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Larry sanders is he worth swapping picks?

Chargers Jazz Angels

Well-Known Member
I was considering trade options and looking at Milwaukee they have a lot of bad contracts. would you take on a couple of those bad contracts to swap picks with Milwaukee?

sanders 4 yrs 44 mil
oj mayo 2 yrs 16 mil
ersan ilyasova 2 yrs 16 mil
pachulia 2 yrs 10 mil

my guess it would be 2 of those to make it happen but they would keep pachulia because they would need to keep a center. with burks we wouldn't need mayo so ilyasova would be the pick.

the jazz would have their choice between 2 of the top 3 (wiggins, Parker or embiid) I don't see them taking embiid.

Milwaukee could nab vonleh at 5.

is it worth it?
Doubt they view Sanders this low

Agreed. That said, I would not trade Favors (and his contract) for Sanders (and his contract). Sanders is a head case. Want nothing to do with him. I'd love to get Jabari Parker, but not like that.
I tend to agree that the deal to be made, will be with the Bucks. I don't hate Irasolva or Mayo for that matter. With the proper coach and health both can be rotational players. Both bring shooting and respectable #'s for there salaries, if it doesn't work, both will be expiring contracts next year. Another great asset for the future.
oj mayo 2 yrs 16 mil
ersan ilyasova 2 yrs 16 mil

I would trade for these to plus the #2 in a second, but I think the Bucks could get a lot more value for either than a pick swap. Mayo proved in Memphis that he is a quality sixth man and Ersan has the ability to be an elite stretch 4 (which I think Utah's new system will need). Both will be under expiring deals after this season so they could be traceable assets and not affect the extensions or Burks and Kanter (or they make either of those guys moveable).
He's a smoker, a joker, a midnight toker. No way we take Sanders.

A Steve Miller Band reference!
I'd love to hear Bolerjack refer to Sanders as the "Space Cowboy." Better yet, call him the "Gangster of Love."

Ironically, Steve Miller (not the same one!) is the president of Miller Sports Properties and has been taking a more active role in the Jazz of late.
Why does it matter if Sanders is a headcase? If you think Parker will be a superstar, it doesn't matter who comes along in the deal.

Especially now that Corbin is gone. Otherwise, Favors would sit on the bench while Ty tried to rebuild the career of Sanders. Or Burks would continue to sit while Corbin gave Ilyasova "veteran" consideration.