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Kanter 30 Pts and 16 Rebs... And Now the Rest of the Story...

He's a great player. Likely to get even better. Had some attitude and maturity issues, not a good defender but playing with the right combo big that's fine. I wish he would have accepted a lesser role here but the Jazz made their choice with Rudy and it was the right one. Enes should have kept his yap shut.

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I'm glad he did what he did at this point. Had he kept his mouth shut, we probably would have kept him until the end of year. He would have gotten an offer that the Jazz wouldn't (and shouldn't) have matched and we would have gotten nothing for him. For all the comments about us not getting anything in the trade, it is certainly better than letting him go for nothing.

Kanter will undoubtedly get paid this offseason. I'm not convinced it will be a max deal, but it only takes one team like Charlotte to open their wallet to him, so it might happen.

He will be considered a great player because news reporting always skews in favor of offense. But his numbers will suffer unless he finds his way to a bad team that can afford to have him be their #1 or #2 option. The OKC front office better be watching that tape closely before deciding whether to sign him to a huge deal.

I suspect he will end up bouncing around the league like Al Jefferson has. Teams will sign him in the hope that their team defense can make up for his defensive deficiencies, but then ultimately trade him when they realize they can't afford to keep him in the starting lineup.

I may be wrong, but this is what I see happening...
Strength of schedule matters, too.

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Yes it does, and by comparison we are all very excited about what the Jazz have done on an easy schedule since the break, aren't we? We've played the Lakers twice, Min twice. Played Boston, Philly, Brooklyn, New York, Detorit, Denver, and Charlotte. We also played the Bucks who have been bad since getting rid of Knight, played the Spurs during a slump after the break, Memphis without Z-Bo, and Portland who's been sliding since the break. Our schedule has been dramatically easier this stretch of the season as well.
I think OKC should pay him big. IBaka will make up for a lot of Kanters defensive shortcomings. A starting 5 of Kanter, IBaka, Durant, Westbrook, and Waiters/Lamb is dangerous. OKC made some smart trades this season.

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I think OKC should pay him big. IBaka will make up for a lot of Kanters defensive shortcomings. A starting 5 of Kanter, IBaka, Durant, Westbrook, and Waiters/Lamb is dangerous. OKC made some smart trades this season.

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I'd be thrilled if OKC paid him big. Limit their future and create a rival. Snyder will send his guards right at Kanter every time they play OKC.
I think OKC should pay him big. IBaka will make up for a lot of Kanters defensive shortcomings. A starting 5 of Kanter, IBaka, Durant, Westbrook, and Waiters/Lamb is dangerous. OKC made some smart trades this season.

Sent from the JazzFanz app

The fact that Durant and Ibaka haven't even played with Kanter will definitely make the free agency decision with Kanter interesting. How much are the Thunder willing to pay on the unproven assumption that Ibaka can adequately cover Kanter's defensive shortcomings?
Why are we still talking about Kanter?

I think for the most part, Jazz fans have an inferiority complex. Many of yous act like you were just broken up with and now you're trying to rationalize everything.

Kanter is gone, our team has improved. Move on.

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From the Thunder's SB Nation blog site:

Kanter scores a career high 30 points in first three quarters, scoreless in fourth

Can you believe this? I can't either. We could sign Nenad Krstic off of Anadolu Efes right now and he'd play better defense than Kanter. Despite that, Kanter was easily the most effective offensive big man in this game. Kanter was destroying Tyson Chandler on post-ups early in the game, which is remarkable on its' own. But if that weren't enough, Enes even hit a surprise corner 3!

Kanter's first quarter honeymoon didn't last, though. Soon Carlisle switched the more offensively skilled Amare Stoudemire onto Kanter, and Amare got whatever he wanted in the post. Kanter would continue to post in the scoring column, but almost all of his points in the second and third came on pick and rolls, o-boards, or off-ball cuts to the basket. Kanter's post-up game somehow disappeared, and he only managed to touch the ball twice in the entire fourth quarter. One of those touches was a failed post up very early in the fourth during a Maverick run, which may have had something to do with it.

Enes Kanter played 38 minutes, which may explain how terrible OKC's defense at the rim got towards the end.
More quotes from Thunder fans:

And not discounting any of the myriad issues, but the one thing that stays with me is when Kanter blew Morrow’s And-1 opportunity for a 4 point play late in the 4th quarter by committing a horrible lane violation on the FT attempt. It would have put OKC up 4 at that point and likely would have impacted the remainder of the game

We saw the yin and yang of Kanter today. Magnificent offense, especially in the first quarter, gut wrenchingly terrible defense.

Kanter 1 FOUL!!!
Cmon Kanter u can do better than that….put ur body on a man!
Thats a thing Ive noticed lately of Kanter…he dosent foul…he saves himself.
He’s the Center, yet under the basket he only gets 1 foul??? lol how is that possible…while Adams and Mitch are out on the perimeter and get 4 and 5fouls?

we all know Kanter sucks on defense
He was so unbearable to watch at times that I had to walk away from my tv a couple of times.

Kanter will be the wildcard this offseason, since he’s RFA. If some team goes hunting for low post offense and is willing to shell out $14mm/yr to do it, I think it would be tough for OKC to justify keeping him, even with his offensive production. He’s great, but I personally feel like within a year, the duo of Adams & McGary (along with a healthy Ibaka) should be able to duplicate much of what Kanter does, and with better defense too. If OKC does keep him at the right price, Kanter will have to get comfortable with lower minutes and usage. He’s still in his OKC honeymoon phase; I don’t know how that lower usage would sit with him knowing it would be over the next 4 years.
But, his agent said he is a once in a life time player? Shouldn't that mean anything...:)

No he said he was the best big in his age group/draft class. Turks generally use generation as age group.
He's a great player. Likely to get even better. Had some attitude and maturity issues, not a good defender but playing with the right combo big that's fine. I wish he would have accepted a lesser role here but the Jazz made their choice with Rudy and it was the right one. Enes should have kept his yap shut.

no they did no, it was kanter who made the choice

the jazz lost kanter because of bad management in the past

luckily for them they have rudy now, otherwise all this situation could've been a disaster and another tank run for an another 3rd pick
Everything has been said about Kanter really... He's good offensively, bad defensively, he's usually still a net positive overall. He's good but he will probably never make you win close games in playoffs because he hurts you too much on defense.

He will probably end up on a minor team, I doubt any contender would invest big money on this guy as a starting center since he can't really make you win championships and that's unlikely to change.

Jazz needs to move on now.
I think the argument can be made that he is a net negative more often that a net positive. Making him a net negative overall.
no they did no, it was kanter who made the choice

It was Kanter's choice? Didn't know players could trade themselves. No wonder we got such a poor return for him. It's a good thing Karl Malone didn't know about this back when HE demanded a trade.
Going to try to distinguish some of the facts from the misconceptions about Kanter in an (albeit ultimately futile) attempt to put this never-ending debate to rest.

Fact: Kanter is a talented offensive player.
There is no disputing this. His #'s, all the way back to his rookie season, indicate that he can be a prolific scorer & rebounder.

Fact: Kanter's #'s have improved since the trade to OKC.
He clearly needed a change of scenery & it just so happened to end up being the perfect situation. Ibaka is the ideal fit next to Kanter in the frontcourt, due to his defensive ability/shooting range, Westbrook is the ideal playmaker to create easy looks for him, & OKC has enough outside shooting (even without Durant) to open the lane for Kanter to work in the post. Outside of rim protection, these are all things that we were unable to provide for him.

Fact: While Kanter may be putting up great #'s, he still has some serious limitations (which don't show up in OKC's box score, although they have certainly shown up in our's).
He will never be a good defensive player due to his physical limitations. This is something that is unlikely to ever change. The only thing you can do when he is on the floor is surround him with the type of players that can help hide some of his defensive deficiencies, which OKC is more able to do than we were.

Misconception: Kanter is a better player in OKC than he was in Utah.
Nothing about his game has changed, he is still the same player that he was here. The only thing that has changed is his level of feeling appreciated (even though using the 3rd overall pick in a draft on someone is a much greater sign of appreciation than trading the mid-level assets that OKC traded to acquire him), which in return has increased the level of effort he was/is willing to give night in & night out; thus causing him to appear as though he has improved.

Misconception: Kanter is selfish.
This is speculation on my part, but to me, he seems to be immature, self-conscious, & lacking confidence/self-esteem, which has caused him to handle himself on & off the court in a manner that has made him appear selfish. I don't think his refusal to ever pass out of a double team was due to him wanting to get his own numbers, so much as it was due to his desire to help the team win (which it didn't) in the only way he knew how (by scoring), & his extreme desire for the approval of his teammates & coaches. Due to his immaturities, he was (& still is) unable to view the perspective of the situation from that of the team's, than that of his own.

Fact: Utah received less value for Kanter than he was worth.
I wish this wasn't true, but it is. The multiple factors that created this situation are well known, so no need to go into detail on this one. I will say though, regardless of what happens with Kanter individually, or OKC & us collectively, we were right to not pay a 3rd big as much $ as he will receive, & to not take the risk of receiving no assets for a former #3 pick. Whether the situation could have been handled differently is a different conversation.

Fact: Utah is a better team after trading Kanter than they were before trading him.
This is all that actually matters, everything else is secondary. The transformation of our defense since the trade is amazing & shows you just how different a player's actual impact on a game can be from the #'s that show up in the box score.
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Going to try to distinguish some of the facts from the misconceptions about Kanter in an (albeit ultimately futile) attempt to put this never-ending debate to rest.

Fact: Kanter is a talented offensive player.
There is no disputing this. His #'s, all the way back to his rookie season, indicate that he can be a prolific scorer & rebounder.

Fact: Kanter's #'s have improved since the trade to OKC.
He clearly needed a change of scenery & it just so happened to end up being the perfect situation. Ibaka is the ideal fit next to Kanter in the frontcourt, due to his defensive ability/shooting range, Westbrook is the ideal playmaker to create easy looks for him, & OKC has enough outside shooting (even without Durant) to open the lane for Kanter to work in the post. Outside of rim protection, these are all things that we were unable to provide for him.

Fact: While Kanter may be putting up great #'s, he still has some serious limitations (which don't show up in OKC's box score, although they have certainly shown up in our's).
He will never be a good defensive player due to his physical limitations. This is something that is unlikely to ever change. The only thing you can do when he is on the floor is surround him with the type of players that can help hide his some of defensive deficiencies, which OKC is more able to do than we were.

Misconception: Kanter is a better player in OKC than he was in Utah.
Nothing about his game has changed, he is still the same player that he was here. The only thing that has changed is his level of feeling appreciated (even though using the 3rd overall pick in a draft one someone is a much greater sign of appreciation than trading the mid-level assets that OKC traded to acquire him), which in return has increased the level of effort he was/is willing to give night in & night out; thus causing him to appear as though he has improved.

Misconception: Kanter is selfish.
This is speculation on my part, but to me, he seems to be immature, self-conscious, & lacking confidence/self-esteem, which has caused him to handle himself on & off the court in a manner that has made him appear selfish. I don't think his refusal to ever pass out of a double team was due to him wanting to get his own numbers, so much as it was due to his desire to help the team win (which it didn't) in the only way he knew how (by scoring), & his extreme desire for the approval of his teammates & coaches. Due to his immaturities, he was (& still is) unable to view the perspective of the situation from that of the team's, than that of his own.

Fact: Utah received less value for Kanter than he was worth.
I wish this wasn't true, but it is. The multiple factors that created this situation are well known, so no need to go into detail on this one. I will say though, regardless of what happens with Kanter individually, or OKC & us collectively, we were right to not pay a 3rd big as much $ as he will receive, & to not take the risk of receiving no assets for a former #3 pick. Whether the situation could have been handled differently is a different conversation.

Fact: Utah is a better team after trading Kanter than they were before trading him.
This is all that actually matters, everything else is secondary. The transformation of our defense since the trade is amazing & shows you just how different a player's actual impact on a game can be from the #'s that show up in the box score.

Nice work, mailman.

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