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John Stockton - The Ultimate Point Guard


Well-Known Member

I grew up watching Stockton and emulating him so I felt like I needed to make this mix. I was able to find some retro jazz games online and I enjoyed watching them and remembering how good these jazz teams were.... so anyways, I hope you enjoy this mix.
Dude, you're seriously really good at this. Old school music choice for an old school player. Sweet find on the crossover to beat Jordan. And great move again with the fade out/fade in on live action to close it. I dig your work.
Another great mix by the best Jazz youtuber around. Good work prodigy.
Great stuff. It does bum me out that Stockton could, and probably should, have been a 20+ PPG scorer. I wish he would have been more selfish at times.
Once again, great mix prodigy.

A fitting tribute to the greatest player/man to wear a Jazz uniform.
Watching that brings a tear to my eye. Its like reliving my youth all over again. Great job on the video.
I didn't really like the music, but whatever.
As well I wish the quality of some of the clips was better.
All that aside, good mix.
John STockton was the guy that made me want to play basketball. He gave me hope that a 6 foot white boy could actually be good.
That video gave me chills. I LOVE Dwill, but he will be lucky to ever reach Stockton level. Just post this in that thread that was comparing them and Stockton wins. You gotta love it baby! Luckily you can have more than one favorite player, Williams can be just as amazing.
Prodigy, I've never felt this way about anybody. I have a question to ask you?

Will you be my Morgan Jeweler Diamond Play of the Day?

It's funny. As the years go by, you start to remember Stock as a slow, fundmental player. But in his prime, he was so freaking fast and athletic. Amazing talent and drive.
Loved it! I forgot how great of a crossover Stockton actually had. It is amazing to see just how many moves Stockton actually had! Stockton you are my favorite Jazz/NBA player ever! Thanks for all of the great games and moments!