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Jazz vs Hawks showed us alot about this team....


Well-Known Member
despite the negatives surrounding this loss I am very impressed with these guys. Taking Atlanta to the limit away is huge....This team has a bright future.
As much as I am disappointed in the loss tonight, I am impressed with the effort. A few months ago we would have folded and been done long before regulation was over.
Just that they didn't fold after such a terrible first half was very encouraging to me. This time has fight.
I thought we would win this one after coming back from 15 down. Good job, Jazz. Makin' your boy proud from the 202 today.
What the hell? There's positive people in this thread??

While I share the positives that came from this lose, I just hope it doesn't end up costing us tomorrow's game.
Glad there is another one tomorrow. Want to forget this one.

But yes. They are playing hard.
I watched the reaction of the bench to last second shots, Ty's welcoming for the players that missed it with big smile and little taps on the buttchicks. It's more about it you know, success will come and go. And the longest successes are built on good team chemistries which include the coach and the bench. I mean, I watched Magic game and that bench is absolutely cursing inside, when handing towels to the starting 5.
Hawsk were BACK-BACK-BACK 4OT and still could win, experience is what we need

Last nights game gave them a little more of that, so will todays game. I am very interested to see how they come out. Will they have energy and be aggressive or tuck their tail between theor legs and get ran out of the arena?

Jazz fought and that is better than what they did last year. This team has come a long way this season.
I liked the effort and I think they competed the whole game; well, the whole second half anyway. My only negative comment is why the crap CJ was in the all 4 instead of Burks. They were gassed, and Alec could have made them pay.
After this game I say bench the starters they should be ashamed of themselves worst shooting I think I've ever seen by the jazz. Cj and ty need to go this offseason what the hell just gave that game away putting the starters instead of the finishers

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We really need a quality SF... Although CJ had a statistically good game, some of those decisions, blown layups, and stupid fouls really hurt us...
We really need a quality SF... Although CJ had a statistically good game, some of those decisions, blown layups, and stupid fouls really hurt us...

You don't like blown lay ups? What about easy put backs? Better yet, rushed 3 pointers early in the shot clock. Take your pick.
As for the B2B2B thing, lets break this down, sure they may have been somewhat tired, but in terms of rougher in the last, our schedule was every bit as tough. Let me break this down...

Thursday Utah travels to Sacramento, about a 90 minute trip. They had a late game there, and with it being hard fought to the end, heavy minutes were played. That night/early morning Friday, the Jazz returned to Salt Lake City, then played a late national TV game on ESPN against the overly physical Denver team that more than earned their nickname of the Thuggets. While being a blowout, it seemed almost every player was hit, kicked, knocked down, cheap shotted, etc. That game ended late, about 11:30pm, and I would bet it was after midnight before the players left the arena. Saturday was travel day, a 4.5 hour flight into Atlanta, then trying to get some rest in a hotel, which I know when I travel that far, just the flight wears me out. The Jazz had as much wear and tear over the prior 3 days , more or less.

By Comparison, Atlanta played their back-to-back-to-back, facing the teams of Washington, New Jersey, and Utah. 2 of the 3 games were at home, with the one game in-between being Washington on the road, which is only an hour flight away. Sure yes it is 3 games in 3 days, but I dont feel that the wear and tear on the players was any worse than what Utah has been thru in the prior 4 days. Both teams were run down, with good reason, and at the end it was simply who got the one or two shots to go down first, and that was Atlanta.

IMHO, I give both teams all the credit for that game. ATL was favored to win it by 2 in Regulation, but had to take 4OT to drop a Utah team with a worse record overall. Our players gave their all top to bottom. I just hope that we can find enough warm bodies for the NJ game tonight.