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Keyonte's pouting now needs to be taken seriously


Well-Known Member
2019 Award Winner
Anyone catch the pout last night where his whole body went jello? I think it was Clarkson who ignored the red-hot Keyonte sauce. Keyonte needs to be the man at this point, even with how amazing Sexton's been playing. Can't have Clarkson out there pissing him off either so Clarkson needs to go.
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This was absolutely worth its own thread

Thanks, I concur. Haven't seen another thread regarding Keyonte's rapid rise and his growing frustration with Clarkson and others not getting him the ball.
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That's what happen when you sold half of your rotation but decided to keep all the ball hogs on your team. DA thought we are opening up minutes for the rooks but we are actually doing them a huge disservice. Not just Key. Tay now is only sitting in the corner and waiting for the pass that is never gonna come
That's what happen when you sold half of your rotation but decided to keep all the ball hogs on your team. DA thought we are opening up minutes for the rooks but we are actually doing them a huge disservice. Not just Key. Tay now is only sitting in the corner and waiting for the pass that is never gonna come
This is so true. KO was a pass first guy and Simone and Ochai had super low touch counts. KO and Simone also spaced the floor, which would have helped the rookies.

Removing them and adding THT opened frontcourt minutes but simultaneously reduced our ability to play functional team ball.

The "Key back to starter" move and minutes bump had nothing to do with the roster construct or the trades.
He need to grow up and stop pouting. He was terrible in our first gs game. 1/6 from 3, 2/10 fg in 29mins. Team high -32. He had few bad games before this one too and I bet he’s gonna have more in the next upcoming games. He is inconsistent. If there’s anybody who has the right to pout it’s sexton but he never does.
This pouting debate is an overreaction. Until we get some evidence its a problem in the locker room, then we just wait for him to grow a thicker skin.

Imo being emotional and caring is 100x better than the kids who come in and look like they dont care.
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That's what happen when you sold half of your rotation but decided to keep all the ball hogs on your team. DA thought we are opening up minutes for the rooks but we are actually doing them a huge disservice. Not just Key. Tay now is only sitting in the corner and waiting for the pass that is never gonna come
Ya poor keyonte only was able to have a career high night with all these ball hogs.

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I don't think its a huge deal, but I do like a thread to monitor it. Zanick mentioned it's a thing he works on.

If you watched the draft day interviews(the ones the NBA did for Twitter Livestream, like get know personality stuff) the dude came off as having an unbearably cocky personality.
Also I just want to say it's unbearable how much coddling rookies get from fanbases.

Rookies can be criticized. It's not the end of the world.
They represent hope. It's generally viewed as bad form to attack someone's sense of hope. It's like looking at someone's baby and saying "yep, he's a loser".
I don't think its a huge deal, but I do like a thread to monitor it. Zanick mentioned it's a thing he works on.

If you watched the draft day interviews(the ones the NBA did for Twitter Livestream, like get know personality stuff) the dude came off as having an unbearably cocky personality.
He also had a habit of clapping at guys for the ball. Haven’t seen it in a few games. Thems fighting words in my pick up runs.