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Last game of the season -- Jazz @ Blazers 4/11/2018 8:30 pm MST

I’m not really worried about any one game anymore. I’m more worried that it’s all been a fluke/dream/hot streak and suddenly we are gonna look like the December team. Seems irrational now, but I can’t quite get it out of my head.

When (if) we go down, as long as it was playing our game the same way we have for the past three months I will have zero complaints.

We've been this team, with different pieces, longer than we'd been that team. If we suddenly were to fall off it wouldn't be as that December team. Chin up.
I’m not really worried about any one game anymore. I’m more worried that it’s all been a fluke/dream/hot streak and suddenly we are gonna look like the December team. Seems irrational now, but I can’t quite get it out of my head.

When (if) we go down, as long as it was playing our game the same way we have for the past three months I will have zero complaints.

Ye of little faith. You cant "fluke" 29-5.
Speaking of Marie Curie, did you know that in the town of Jachymov in the republic of Czech there was a luxury spa called The Marie Curie-Sklodowska Radium Palace where guests would go to breath and bath the radium to be cured of all their ills.

The town of Jachymov Czech sits at the base of the Erz Mountains, where silver was discovered in the 1500's. The town turned the silver into coins called "thallers" which is the root of our word for dollars. But the silver mines dug too deep and where the silver veins ended they found a mysterious black rock, they thought the black rock was bad luck but they had no idea just how bad. The black rock was Uranium and so not only did the silver veins play out, the miners and towns people started getting sick.

I'm sure there is an analogy in there about bad luck following people who chase dollars or something.
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I’m not really worried about any one game anymore. I’m more worried that it’s all been a fluke/dream/hot streak and suddenly we are gonna look like the December team. Seems irrational now, but I can’t quite get it out of my head.

When (if) we go down, as long as it was playing our game the same way we have for the past three months I will have zero complaints.

I’ve had the same worry but I’ve finally came to a rational conclusion: The Jazz have been playing like this for 3 1/2 months. That’s not a streak, that’s simply playing some of the best basketball in the league for basically half the season. When we’re healthy, I think it’s pretty simple: This is who we are.

Ye of little faith. You cant "fluke" 29-5.
We've been this team, with different pieces, longer than we'd been that team. If we suddenly were to fall off it wouldn't be as that December team. Chin up.
I don’t think I communicated my feelings very well based on these reactions. I’ve never loved a team more. And I beleive in them whole heartedly.
Gamethread Girl: Marie Curie

Marie Curie (1867–1934) was a brilliant Polish/French scientist. Her research on radioactivity earned her a Nobel Prize at the turn of the century, and she received a second Nobel Prize in 1911 for her work in chemistry. She was the first person to ever win Nobel in two separate categories. She also helped develop the first X-ray machines.

Given Utah's current chemistry, the way other teams are disintegrating before us like so much radioactive decay, and her connection to Rudy's homeland, she makes for a perfect Gamethread Girl. She once said "One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done." May our Utah Jazz focus on the task ahead, without resting on their laurels, tonight.


I was hoping for Wilma Mankiller.
I’m not really worried about any one game anymore. I’m more worried that it’s all been a fluke/dream/hot streak and suddenly we are gonna look like the December team. Seems irrational now, but I can’t quite get it out of my head.

When (if) we go down, as long as it was playing our game the same way we have for the past three months I will have zero complaints.

I to have had this feeling. Being a negative Nancy sucks!
Did the picture show up? I can’t see it.
