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Jazz roster vs Bulls roster

Jazz 8/24

which would you rather have?

Williams / Rose
Bell or Miles / Brewer
Kirilenko / Deng
Jefferson or Millsap / Boozer
Okur or Jefferson / Noah

going to make for 2 great games this year!
Atleast we'll be the ones guarding brewer 10 feet away on the perimeter now!
This is seriously the sixth time i've posted this:

Deron > Rose
Hayward > Brewer
Jefferson > Boozer
CJ > Korver
AK > Deng
Millsap > Noah
Sloan > Tib
This is seriously the sixth time i've posted this:

Deron > Rose
Hayward > Brewer
Jefferson > Boozer
CJ > Korver
AK > Deng
Millsap > Noah
Sloan > Tib

That's the only one I'd say you were wrong on, but CJ's Contract > Korver's
It really is funny that Chicago picked up all our soft rejects. But I have a feeling all 3 players will shine on that team.
I see Boozer and Korver being successful there, at least offensively. They are both great elements to have on the pick-and-roll with Rose. Defensively, they will only get worse as they get older. With their coach being defensive minded, I could see them falling out of favor towards the end of their contracts (especially Boozer). Brewer will be ok at best...they've got a lot better options offensively.
which would you rather have?

Williams / Rose
Bell or Miles / Brewer
Kirilenko / Deng
Jefferson or Millsap / Boozer
Okur or Jefferson / Noah

going to make for 2 great games this year!

My best five would be Williams/ Bell/ Deng/ Okur/ Noah with Jefferson off the bench as the first big for both the four and five positions and Korver off the bench as the first small for the two and three positions in the rotation. Kirilenko would also be in the eight man rotation. Rose could back up Williams if he wishes.
which would you rather have?

going to make for 2 great games this year!

Jefferson > Noah
Millsap < Boozer
(this matchup will be fun to watch)

Kirilenko > Deng
CJ => Korver
Bell > Brewer

Williams > Rose (unless Rose steps on his foot)
My Dog > Price/Gaines
That's the only one I'd say you were wrong on, but CJ's Contract > Korver's

I also disagree on CJ>Korver. Definitely Korver>CJ, and as far as contracts go... from all that was said about Korver's desire to stay here, he probably would have signed a CJ-like contract here.
I also disagree on CJ>Korver. Definitely Korver>CJ, and as far as contracts go... from all that was said about Korver's desire to stay here, he probably would have signed a CJ-like contract here.

CJ>Korver. And it's really not close. Korver is the better shooter. CJ is better at every other facet of the game.
I also disagree on CJ>Korver. Definitely Korver>CJ, and as far as contracts go... from all that was said about Korver's desire to stay here, he probably would have signed a CJ-like contract here.

it seems like people on this board undervalue cj. he is a major asset to this team. what he showed me in the playoffs really made me become a hardcore cj fan. dont you all see that he is only 23 and has all around game? his passing game especially is very underrated. he is definately better than korver.
You guys are underrating Noah. Jesus.

I would rather have him over Millsap any day.
