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LIVE DRAFT - COMMENTS --- Agony, Ecstasy, etc.

All I need to say about this whole thing.

My reactions to the pick, in order:

1. Crap

2. At least Honz will have a happy birthday.

3. I sure hope Honz knows something I don't know.

4. Maybe it's a pick for another team and the Jazz are trading down.

5. They give Brewer away for practically nothing because they are "overloaded at the wings", then draft a SF??

6. Maybe this is an indication they plan to re-sign Boozer and let Korver walk, rather than the other way around.

7. Have they still not traded him?
What kind of message does this send to Deron?

He's going to lose Boozer and Brewer and gain Hayward.

I think Jerry Sloan has gone the way of Al Davis. This pick was mind boggingly horrible.
They don't pick who is the best in the workouts you fool. They pick who is white, a hick, and who likes tractors. Name me one good white player that came out to the NBA in five years that has the potential to be a superstar. ZERO. You had George, Henry, Davis and even Patterson on the board who have more potential than tha country bumpkin and the Jazz still pick the pasitest white player in the draft whose ceiling is considered to be Mike Miller. Life off, game on?? Not so much anymore.
Look, at this point, it comes down to a very simple question. Who would you rather have in Utah, Kevin O'Connor or Deron Williams? If O'Connor and his incompetence stays, Williams is gone.
I think I may replace honz as the resident Thunder fan on this board after seeing them trade for Aldrich...another smart move.
How can a guy who shoots 29% from college 3 be the next horny? Am I missing something here? I just don't get what this guy brings to the table besides a nice personality and white skin color.
Calijazz- I'm a Thunder fan now too. I told all of you KOC is a horrible drafter and you all said he is awesome and top 5 in the league. You regret that now?