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Last good song you listened to?

can't think of a better song to post right now


Happy Memorial Day and THANK YOU to veterans and all who are doing their part to keep this a wonderful world.


The Playing For Change Foundation is a global nonprofit organization offering creative opportunities for marginalized and at-risk youth, most specifically in the developing world.

Been listening to this in the car all week, one of the best albums of the last ten years in my humble opinion. A fitting epitaph for a giant.

Been listening to this in the car all week, one of the best albums of the last ten years in my humble opinion. A fitting epitaph for a giant.

GSH was a freaking BEAST. It's not a great exaggeration to say that he and the Last Poets were responsible for the very existence of rap and hip-hop.
I'm not going to embed the video, just post a link to it, because it's not safe for work. Just language. Lots of language from the premiere Scottish Pirate Metal band.


Reminds me of my mates band, they've done a bunch of European tours and put on a pretty good show


Saw this bloke last night, awesome show, played this and dress sexy at my funeral for the encore.
I've always just kind of known them for doing quirky little tracks like Pretending To Be Drunk or I Wish I looked A Little Better, but this is next level:

Listening to this now, lost count of the number of times i've seen chan. She's awesome.
[quote="gandalfe, post: 1425526"[/MEDIA[/MEDIA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M5W_3T2Ye4[/QUOTE]

wow, some good stuff here - I haven't heard the Last Poets song probably in ages (decades), though the lyrics were displayed a Black History Month exhibit recently and the Gil Scott Heron takes me waaaayyy back too, same with the Youngbloods - always was a big fan of Jesse Colin Young

my new favorite is another from a beer commercial, funny though that listening to the entire song and watching the video, it sure does not seem like it belongs in a Blue Moon Commercial

"you can walk your long legs baby right outta my life..."


makes me think of Oogum Boogum, the song in that Kia Commercial

why I am not more familiar with Mayer Hawthorne, he's a throwback who seems to be the genuine thing
yowzah, yowzah...

somehow I got on a YouTube string of oldies by The Specials, great stuff, starting with this one - - and now I've run through Gangsters, A Message to You Rudy, Do Nothing, and Poor Little Rich Girl - great stuff!

(open the link in a new window and just let it play away)

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