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Kanter 30 Pts and 16 Rebs... And Now the Rest of the Story...

CJ miles redeems himself in my eyes. Double whammie power up for the jazz. OKC out of the playoffs, pacers pull into a tied record with the jazz.
CJ miles redeems himself in my eyes. Double whammie power up for the jazz. OKC out of the playoffs, pacers pull into a tied record with the jazz.
Don't give New Orleans that playoff spot just yet. There are 2 games to go and they could stumble. Playing SA at home is never easy...unless Pops decides to rest his starters. OKC plays at home against Portland and then has a roadie against Minnesota. New Orleans is at Minnesota tomorrow. Poor pesky TWolves; they'll probably finish the year on a 12-game losing streak.
Pelicans couldn't beat Houston. Battle between the two teams continues.
And Westbrook is suspended for the next game due to picking up his 16th technical foul
Wow, I didn't realize Westbrook had that many technicals. OKC probably wins by 20 when he misses the game, just by passing the ball around.

No way. If Westbrook isn't there to take 30 shots, Kanter will believe its up to him to fill that role. lol.
No way. If Westbrook isn't there to take 30 shots, Kanter will believe its up to him to fill that role. lol.
My thoughts exactly.
For fun, checked OKC pts allowed:
Pre-Kanter 98.8, Post 107.7
Feb 102.1
Mar 107.7
Apr 113.7

Layne Vashro

Enes Kanter, the defensive inflection point:


i can see from here jazz fans have nothing else but kanter hate. This also proves butthurt. Gordon hayward mvp lmao
Lol...a troll bump from 2+ months ago. Yep, we've all been doing nothing but hating on Kanter since April. Guess that's why you so easily found a recent thread about home.
i can see from here jazz fans have nothing else but kanter hate. This also proves butthurt. Gordon hayward mvp lmao

Troll technique #8 = dig up months old post and post something insulting to the general forum to try to get a rise out of people.

Degree of difficulty = 6/10, gotta spend time on finding the thread, making sure it is a decent one to begin with, then the right wording to frame the insult.

Effectivity = 32%, generally most responses will fall in the "why you digging up old threads" to "troll on troll" range.

Alt probability = 68%. Generally alts have an easier time finding old threads since their "main" probably participated, and likely pretty benignly at that.

Final troll score = 27/100. You can do better, unless you just suck as a troll in general.

edit: note that stifle tower's post falls solidly in the range listed in effectivity.
i can see from here jazz fans have nothing else but kanter hate. This also proves butthurt. Gordon hayward mvp lmao

Look who it is. The same fail troll that's been coming around who smells like he'd been rolling around in Kanter **** and has been (something) Kanter (male anatomy) for too long. lololol
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Moving *** Kancer to clear the way for Gobert is going to be a move on the same level as trading Adrian Dantley and Rickey Green to clear the way for Malone and Stockton.

If only I could transport JazzFanzz back to 1986 and read all the butthurt Rickey Green/Adrian Dantley fan posts.

So there's that, Kokoreko. Your dream team of Rickey Green, Adrian Dantly, *** Kancer, Jeff Malone, and whogivesa**** is ready for you to jack off all over.

enjoy your neg train.