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Jazz trade Olynyk and Ochai to Toronto for Kira Lewis, Otto Porter, and a 2024 1st round pick

I'm aware of this.

Nevertheless, we heard from numerous "sources" that there were quite a few teams after him in recent weeks. They even went into detail about the supposed Knicks deal and JC himself apparently "welcomed" such a trade.

It's fair to ask if Danny got greedy in the end, and as a consequence, we now have a guy on the roster who knows he's not wanted, has no real role, is having a terrible season and is probably gone soon anyway. Do you play such a guy?

As AlaskanAssassin asked... what's the plan?
This to me is the most puzzling thing. THT is riding the pine with an expiring deal and we didnt touch the guard room at all. I have to assume DA got greedy and thought he will get more out of JC next offseason... but I think in the big picture keeping Simone and trading away JC for something like what we got for Simone would have given him a much better grade for his moves.

I mean trading only JC out of those two would have been the best, trading both would have been ok, but depleting the roster from off ball wings while keeping all dribble happy wings (who are now also kinda obligated to get minutes) creates big fit issues for Hardy.
Maybe it's because we still want to be competitive, we plan on giving up the pick to OKC, but we're also not really thinking playoffs this year.
I think we really just didnt get a package that DA wanted. Whether it was him being too greedy or not actually depends on what they end up getting for him in the offseason.

For this second half of the season, I'm not sure which route gives us better chances to get to the play-in/playoffs. JC has had a lot of negative impact games, albeit he has also won us a few games in between his bad stretches.

We finally got him, guys. Porter finally arrived!

We finally got him, guys. Porter finally arrived!
I hope he never plays

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I know a lot of you are big DA fans, but as far as I can see, since his initial huge trade splash, he has done little more than gut the Jazz whenever they start to show any competitive spark. The deals he has made of late have been to say the least underwhelming. All I hear from his supporters is wait and see , something huge is coming, don't worry, Danny has THE plan. I wish I could have that much faith, but so far there doesn't appear to be a plan apart from training descent players so he can trade them for next to nothing and make other teams better. Frankly, I doubt Danny will turn the huge number of assets he has acquired into anything but more assets. Eventually a good number of fans will tire of starting over every trade deadline.
I know a lot of you are big DA fans, but as far as I can see, since his initial huge trade splash, he has done little more than gut the Jazz whenever they start to show any competitive spark. The deals he has made of late have been to say the least underwhelming. All I hear from his supporters is wait and see , something huge is coming, don't worry, Danny has THE plan. I wish I could have that much faith, but so far there doesn't appear to be a plan apart from training descent players so he can trade them for next to nothing and make other teams better. Frankly, I doubt Danny will turn the huge number of assets he has acquired into anything but more assets. Eventually a good number of fans will tire of starting over every trade deadline.
Indeed, being patient is difficult.

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I know a lot of you are big DA fans, but as far as I can see, since his initial huge trade splash, he has done little more than gut the Jazz whenever they start to show any competitive spark. The deals he has made of late have been to say the least underwhelming. All I hear from his supporters is wait and see , something huge is coming, don't worry, Danny has THE plan. I wish I could have that much faith, but so far there doesn't appear to be a plan apart from training descent players so he can trade them for next to nothing and make other teams better. Frankly, I doubt Danny will turn the huge number of assets he has acquired into anything but more assets. Eventually a good number of fans will tire of starting over every trade deadline.
thats possible. there is no guarantee that the draft assets will turn into great picks. the wolves and cavaliers are playing great now and if they continue those picks will suck. i will say this i thought the bogey trade for KO sucked when it first went down. it didnt suck, i just didnt know KO's value. these trade the last 2 days dont really help the present. but DA doesnt really care about the present he is looking to the future. its a tough job because the future is promised to no one. maybe his plans wont work out, maybe they will. chin up, stay mobile and be prepared to shift if things dont work out as planned.
I know a lot of you are big DA fans, but as far as I can see, since his initial huge trade splash, he has done little more than gut the Jazz whenever they start to show any competitive spark. The deals he has made of late have been to say the least underwhelming. All I hear from his supporters is wait and see , something huge is coming, don't worry, Danny has THE plan. I wish I could have that much faith, but so far there doesn't appear to be a plan apart from training descent players so he can trade them for next to nothing and make other teams better. Frankly, I doubt Danny will turn the huge number of assets he has acquired into anything but more assets. Eventually a good number of fans will tire of starting over every trade deadline.
So he is like a demented old man who is not trying to build a winning team, but collecting pebbles like someone said (probably TU).

Yet 3 young and very bright career building guys in Smith (DAs boss), Zanik and Hardy watch close by and dont intervene.

I wonder what their lunch table discussions are like?

Can we please stay attached to reality?
The reality is that Tay Henny and Brice have the rest of the season to show something. Tay Henny mostly left a lot to be desired last night. I suspect Ainge is high on Kira Lewis and I suspect he will get some run.
Indeed, being patient is difficult.

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Its very hard but I am no longer content with us just being a good meddling team. I want us to be Championship competitive. When my fan instinct kicks-in and I start overrating and overvaluing our play and players I have to restrain myself and be realistic (protecting my heart). I'm no longer content with just being an ok team getting big wins against contenders and then having head scratching losses to bad teams a week later. I am happy and glad DA is here because when my Jazz fan contentment kicks in and I want to just settle just for a competitive game, I rest assured that we have a successful team executive that isn't a Jazz fan, but he's someone who's dedicated his entire life to the game of basketball and has been successful. By all accounts, that i've heard, league executives and insiders are saying Justin and Danny are doing a great job and I believe it. If it doesn't workout in 5 years we did our best.

Strategic Patience is very hard for a fan I understand how you guys feel.
I know a lot of you are big DA fans, but as far as I can see, since his initial huge trade splash, he has done little more than gut the Jazz whenever they start to show any competitive spark. The deals he has made of late have been to say the least underwhelming. All I hear from his supporters is wait and see , something huge is coming, don't worry, Danny has THE plan. I wish I could have that much faith, but so far there doesn't appear to be a plan apart from training descent players so he can trade them for next to nothing and make other teams better. Frankly, I doubt Danny will turn the huge number of assets he has acquired into anything but more assets. Eventually a good number of fans will tire of starting over every trade deadline.
I don't see anyone saying to wait because something huge is going to happen. What he has done is continue to collects assets while molding the roster so that are younger guys can actually get into the rotation. Some of you are obsessed with simply wanting to be competitive rather than giving us the best shot to actually put together a championship caliber roster. Figuring out what we may have in our young guys as soon as possible is a vital step in trying to build that type of roster because it gives us an idea of what we may be missing and where to be aggressive.
Its very hard but I am no longer content with us just being a good meddling team. I want us to be Championship competitive.

Strategic Patience is very hard for a fan I understand how you guys feel.

Thank you finally I’m not the only one that feels this way. I’m willing to tank and suck till we make it. Let’s face it. I don’t have a lot of time left and when I leave this world it will be ugly and I won’t be nice about it. I’ll air grievances. And cuss my entire damn family on the way out but for god sakes I want to see my team reach paydirt befor I go kicking and screaming.

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It's probably been mentioned, but I was just thinking about this trade from Toronto's side. I still don't understand how KO fits in with what they are doing there. I wonder for them if this was the Ochai trade and KO was just the filler. Ochai is kind of the prototypical Raptor, so I that is the part of the deal that makes the most sense for them.
It's probably been mentioned, but I was just thinking about this trade from Toronto's side. I still don't understand how KO fits in with what they are doing there. I wonder for them if this was the Ochai trade and KO was just the filler. Ochai is kind of the prototypical Raptor, so I that is the part of the deal that makes the most sense for them.
KO is a perfect fit with Scottie.