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Jazzfanz Bookclub

Oh, just you wait. If you like those tie-ins, just wait -- they get better and more awesome. I don't want to give anything away, but if you've read, "Hearts In Atlantis", "The Stand", or "Salem's Lot", you're going to get a bunch more. Gods, I love this series.

Holy jeepers, Trout. It almost seems that you love this series more than your own family. Sounds like it's your Edward's version of Bella, your own "personal" drug.
Did Archie seriously just unironically make a Twilight reference?

Yes, I did. I've never read the book either. I just hear people say that a lot so I felt like regurgitating it in a book thread. Do you hold beef with that?

EDIT: Wow, some coward gave me red rep for my Edward reference. Awesome!
Oh, just you wait. If you like those tie-ins, just wait -- they get better and more awesome. I don't want to give anything away, but if you've read, "Hearts In Atlantis", "The Stand", or "Salem's Lot", you're going to get a bunch more. Gods, I love this series.

I've read and re-read The Stand and Salem's Lot. Big King fan. I also enjoyed the Insomnia-Pet Sematary tie in. Now I will have to read Hearts in Atlantis. I love King's novels, but I do have to say his short story collections (Just After Sunset, Night Shift, Everythings Eventual, wtc...) are damn near perfect.
I've read and re-read The Stand and Salem's Lot. Big King fan. I also enjoyed the Insomnia-Pet Sematary tie in. Now I will have to read Hearts in Atlantis. I love King's novels, but I do have to say his short story collections (Just After Sunset, Night Shift, Everythings Eventual, wtc...) are damn near perfect.

Hearts in Atlantis wasn't my favorite book, but when it's all tied together, it is bad ***.
Outstanding book. I don't know who Alberto Angela is, but the guy is great with words. Probably my favorite book of the year and I'm not even into that time period that much:

I kinda gotz to readin that there pedophile book online, ya know? Turns out, it's really engrossin, eh? Lotta good tricks in there I aint never even thought of before.
For some reason I start multiple books at the same time and go back and forth depending on my mood.
My current and most recent reads are:
The Lost Language of Symbolism
7 Habits
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
The Hobbit
Great Expectations
3 Cups of Tea
The Fablehaven Series

I will look into The Undaunted, Matter & Memory, and the Dark Tower Series.

Some of my favorites I keep going back to:
Ender's Game (The whole series is good as a whole, but the first is the best)
R.A. Salvatore's books on Drizzt Do'Urden
David Eddings Belgariad, and Mallorean
A Christmas Carol, A Tale of 2 Cities
Les Miserables
Simultaneously read these:




Black Rednecks - 7/10
Living Christ - 8/10 (as compared to other religious books)
Choke - 9/10