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Kings to Va. Beach?

Wrong forum, newbie.

Crap, no wonder I didn't see anything. Meant to put this in "Utah Jazz". No one reads the General NBA forum. I'm neg repping myself as we speak.

UGLY said:
Are you really from VA, bordy?

Nah, just moved here. If this goes through, I'll only be a few hundred miles away from Jimmer. My zoobie sense is tingling.
That's out of the blue, I think UGLI might be onto something though. I don't know anything about the place, but at least that squashes the Anaheim rumors for good if true. I didn't want to see that.
That's out of the blue, I think UGLI might be onto something though. I don't know anything about the place, but at least that squashes the Anaheim rumors for good if true. I didn't want to see that.

I don't think the Kings would get enough votes to move to Anaheim. Stern's against as are the Lakers and Clippers. If anywhere I'd like to see the Kings end up in Seattle.
Here's the key takeaway from the article to me:

Maloof spokesman Troy Hanson told News10's Bryan May the family "gets calls from cities all the time," but that there was nothing imminent with any city, including Virginia Beach.
Crap, no wonder I didn't see anything. Meant to put this in "Utah Jazz". No one reads the General NBA forum. I'm neg repping myself as we speak.

Nah, just moved here. If this goes through, I'll only be a few hundred miles away from Jimmer. My zoobie sense is tingling.

What town you live in?
Just go Vegas with the Kings already. Take the shot, I think all the hullabaloo over potential issues there is just that.

He's no doubt rocking the D.C. suburbs like Donny Osmond did.

Louisville actually has a great demographic. City the size of SLC, with Cincinatti only an hour up the road, and a population full of bb nuts.