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Jazz wanted Ryan Anderson?

I just saw this. Very interesting. I don't like the Millsap for Anderson idea but it sounds like the FO is being very aggressive right now.
The front office has had it with our non-shooting ways. I wouldn't be surprised if we looked at every shooter on the market.
Why would the Jazz have had to give up Millsap to get him when the Hornets ended up settling for Gustavo Ayon?
Why would the Jazz have had to give up Millsap to get him when the Hornets ended up settling for Gustavo Ayon?

I don't think it would have been a Millsap for Anderson trade, but I'm confident that if we had ended up getting Anderson, that Millsap would not have been on the roster next year.
I think Anderson would be good to have for spacing. Kind of like how Memo made Boozer look good, in the same way Anderson would make Jefferson look good.
Not sure about Anderson's defense....might be as bad as Jeffersons
Especially after we have more shooting power now, I'm not sad one bit because of we couldn't land Ryan Anderson. Yes he is a good shooter, grabs some offensive rebounds and can score but I still believe that he's overrated. I've watched almost all magic games(Hedo effect), so he's not a player I'd be aspire to have in my team.
The fact that the Jazz are the ones that started the talks involving Millsap in a trade makes me think the Jazz want Favors to start, and Millsap probably doesn't want to come off the bench.
Anderson I'm sure would've came off the bench for us making us a very deep team. I'm not thrilled how Millsap's offense evolved last year, shooting all those baseline fadeaway shots that didn't have a chance at going in.

I feel he took too many shots outside the context of the offense. I hope that was because we had no reliable outside shooters. We will see.