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Jazz players gamertags

Brian Peppers

Well-Known Member
I saw hayward posted his on twitter a few days ago

i GTime i

what other jazz players have x box live?

i only know of him, CJ Miles, Deron, and Sundiata
My husband is "friends" with CJ, and Eric Maynor on x-box. Paul Millsap is also on it.
My husband sometimes plays COD with all of them. His friendship has been pending with Millsap for awhile now. My husband teased Millsap about it when we saw him at the dodge barrage. He says he hasn't played for a long time now. It was a totally funny conversation.
I used to know Deron's gamertag. It was something like Go8 something something. He never accepted my friend request though.
How's the weed and the feral life of the woods treating you, commie?
Looking at heading back to school (Masters in Math at McGill, hopefully) come January. Broke and jobless currently (don't speak French, job market in Northeast Kingdom of Vermont total ****). Could use some better weed. Life's ok, I guess.
the most random thread bump I have witnessed all year.
We're talking videogames not movie players


I know someone with low enough intellect to play an XBOX might "think" seeing this amazing of graphics in a game might seem like it's a movie...but, it is in fact a game...GT5 is better than anything you'll ever play on an XBOX. FACT.

I know someone with low enough intellect to play an XBOX might "think" seeing this amazing of graphics in a game might seem like it's a movie...but, it is in fact a game...GT5 is better than anything you'll ever play on an XBOX. FACT.

Except it's not any fun :(

Xbox Live > PSN. Social and competitive MOST THINGS is more fun that solo MOST THINGS. Even someone with low intellect can figure that one out.


For the record though, I really don't care. At this point I'm just pushing your buttons out of troll spite. I admit it.
Shift 2 has been dubbed > GT5 in every way. I agree, although I play both systems, so I don't have to argue about which system is better.