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Dante deserved some of the criticisms last season, and even though I am what you would call a Dante homer, I criticized him whilst still being fully aware of how he is/was as raw as they come and what he went through.

One of the things I want to mention is that when some players are down in the dumps in terms of form and their mental state, it's interesting to see which guys fight out of it. Dante's been in the doghouse but it was great to see him fight and earn back some minutes after the all star break. The player that disappointed me was Trey Lyles. The dude could not go any lower in terms of being in the dumps, but never showed any fight to snap out of it whatsoever. It was just very disappointing and disheartening to see because he never threatened to get out of his fetus position that he put himself into. It was painful to watch.
"ignorant, moronic, naive, narrow-minded, petty, uneducated, uninformed, thoughtless, ill-advised"

These are adjectives I gave you to replace "out of line" because I knew that the term was an issue.

I wasn't trying to say X was above criticism, my comments were aimed at those who had written him off throughout his career with little to nothing to go off.

Oh you knew that out of line was an issue but not all those other much more insulting words. I see.
Oh man, I give up. You've just circled back to where you started.
You shouldn't give up. Maybe just say that you made a mistake by calling everyone out and saying people were out of line. Criticizing exum (or any jazz player) for his play is totally "in line" for a jazz fan message board.
I'm fairly certain 2016-[2017 Alec Burks wouldn't be killing it this hard against 4th graders. It's OK for people to be a little excited.

I'm not hating on anyone, just stating facts. I like Burks more then most here by the way, think he will bounce back.

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Really cant criticize Exum this season since he has 2 new back court teammates to get used to and will have to compete for minutes with rubio, burks, DM, neto, and hood. And considering what he had to through his first 3 years, he is basically a rookie. He is still young. Plus the west got tougher.

Might as well just go ahead and tell everyone that its not ok to criticize him next year either. It will be his biggest contract in his career so far and so there will be added pressure on him to produce so it wouldn't really be fair to criticize him next year either.

You can criticize him once the acne completely goes away.
I tbink they were prepared to 'sabotage' his development in an effort to keep Hayward. The talk about him not being a pg - it was such tripe.
Did you listen to Locke yesterday, he was pleasantly surprised cause they are actually drawing up a couple of plays for Exum for the first time! Shock horror. And now he is rabbiting on about Exum having an elite first step etc...Give me a break - they only just realized this? Sorry dude, they did stifle his development. And yes Exum sucked at times to justify their stifling of his development. But it was very very small minded thinking - because whether Hayward stayed or left, they needed X to develop.

I am an Exum fan, but a single player's development can never take precedence over the bigger picture. Trying to keep Hayward was the most important thing last year. Dante will be just fine, and the early DNPs did seem to help him out IMO. Yes, it's true that the first time it got in his head a little, but after that he became a fighter, and I thought he did a good job of making people look dumb in the second half of the season. I didn't agree with the way distributed minutes in the 2nd half of the season, but I believe he deserves the benefit of the doubt. So far, Dante is looking like he's responding well to his situation.

Anyway, at this point, the Exum homers should just keep a low profile and wait to see what happens. I think you guys will have plenty of gloating to do sooner than later.
Dante deserved some of the criticisms last season, and even though I am what you would call a Dante homer, I criticized him whilst still being fully aware of how he is/was as raw as they come and what he went through. .

Yes and no. It's fine to point out that he was struggling at times. However, the homers have a point in that people's expectations of a guy trying to come back from a serious injury were unrealistic.

Considering the injury he was coming back from, Dante did just fine last year, and was playing much better to end the season than the way he started.
I tbink they were prepared to 'sabotage' his development in an effort to keep Hayward. The talk about him not being a pg - it was such tripe.

The Jazz never tried to sabotage anyone's development. Exum wasn't good for most of last year and he deserved his lack of playing time. He was worse than Mack. This year it looks like he deserves playing time and maybe lots and lots of it.
I tbink they were prepared to 'sabotage' his development in an effort to keep Hayward. The talk about him not being a pg - it was such tripe.
Did you listen to Locke yesterday, he was pleasantly surprised cause they are actually drawing up a couple of plays for Exum for the first time! Shock horror. And now he is rabbiting on about Exum having an elite first step etc...Give me a break - they only just realized this? Sorry dude, they did stifle his development. And yes Exum sucked at times to justify their stifling of his development. But it was very very small minded thinking - because whether Hayward stayed or left, they needed X to develop.

I think it's fair to say that X has pretty much sucked so far considering our expectations for him. But you also have to consider the circumstances: the injury, his immaturity, his lack of playing experience at even the college level in the U.S. Now he is starting to realize his potential and we are all expecting him to blossom this year. We shall see. Don't think you can blame Quin for holding him back though -- he played Mack who sucked because he had more experience.
Or put all this stuff under the Exum thread, but yeah this one is dead. I am sure there will be a fun filled box score to watch.

How can a thread be dead if people are still posting in it? Like you, for example. (Your most recent post is quoted above, btw, so you can review it, if you'd like).