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Jazzfanz Fantasy Baseball 2011


Winner of the 2011 Jazzfanz mock draft contest
Renewed last year's league awhile back, sorry I haven't posted it on here until now. Anyone on here is free to join. Please post your team name in this thread if it isn't your username on Jazzfanz. Draft date and time isn't set in stone and could be changed. Here's the info to join:

League ID#: 85965
League Name: Jazzfanz.com
Password: BigAl

Custom League URL: https://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/jazzfanzdotcom
Season Type: Full
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sat Mar 19 1:00pm PDT
Max Teams: 12

Going for the 3-peat...
I may play. Only done Fantasy Baseball once, and wasn't terribly thrilled with it, but it was over ten years ago, I believe, so I may try again.
i'm in even though my interest in fantasy baseball has gotten worse over the years. as have my teams.
Is it alright with you guys if I move up the draft time up a couple of hours (but same day)? Just discovered I have work later that afternoon.

BTW, we've got 6 teams in the league right now. It would be good to get it up to at least 10...so if there's anyone you know that would wanna join, invite them.
I just pushed the draft time back one week to give us time to find at least 4 more teams (hopefully). New draft time is Saturday March 26th at 12:30 PM PDT. Hopefully that works for most of you guys. That's the final weekend before the season starts, so it is probably the final draft time.
The greatest baseball fantasy is that I will not be forced to watch any baseball at all this year.
Oh, you're full now. It wouldn't allow me to join.

Does it say the league is full when you signed up? We're still stuck at 6, which is half of the max. There's plenty of room. Try it again.

Still looking for 3 teams if Duck is able to join.
Does it say the league is full when you signed up? We're still stuck at 6, which is half of the max. There's plenty of room. Try it again.

Still looking for 3 teams if Duck is able to join.

"There was a problem

* There is not room in this league if all teams from last year return. To join, get the commissioner to increase the maximum number of teams, or remove teams that will not be returning. (Error #638)"