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Less Miles, more Evans & Hayward

I am saying exactly what I said. I don't know if they were good shots, great shots, or horrible shots. All that mattered was he missed.

OMFG. You have no idea what you are talking about, nooooor do you have any real concept of the game of basketball.

Good day sir.
what should he do when the shotclock is expiring not shoot?
you dont know ****

other than GlassEater, all of you missed the point. obviously it's not his fault to shoot when the shot clock is expiring, but cj puts himself in that position because he doesn't run the system well by setting screens and making hard cuts. if you look at him he walks or stands in place, he's not moving around. he's just settling for jump shots unless he takes a dribble, goes to the basket and more than usual misses a layup.

when hayward and evans are in the game, they both move around so well that they get open for a play or good pass. havent u noticed the rhythm of the game change in favor of the jazz when they play? and don't even get me started on how much better hayward and evans are on defense than cj lol
As I mentioned in another thread, the team has not been making sharp cuts OR sharp passes consistantly. Too much with the rounded, trotting movement and soft passes. Often the passer, even DWill, ignore a cutter who has an open shot or layup, I guess waiting for CJ or a seemingly pre-selected teammate to become 'open'. And too often, the 'open' guy gets the ball and is quickly covered by the defense, with no real good shot available. CJ apparently is the designated 'go to' when the clock is running down. Him and DWill seem to be our most frequent shooters from the perimeter...
Miles' play off the bench has won us a lot of games, especially early in the season. Remember all those great comeback victories? That had the Jazz bench written all over it. And CJ is the only true producer off the bench.

True, his decision making is not the best, but he has definitely improved this season. He is actually very athletic but he chooses to go with his jump shot most of the time.

There has to be a reason why Evans doesn't get many minutes. We saw it with Sloan, thinking the reason was Sloan doesn't play rookies. But now Corbin isn't playing him much as well, even with all the injuries. Maybe they know something we don't. Since after all they were/are the coaches and see him day in day out. All the action we see of him is him slamming balls into hoops.

He is an exciting talent, but at the moment I don't think he is ready to play big minutes. I trust the coaching staff know better than we do.

Agreed. Remember early in the year those great comeback victories? Who was getting minutes at the end of those games, CJ or Raja? CJ was. Lately when they have been sucking, who has finished games? Raja. I don't get it.

Our bigger problems right now are: team defense and Deron. Deron is shooting horribly right now and I believe it has got to be his wrist. The Jazz need to get him right/fixed, no matter what it takes, even if season-ending surgery.
Evans needs to develop an NBA body. With the frame he has, he is very liable for injuries and that would not only hurt the team but also his development. Hayward is more NBA ready, but still I wouldn't play him more than 25 Minutes in his rookie year for the same health risk reasons like with Evans.

True. This was a bane of AK's in his early days too. He played with such abandon it was incredible to watch at times, but he didn't have a body that could handle the abuse and we started to see injuries. Evans needs to hit the weights so he can take the abuse.
I am saying exactly what I said. I don't know if they were good shots, great shots, or horrible shots. All that mattered was he missed. Time and time again. With plenty of time on the shot clock, which was the original argument, that he missed because he was forced into bad shots by the shot clock, but we see in these 2 games that was not the case. Plenty of time on the clock, still missed.

Again we obviously cannot tell from this info if it was a good shot or a bad shot, or how closely he was being guarded, or who was guarding him, or if he farted when he shot it. All we can see is when he made or missed a shot and when during the shot clock the shot was taken. And we see that more often than not he had plenty of time on the clock and still missed.

OMFG. You have no idea what you are talking about, nooooor do you have any real concept of the game of basketball.

Good day sir.

Oh goodie another troll taking things out of context. Are you saying that making shots is not the point? Are you arguing that we really CAN tell from this data whether they were good shots or not?

You quickly lose all credibility when the crux of your argument is personal attacks and insults. Bring some actual thought to the party next time.
This thread is all wrong. Really what we need more of is Price. I am shooting for a top 10 so we can pick one of the Lithuanians so we can see Boler and Harpring have fun with trying to pronounce his name.
Prodigy Wesley Matthews is shooting 44%, as well as Kevin Martin and Jason Terry. Emanuel is shooting 42%

I see no difference here.