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John McCain Has Brain Cancer

what's funny is how y'all are IDIOTS

at his age, McCain would be on Medicare if he wasn't still covered under the FEHP

at any rate, this is the same cancer that stuck Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden's son Bo

a neighbor of mine also succumbed to it at age 58 after a 2+ year battle - she had been having nearly a year's worth of confusion and just feeling not quite all there mentally, but her doctor kept telling her it was just menopause and put her on hormone therapy.

A man is sick with brain cancer and several posters appear to be making light of it for cheap laughs or to score political points.

Seriously? Can't put the political football away for even cancer? Is cancer funny?


You have no sense of tumor.
There are scenarios where patients are beyond the point of return. There are scenarios where home healthcare professionals leave a large grey area for family caring for sickly members. This has nothing to do... literally NOTHING to do with Obamacare. You simply have no more ammunition, and will throw anything you can.

A desperate, toothless fool you are.

And Frankie-poo thinks I'M a tasteless ******* for remembering Harambe.

I keep seeing self-professed "experts" or "voice of reason" sorts of people doing this.

I have all my teeth, even my wisdom teeth. You do not do yourself credit with being an uninformed imbecile speaking to points where you have no information. Casts doubt on every other assertion you make.

Obamacare is an intended, utter failure.... a little group of select insurance companies and healthcare corporates got together to cut a deal on the way to single payer that gave them a foot in the door for collecting eternal income from a government-financed system. The bill was crafted to be a stepping stone that could not be just removed, in case the voters decided really to insist on it. Now even Republicans appear to be willing to let it roll on towards its final purpose.

Ammunition is more than plentiful, if I cared to cite facts on the case. Literally could never run outta ammo as long as any human being remains on government care funded by taxes of whatever kind with no actual choice over his own body.

Yes indeed, it's a complex system that does permit a variety of scenarios and a lot of flexibility to administrators should they care for any reason to be flexible. Of course administrators love that power and control. I'm sure it will win them important friends in the natural course of events, and ensure job security.

You're right. McCain does not have to be at all concerned with Obamacare, and it will have nothing to do with his treatment. I think the full answer was provided above where the facts of his eligibility for other care programs and his private policies will mean he gets whatever care he or his family wants with literally no out-of-pocket costs to themselves. And I'm sure there is no mandated "tax" that applies to him in regard to Obamacare.

The whole point of the OP was that it is not"fair" that our politicians prescribe stuff that applies to us, and tax us, and give themselves whatever they want at no cost. Their pay packages and benefits are exorbitant, and essentially make themselves a privileged class. Why do we vote for people who do that.

Furthermore, his involvement at the moment in support of continuing Obamacare/Trumpcare/RyanCare/McConnellCare/ or whatever the hell the thing will be called that keeps us on course towards single payer by 2024, is hardly the only thing I detest McCain for. Not even the most important.

He is utterly a fascist to the core, and a warmonger to boot. With him in the Presidency it'd be "Go" for WWIII centered on eliminating the Middle East from the World Map, not just Israel. I could hardly think of anything I could really support him on. Of course, stated as such, it is hardly anything more than a brief statement of unfounded personal opinion. I don't think there's a market for the facts that support it in this forum, so why don't ya'll just go smoke some weed or something. If you just "feel good" I'm sure you have no further concerns for the planet or humanity.

Well, I'm not really an ignoramus on cancer. I just have no specific information on his case to evaluate, really. And I'm not very confident so far as what the news has to offer.

My father died of cancer at age 93 sufficiently infused with morphine in the hospital that had two plaques on it's halls for his contributions to the place. I'm sure they gave him the very best. He really didn't even know I was there. He basically went to sleep and didn't wake up.

I hoped against hope that McCain would not be re-elected in Arizona. I believe that within months the governor will appoint someone to take his place and vote as he would. I guess it's about 50% he won't be alive in one year

I hardly even hate the Devil, let alone a ******* sold a bill of goods on globalism and fascism like McCain. He did what he was paid to do, and he was well paid. It'd be pretty unrealistic to believe we could just get so lucky as to find a Rand Paul who could win in Arizona in the coming election.

Ya'll make such a choir of loony lefties it's just fun to rattle you once in a while.
Obamacare really is the worst of both worlds. Americas crappy healthcare payment system but more expensive. Yeah!!! Really tired of NPR blaming its shortcomings on selfish millennial who won't get with the program.

Perhaps trying to subsidize the healthcare of the sick and the profits of insurance companies by asking young people to buy a product that they can neither afford or are very likely to use is a bad strategy.

The mandate is a nasty thing that only serves ro punish the uninsured. I really don't think that there is a ton of well to do people screwing the system by being uninsured but that's somehow the narrative.

God I hate the "left" for championing Newt Gingrich's ideas twenty years later.

American progressivism-Dedicated to moving backwards.
John McCain has the most aggressive form of brain cancer known to man. Also local product and Gilbert resident Chester Bennington has killed himself. Sad time for Arizona celebrities.
John McCain has the most aggressive form of brain cancer known to man. Also local product and Gilbert resident Chester Bennington has killed himself. Sad time for Arizona celebrities.

The cancer was found during surgery for a blood clot, and removed. It is the likely cause of the blot clot, which means it was already impinging on and damaging other tissues like blood vessels, and likely not just tiny. It is not reported what imaging was done to define it, so we have no clue whether there were other tumors nearby. The one they saw they removed and examined and found to be glioblastoma. Even so, with surgical removal, it is the common experience that new ones will be showing up within months.

McCain's prognosis on the basis of age is less favorable than average cases. The life expectation from the date of discovery is for the average case about 14 months. They will try to identify and remove other tumors, but even so.... 14 months. Less in McCain's specific case on his age.

Rubashov is right. Tumors in some locations will not be removed and treatment will be palliative. In the last month treatment will be to reduce pain and suffering.... morphine usually. Lots of it.

I don't think McCain will be able show up at work for more than six to eight months. I think he will choose to exit gracefully sooner, and help to promote his notion of his successor.
Obamacare really is the worst of both worlds. Americas crappy healthcare payment system but more expensive. Yeah!!! Really tired of NPR blaming its shortcomings on selfish millennial who won't get with the program.

Perhaps trying to subsidize the healthcare of the sick and the profits of insurance companies by asking young people to buy a product that they can neither afford or are very likely to use is a bad strategy.

The mandate is a nasty thing that only serves ro punish the uninsured. I really don't think that there is a ton of well to do people screwing the system by being uninsured but that's somehow the narrative.

God I hate the "left" for championing Newt Gingrich's ideas twenty years later.

American progressivism-Dedicated to moving backwards.

Except almost everything you've stated here is only from a specific perspective, and when objectively looked at can be categorized as false.
I keep seeing self-professed "experts" or "voice of reason" sorts of people doing this.

I have all my teeth, even my wisdom teeth. You do not do yourself credit with being an uninformed imbecile speaking to points where you have no information. Casts doubt on every other assertion you make.

Obamacare is an intended, utter failure.... a little group of select insurance companies and healthcare corporates got together to cut a deal on the way to single payer that gave them a foot in the door for collecting eternal income from a government-financed system. The bill was crafted to be a stepping stone that could not be just removed, in case the voters decided really to insist on it. Now even Republicans appear to be willing to let it roll on towards its final purpose.

Ammunition is more than plentiful, if I cared to cite facts on the case. Literally could never run outta ammo as long as any human being remains on government care funded by taxes of whatever kind with no actual choice over his own body.

Yes indeed, it's a complex system that does permit a variety of scenarios and a lot of flexibility to administrators should they care for any reason to be flexible. Of course administrators love that power and control. I'm sure it will win them important friends in the natural course of events, and ensure job security.

You're right. McCain does not have to be at all concerned with Obamacare, and it will have nothing to do with his treatment. I think the full answer was provided above where the facts of his eligibility for other care programs and his private policies will mean he gets whatever care he or his family wants with literally no out-of-pocket costs to themselves. And I'm sure there is no mandated "tax" that applies to him in regard to Obamacare.

The whole point of the OP was that it is not"fair" that our politicians prescribe stuff that applies to us, and tax us, and give themselves whatever they want at no cost. Their pay packages and benefits are exorbitant, and essentially make themselves a privileged class. Why do we vote for people who do that.

Furthermore, his involvement at the moment in support of continuing Obamacare/Trumpcare/RyanCare/McConnellCare/ or whatever the hell the thing will be called that keeps us on course towards single payer by 2024, is hardly the only thing I detest McCain for. Not even the most important.

He is utterly a fascist to the core, and a warmonger to boot. With him in the Presidency it'd be "Go" for WWIII centered on eliminating the Middle East from the World Map, not just Israel. I could hardly think of anything I could really support him on. Of course, stated as such, it is hardly anything more than a brief statement of unfounded personal opinion. I don't think there's a market for the facts that support it in this forum, so why don't ya'll just go smoke some weed or something. If you just "feel good" I'm sure you have no further concerns for the planet or humanity.

Well, I'm not really an ignoramus on cancer. I just have no specific information on his case to evaluate, really. And I'm not very confident so far as what the news has to offer.

My father died of cancer at age 93 sufficiently infused with morphine in the hospital that had two plaques on it's halls for his contributions to the place. I'm sure they gave him the very best. He really didn't even know I was there. He basically went to sleep and didn't wake up.

I hoped against hope that McCain would not be re-elected in Arizona. I believe that within months the governor will appoint someone to take his place and vote as he would. I guess it's about 50% he won't be alive in one year

I hardly even hate the Devil, let alone a ******* sold a bill of goods on globalism and fascism like McCain. He did what he was paid to do, and he was well paid. It'd be pretty unrealistic to believe we could just get so lucky as to find a Rand Paul who could win in Arizona in the coming election.

Ya'll make such a choir of loony lefties it's just fun to rattle you once in a while.

Conservative, Know it all, Big Government Conspiracy Theorist

You're like a Donnie fan's wet dream.
A man is sick with brain cancer and several posters appear to be making light of it for cheap laughs or to score political points.

Seriously? Can't put the political football away for even cancer? Is cancer funny?


I find this post extremely ironic.

I also agree 100% with the post.
I have a lot of respect for McCain.

In boot camp all sailors have to watch a video of the Forrestal disaster. It is a situation during the Vietnam war when an aircraft on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier fires a missile accidentally. It strikes another aircraft waiting to take off... John McCain's aircraft, with him inside. He exits the cockpit, runs across the nose of the aircraft and jumps into the flames surrounding him. I'd post the video but if you care look it up. He attempts to rush back to aid others but a secondary explosion stops him.

I'd serve anywhere any time with John McCain.

Babe wants to talk stupid **** about what McCain did as a POW? **** you babe. **** you! I don't know what happened, but I do now that humans being tortured leads to all sorts of things and I don't blame people for what they do in response to torture. We can all imagine how awesome we are and how we would withstand years of torture with our honor and dignity intact. We can all imagine how awesome we'd be because we haven't been in that situation. John McCain has.

He's not a mythical being. He's human just like us. I don't agree with everything he's done but I think he has proven again and again that he has a sense of ethics and honor. When someone at a town hall said Obama was a Muslim he gave up points to point out that it was not true and that Obama was a good man and that we did not need to fear him becoming our President. When Trump became the Republican nominee, McCain did not shy away from pointing out Trump's ethical and legal shortcomings.

You want to call McCain a RINO? Yeah, he has things he cares about above and beyond the Republican party, so by definition a RINO.

Like all U.S. service members, he swore an oath to the Constitution, to the people, not to the government, not to a party.

I'd like to be more like John McCain. He isn't perfect, but he's pretty ****ing good.

You got your fancy pants word ready Dalamon? You can call me that now.
I have a lot of respect for McCain.

In boot camp all sailors have to watch a video of the Forrestal disaster. It is a situation during the Vietnam war when an aircraft on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier fires a missile accidentally. It strikes another aircraft waiting to take off... John McCain's aircraft, with him inside. He exits the cockpit, runs across the nose of the aircraft and jumps into the flames surrounding him. I'd post the video but if you care look it up. He attempts to rush back to aid others but a secondary explosion stops him.

I'd serve anywhere any time with John McCain.

Babe wants to talk stupid **** about what McCain did as a POW? **** you babe. **** you! I don't know what happened, but I do now that humans being tortured leads to all sorts of things and I don't blame people for what they do in response to torture. We can all imagine how awesome we are and how we would withstand years of torture with our honor and dignity intact. We can all imagine how awesome we'd be because we haven't been in that situation. John McCain has.

He's not a mythical being. He's human just like us. I don't agree with everything he's done but I think he has proven again and again that he has a sense of ethics and honor. When someone at a town hall said Obama was a Muslim he gave up points to point out that it was not true and that Obama was a good man and that we did not need to fear him becoming our President. When Trump became the Republican nominee, McCain did not shy away from pointing out Trump's ethical and legal shortcomings.

You want to call McCain a RINO? Yeah, he has things he cares about above and beyond the Republican party, so by definition a RINO.

Like all U.S. service members, he swore an oath to the Constitution, to the people, not to the government, not to a party.

I'd like to be more like John McCain. He isn't perfect, but he's pretty ****ing good.

You got your fancy pants word ready Dalamon? You can call me that now.

McCain really knows his stuff when it comes to foreign policy. He wrote a piece (on his site IIRC) that explained the whole reason behind the Kremlin/Russia fiasco better than anything I've heard from any of our clueless news outlets, who either engage in anti-Russia sentiment or anti-GOP sentiment instead of reporting what in the actual hell is going on. His simple one or few page write-up was far better than anything the 24/7 drama networks provided.