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Karl Malone Comeback Commercial???

I'm going to ignore the Lakers practice facility part and point out that Karl would have to average 17.7 ppg for 82 games to catch Kareem. :)
I'm going to ignore the Lakers practice facility part and point out that Karl would have to average 17.7 ppg for 82 games to catch Kareem. :)

He could probably do it in a "jazz style offense" which runs through strong PF's, not in Phil's triangle, where he'd be unaffective through size matchups.
....he probably regrets he didn't hang on a few more seasons or at least one, and try to get that scoring record. How close was he, anyway? With the right point guard running the show, he probably would have gotten it. But it couldn't have been with the Lakers. Too many ball hogs on that team!
What a coincidence. I was just looking at a Lakers Malone jersey on eBay.

But then I remembered my body would reject anything with a Lakers logo like a failed organ transplant and the experience would probably permanently injure my health in the long run. So that was a close one.
What a coincidence. I was just looking at a Lakers Malone jersey on eBay.

But then I remembered my body would reject anything with a Lakers logo like a failed organ transplant and the experience would probably permanently injure my health in the long run. So that was a close one.

You should be banished from JF for life for even entertaining the thought of perusing Malone's Laker gear.
What a coincidence. I was just looking at a Lakers Malone jersey on eBay.

But then I remembered my body would reject anything with a Lakers logo like a failed organ transplant and the experience would probably permanently injure my health in the long run. So that was a close one.

That was close. I almost just defriended you on Facebook.
Ok so now I've seen it. And feh on the comment on my bannination. Please.

Co-Pilot Roger Murdock rules. So help me Larry-Miller-In-Heaven, I like him and Magic too, can't help it.

And in that ad Karl looks as good as he ever did. Didn't know he left his wallet in El Segundo.

I think of Dwyane Wade saying tonight, "I haven't played in five months."

He looked winded and out of shape. Karl doesn't.
The man can fill out a practice uniform. Hubba hubba!