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Karl malone now has twitter

I'm waiting for, "Karl Malone about to tweet you some things that make you go hmm...."
This Malone twitter is for real. It has the 2 elements of a Malone twitter account.

1) Swears and colloquialisms that don't completely work together.

2) When I go to the page, I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!
Please explain why anyone would care. Thanks for it. So what else?

Well, first of all, I'm a Gordon Damn rock star. Secondly, Chucker practically begged me to open an account. He's now my Twitch. Thirdly, Twitter is probably the gayest thing on the webz, how could I not?
This Malone twitter thing is wierd. He's acting like Confuscious and keeps calling all his tweeps 'grasshoppers'.

At first, I always thought of Malone being the whitest black guy I know.....but now he's the most asian black guy I know.