB's are a mess. But you'll be great. LOL.
Burks will be an all-star in this league. If they trade him I at least hope it will be to somewhere that will allow him to grow and develop.
Burks will be an all-star in this league. If they trade him I at least hope it will be to somewhere that will allow him to grow and develop.
I remember hearing this about Shandon Anderson, Russell, CJ, Brewer, etc. The Jazz just hold players back.
I remember hearing this about Shandon Anderson, Russell, CJ, Brewer, etc. The Jazz just hold players back.
Jerry broke them and destroyed their self-confidence. Look what happened to Snyder and Humphries. One ended up a CRAZY criminal; the other ended up marrying a Kardashian.
Jerry broke them and destroyed their self-confidence. Look what happened to Snyder and Humphries. One ended up a CRAZY criminal; the other ended up marrying a Kardashian.

Hahaha... may be Ty could be a bit more forgiving? I see that as 1 area where Ty could be an improvement on Sloan. Kids these days are much more sensitive, they need to be nurtured in a different way. May be Ty is better placed to do that (his son's age is similar to these kids')
I'm betting the Jazz will trade Burks to move up in the draft. I seriously, seriously doubt they'd trade Hayward, Favors, or Kanter to move up (given that they're better than anyone being drafted this year), which leaves Burks as the only other serious piece of trade bait. There are enough smart GMs out there who see Burks' value, despite how much Corbin tried to squash it.