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Kris Dunn hype and appreciation thread


Well-Known Member
Everyone else is getting so much appreciation I figured it’s time Kris gets some too, he has been spectacular starting next to sexton this season once he finally got his shot and while he’s not putting up huge numbers like sexton he keeps on making winning plays and the assists have been way up kinda in the rajon rondo model.

I welcome you all to the Kris Dunn bus

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The bus is actually in my backyard with four flat tires and weeds growing all around it. If you’re wanting to hop on, there are some homeless hippies living in it, using mushrooms and having sex. You’ll probably wanna clear them out before you try to get that up and running. You may be able to get @Handlogten's Heros to pull Cy off towel duty on the Hendricks bus. In fact, just tell the hippies that there’s room on the Hendricks bus and they may think it’s the Hendrix bus, kinda like the John Voight car.
Everyone else is getting so much appreciation I figured it’s time Kris gets some too, he has been spectacular starting next to sexton this season once he finally got his shot and while he’s not putting up huge numbers like sexton he keeps on making winning plays and the assists have been way up kinda in the rajon rondo model.

I welcome you all to the Kris Dunn bus

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I have been one of the most vocal Dunn advocates ever since he got here. He was one of the fan favourites to be a week 1 starter, and then he looked rough at the start of the year and got the deep bench duty, deservingly so.

But the last 10 games or so have shown the "starter Dunn" we all envisioned. Not a wow player, and not great on offense. Just a "small things and hustle" guy who is relentless on defense setting a standard for all. With the "lightning in bottle Sexton" next to him he doesnt need to be anything but a pacer and facilitator on offense. Just help Collin out on the defensive end and let him and Lauri cook, with occasional lobs to Kessler, Tech or whoever is out there with them.

Btw we might have one of the highest energy starting backcourts in this league with Sexton and Dunn. Both are fighters.
Impressed with his on court post game interview last night. Spoke with more composure after a big win than expected. His game is more composed too. The door is open for a leader to emerge on this team. Good opportunity for Dunn.
Unfortunately his contract can’t be extended, only renegotiated after he enters free agency. This probably is big reason why Dunn was not a starter in the beginning of the season.
He's an important piece to this young team of introverts. Especially if he's playing well. Would hate to lose him.
He's quickly becoming one of the many decisions to be taken before the trade deadline and for the summer. Simone, Dunn, Lauri, KO are all important summer decisions, barring trades.
It's been way better than anything we've had in a long time. It might not be game changing, but it's very much appreciated by my eyes.
Maybe I just have a bad memory, but whenever he has to guard anyone of note 1 v 1 he sees to foul way too much.

Last night he excelled because Dame was out and that let him be a roamer on help defense.
The bus is actually in my backyard with four flat tires and weeds growing all around it. If you’re wanting to hop on, there are some homeless hippies living in it, using mushrooms and having sex. You’ll probably wanna clear them out before you try to get that up and running. You may be able to get @Handlogten's Heros to pull Cy off towel duty on the Hendricks bus. In fact, just tell the hippies that there’s room on the Hendricks bus and they may think it’s the Hendrix bus, kinda like the John Voight car.

I would think that the Dunn bus would look more like a work truck for a handcuff manufacturer or an acme chastity belts truck than a bus full of hippies and free love. In fact, its probably less of a bus and more like fort knox.

Infection, if you showed up in a hippy robe with a sign saying make love not war, you would end up like the sheriff of Nottingham from men in tights...

I have been one of the most vocal Dunn advocates ever since he got here. He was one of the fan favourites to be a week 1 starter, and then he looked rough at the start of the year and got the deep bench duty, deservingly so.

But the last 10 games or so have shown the "starter Dunn" we all envisioned. Not a wow player, and not great on offense. Just a "small things and hustle" guy who is relentless on defense setting a standard for all. With the "lightning in bottle Sexton" next to him he doesnt need to be anything but a pacer and facilitator on offense. Just help Collin out on the defensive end and let him and Lauri cook, with occasional lobs to Kessler, Tech or whoever is out there with them.

Btw we might have one of the highest energy starting backcourts in this league with Sexton and Dunn. Both are fighters.

Yeah he was my vote to be the day 1 starter
So I’m super happy he took this opportunity and played well instead of messing it up

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Dunn makes the unorthodox zone work. Yes he is limited on offense but he is a linchpin in this defensive strategy. Geez what a creative coaching job by Hardy. Most coaches would have let the tank happen.
I've been saying forever that the key for Dunn is playing within himself. He's never been able to do that with any consistency in his career, but better late than never, I guess. The more he limits (or better yet, eliminates) those overdribbling escapades into the trees and the needless reaching on D, the more useful he is.

You still see those things now and then, and he can be too loose/relaxed with the ball in crunch time. But the bigger picture is that Dunn has made strides as a steady PG, and I'm happy for the guy.

Sometimes in the NBA it's important to do less.
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I've been saying forever that the absolute key for Dunn is playing within himself. He's never been able to do that with any consistency in his career, but better late than never, I guess. The more he limits (or better yet, eliminates) those overdribbling escapades into the trees and the needless reaching on D, the more useful he is.

You still see those things now and then, and he can be too loose/relaxed with the ball in crunch time. But the bigger picture is that Dunn has made strides as a steady PG, and I'm happy for the guy.

Sometimes in the NBA it's important to do less.

Now if we can just get this same message across to JC. I swear he has more unforced TOs when losing his handle on the ball. He needs to dribble less... At 31, I don't think it is ever going to improve.