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Karl Malone and his impact to the world of technology...


Well-Known Member
So my daughter works for Zillow. For those that don't know what Zillow is, it's a tech company that runs the largest online real estate database in the country. So my daughter tells me that they have a database program that pairs building addresses with ID numbers that are based on geographical location. This program/database is called "Malone". When my daughter asked why it was called that, they said it was named after Karl Malone, because a mailman knows a lot about addresses.

My daughter was so excited to tell me about this story, thought i'd share...
So my daughter works for Zillow. For those that don't know what Zillow is, it's a tech company that runs the largest online real estate database in the country. So my daughter tells me that they have a database program that pairs building addresses with ID numbers that are based on geographical location. This program/database is called "Malone". When my daughter asked why it was called that, they said it was named after Karl Malone, because a mailman knows a lot about addresses.

My daughter was so excited to tell me about this story, thought i'd share...

LOL nice story bro :)

Karl Malone approves of this thread.
too bad he set technology/innovation back an entire generation by talking crap about analytics and math. him and barkley both.

Nobody in NBA front offices gives a rats patooey about what Chuck and Karl think about analytics. Here to stay.
Does the real estate database also refer to itself using the first, second, and third person, all in the same sentence?