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Lets Go Jazz!


Well-Known Member
I have been following this forum for awhile now and I have finally decided that I should join in on all the fun. Here are some of my thoughts about our
beloved Jazz.....

1. Trey Burke was a great move
I know a lot of people are really bummed out right now because of his poor showing at Summer League but I still think he is going to be great for us.
The kid has a lot to learn still but as soon as his jumper starts falling there should be nothing to worry about. I believe that him playing the pick and
roll game with Kanter and Favors is going to be a lot of fun to watch. He may not be the fastest or biggest guy out there but he has great handles and
when he is playing with good NBA players (not a team of newbies and hopefulls) he should really shine. I think we will all love him soon.

2. I love the changes we've made
Over the last few years we've been a good team but nothing better than just good. We had plenty of free agents this summer and who have we
brought back?.....NO ONE! Not even our leading scorer or our leading assist man from last year. It sounds crazy but I love that we let them go. Think
about how different our team will be. No Jefferson, Millsap, Mo, Watson, Carroll, Foye, and possibly Tinsley as well. These are all players that would be
standing in the way of developing our young guys and now we are putting trust in the young core to do there thing. Its what we have all be complaining
about and now it will be hard for Coach Corbin to mess with minutes of the guys we all want to see on the court

3. The Golden State Trade
I love the trade. I really don't think that Biedrins will have his carreer "resurrected" or that Jefferson will provide anything usefull for our team, but I love
that we got Brandon Rush. I believe it was last year or maybe two years ago, everyone on here was hoping that we could get Rush from the Pacers.
Everyone was so bummed when he went to Golden State. Now we've got him and people don't seem to be that excited. I love his defense and his ability
to shoot the three. Sure he just had surgery but I really think he'll bounce back and be a great part of our team who will resign after next year.

I am not saying that I think our team is going to contend against teams like OKC, LAC, SA, or the other powerhouse teams in the West, but I am really
excited about our future and I think we will be better than a lot of people think. It might be rough at first and you can complain all you want, but like I said,
the guys we've been complaining about not playing enough are now going to get those minutes. This is what we've wanted for awhile. Lets not be so
pessimistic and just love our Jazz. Thanks guys. Sorry this was so long and pretty much saying what every other thread has already said.

If you're not an alt, then welcome. All aboard the train to Tankville!

LOL, yes welcome to jazz fanz... we will all try to make you feel it at home here amongst friends..

***lets hope your for real and not an alt***
Somedays I wonder how many of you 'people' are just bots and alts.

Ever see the Truman show?
I have been following this forum for awhile now and I have finally decided that I should join in on all the fun. Here are some of my thoughts about our
beloved Jazz.....

1. Trey Burke was a great move
I know a lot of people are really bummed out right now because of his poor showing at Summer League but I still think he is going to be great for us.
The kid has a lot to learn still but as soon as his jumper starts falling there should be nothing to worry about. I believe that him playing the pick and
roll game with Kanter and Favors is going to be a lot of fun to watch. He may not be the fastest or biggest guy out there but he has great handles and
when he is playing with good NBA players (not a team of newbies and hopefulls) he should really shine. I think we will all love him soon.

2. I love the changes we've made
Over the last few years we've been a good team but nothing better than just good. We had plenty of free agents this summer and who have we
brought back?.....NO ONE! Not even our leading scorer or our leading assist man from last year. It sounds crazy but I love that we let them go. Think
about how different our team will be. No Jefferson, Millsap, Mo, Watson, Carroll, Foye, and possibly Tinsley as well. These are all players that would be
standing in the way of developing our young guys and now we are putting trust in the young core to do there thing. Its what we have all be complaining
about and now it will be hard for Coach Corbin to mess with minutes of the guys we all want to see on the court

3. The Golden State Trade
I love the trade. I really don't think that Biedrins will have his carreer "resurrected" or that Jefferson will provide anything usefull for our team, but I love
that we got Brandon Rush. I believe it was last year or maybe two years ago, everyone on here was hoping that we could get Rush from the Pacers.
Everyone was so bummed when he went to Golden State. Now we've got him and people don't seem to be that excited. I love his defense and his ability
to shoot the three. Sure he just had surgery but I really think he'll bounce back and be a great part of our team who will resign after next year.

I am not saying that I think our team is going to contend against teams like OKC, LAC, SA, or the other powerhouse teams in the West, but I am really
excited about our future and I think we will be better than a lot of people think. It might be rough at first and you can complain all you want, but like I said,
the guys we've been complaining about not playing enough are now going to get those minutes. This is what we've wanted for awhile. Lets not be so
pessimistic and just love our Jazz. Thanks guys. Sorry this was so long and pretty much saying what every other thread has already said.


Welcome... Hope you stick around... We need new blood!!!

Who's your favorite Current Jazz player and Favorite Poster???
Jazzfanz survival tip #1: circumventing the profanity filter: infraction. Actual swearing or use of sexual innuendo: allowed.
Thanks guys. And to answer your questions, I am real. Not a bot or an alt. Not even sure what those are. Zulu, my favorite current player on the Jazz is Hayward. Love his defense and I think he is going to have a breakout year. My favorite poster....I have no idea but I am curious if Hotnick is a old friend of mine. They say the exact same stuff and both make me laugh. Revolution9, that woulda been hilarious if I was that guy from Orem High but it wasn't me. Sorry about that. I just moved to orem to go to UVU. I am originally from South Jordan. I am really excited to finally be a member of this forum and I hope that I can contribute in some way and not just piss people off. This is the best forum in the world!

In addition to the rules core4 listed, you are not allowed to think for yourself around here. Learn the forum line ASAP, or become a hater, an apologist, a fanboy, and a troll. Other than this, thank you for your future like-minded contributions. Rep'd!
Thanks guys. And to answer your questions, I am real. Not a bot or an alt. Not even sure what those are. Zulu, my favorite current player on the Jazz is Hayward. Love his defense and I think he is going to have a breakout year. My favorite poster....I have no idea but I am curious if Hotnick is a old friend of mine. They say the exact same stuff and both make me laugh. Revolution9, that woulda been hilarious if I was that guy from Orem High but it wasn't me. Sorry about that. I just moved to orem to go to UVU. I am originally from South Jordan. I am really excited to finally be a member of this forum and I hope that I can contribute in some way and not just piss people off. This is the best forum in the world!

Classic alt catchphrase.
Thanks guys. And to answer your questions, I am real. Not a bot or an alt. Not even sure what those are. Zulu, my favorite current player on the Jazz is Hayward. Love his defense and I think he is going to have a breakout year. My favorite poster....I have no idea but I am curious if Hotnick is a old friend of mine. They say the exact same stuff and both make me laugh. Revolution9, that woulda been hilarious if I was that guy from Orem High but it wasn't me. Sorry about that. I just moved to orem to go to UVU. I am originally from South Jordan. I am really excited to finally be a member of this forum and I hope that I can contribute in some way and not just piss people off. This is the best forum in the world!

does this old friend preach love and peace then do the opposite, and instigate stuff?

In addition to the rules core4 listed, you are not allowed to think for yourself around here. Learn the forum line ASAP, or become a hater, an apologist, a fanboy, and a troll. Other than this, thank you for your future like-minded contributions. Rep'd!


Nice post.

How come no one else liked this post?