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Why is it no surprise that the D-Wade - Lebron arrogance/ignorance is shining through at full blast on the player's side of this lockout. Apparently they're (among) the ones demanding that Billy Hunter not give in at all ... the "we'll never give-in" sort of sentiment. It's a hard feeling to describe, but it's there. It's that same feeling you get watching Lebron and Wade walk into the NBA finals fake coughing, it's the same feeling you get after hearing Wade whine that "the Heat are losing, now the world can be happy", as if he's completely ignorant to the fact that they've literally brought every last drop of the hate upon themselves. The whole sense of entitlement. I don't know exactly how to describe the feeling, but its a sort of palpable sense that these guys give off. Now apparently its infiltrating the negotiations - never mind the fact that Wade and Lebron got their contracts back-loaded so they're not set to lose as much from missing a year anyway.

In my mind, from the Jazz's point of view, the more concessions that the owners can get the better off they are. I believe all fans should feel this way. Why do we want the leverage in the hands of the players, taking away flexibility from our front offices?
never mind the fact that Wade and Lebron got their contracts back-loaded so they're not set to lose as much from missing a year anyway.

Back-loaded? What, like 90+% of contracts in the league, then? Those cunning fiends. And they're not set to lose much from missing a year? In what universe is $15 million lost - never to be regained - 'not much'?

In my mind, from the Jazz's point of view, the more concessions that the owners can get the better off they are. I believe all fans should feel this way.
So you're saying the more concessions the Jazz owners can get, the better off the Jazz organization is? Revolutionary.

Why do we want the leverage in the hands of the players, taking away flexibility from our front offices?
I thought the narrative here was that there need to be more restrictions in place so that there could be more parity.

Anyway, I'm torn. All I want is my basketball. Ultimately, whether players are greater or lesser millionaires doesn't matter that much to me. But people have to understand it's their right and their duty to fight for every penny because that's exactly what the owners are doing. And the players (generally) understand that they wouldn't be getting the share they've been getting if not for the efforts of those that came before them and that they owe it to those down the line. Yes, the players are holding their ground and that could be preventing a season, but let's not forget that the owners locked the players out to begin with and that they will absolutely be coming away better off for it.

No matter how you slice it, people are ****ing annoyed that a bunch of millionaires can't figure out how to split $4 billion amongst themselves. As they should.
Because revenue has been growing so much in the NHL since their lockout, players will now receive 57% (players' revenue share is on a sliding scale dependent on total revenue...a policy way too sensible for the NBA). NBA players won't be getting anything near that. I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Just so we all understand how the NHL will destroy the NBA if there's an extended lockout, here are the annual salary cap numbers in the NHL since the lockout:

The NHL is booming- 9% growth per year in the NHL salary cap, even with the recession, as opposed to 3% growth per year since 05/06 in the NBA salary cap- and if the NBA goes away, they'll swoop in and get some half decent TV deals, leaving the NBA out in the cold. The owners certainly dragged their feet far too long on this thing, but I'm surprised the players aren't willing to get this thing finalized now(especially since it's only going to be a 6-year deal).

The arrogant ignorance about the NHL on this site is quite a head-scratcher. Overall, the NHL product has been fantastic since the lockout, and fans are responding (IIRC, attendance numbers are better in the NHL than in the NBA...not that that's saying much).

I think what the point he's making is that in the year prior to the NHL lockout, players were taking 76% of gross revenues (Wikipedia). Now, after years of growth, they are finally at 57%. Pre-lockout the NHL players were taking home an average of $1,830,126 per year, and only $1,460,000 after (https://www.andrewsstarspage.com/index.php/site/comments/average_nhl_player_salary_since_1990_91/105-2008-09) Are we not all in agreement that this was a MAJOR concession by the NHL players and definitely one they wish they had made sooner, rather than missing a season?

That said, good find on this chart. Are you saying that the NHL lockout was a good thing for both the NHL and it's players? If the NHL salary cap and revenues have increased this drastically after sitting out a year, is that essentially what the NBA is trying to replicate? Additionally, what is driving the NHL's increased revenue? Competitive balance?
Additionally, what is driving the NHL's increased revenue? Competitive balance?
That's probably part of it. I like to think the biggest reason for their growth is an improving NHL product and deteriorating NBA product (since both leagues are active at the same time). The NBA has been pandering to casual fans for a longtime, often alienating hardcore fans. The opposite is true of the NHL, and you can see the difference in the arenas...That sort of experience is alluring.
.....Dutch had the best solution to this lockout, in my humble opinion. Sterns, in the next meeting with the punks, tells them you have one week to sign at 50-50 revenue sharing. Each month after that, it goes down another percentage point....until you guys sign or find work at McDonald's! Heck, I think Dutch said it should go down a point every week! Players can't start there own league...but owners can make money in other forms of business endeavors. And they won't have to work at Sonic's or Wendy's to do it! (I guess out West they have "Jack in the Box" right?)
One thing is for sure, they're definitely going to swoop in and get my viewing this winter. Even if the NBA comes back for a shortened season, I'm getting bitter enough to just say **** it and not watch.

At this point, the NBA is so far from being "about the game", it's pathetic.

whish i could nto watch it but i love jazz too much.

wont buy nbalp this year but watch some pirated links since thats not illegal in the netherlands
people have to understand it's their right and their duty to fight for every penny because that's exactly what the owners are doing.

I have no problem with them trying to get the best deal they can get. What pisses me off is that I think they are overplaying what seems to be a losing hand, due to sheer stubbornness, and I don't believe it's in the best interest of the majority of players.

let's not forget that the owners locked the players out to begin with .

The league had the option of extending the current CBA for one year, and chose not to. That is true. Just the same, once the CBA expires, nothing can happen until a new deal is in place. Realistically, all this means is that all this BS we're dealing with now would've just been delayed a year.
Won't read through all of this but let me ask this question.

Who is the Players Association nominated 'leader'? Is he honest in the fans eyes (Outside of Los Angeles)?

Does any of this suprise you when you put that into perspective?
Bottom line is if you are an owner and you can do it why wouldn't you. It is a business when it is all said and done. I know if my job started to lose money they cut back on just about everything. What is the difference? This economy sucks and could just as easy end up getting worse then the depression. I am not going to watch a sport that continues to turn into the wwe. We have players flying their helicopters to the arenas and others who go off the court in wheelchairs only to come back to play. But some people say their free will has been taken away... Brother. These players value is only as value as what the nba pays them to be. Let them try and find a better solution if they think they are worth more.
Bottom line is if you are an owner and you can do it why wouldn't you. It is a business when it is all said and done. I know if my job started to lose money they cut back on just about everything. What is the difference? This economy sucks and could just as easy end up getting worse then the depression. I am not going to watch a sport that continues to turn into the wwe. We have players flying their helicopters to the arenas and others who go off the court in wheelchairs only to come back to play. But some people say their free will has been taken away... Brother. These players value is only as value as what the nba pays them to be. Let them try and find a better solution if they think they are worth more.

...good points! All of them!

I normally disagree with Stephen A. Smith, but this article is DEAD-ON. Here's an portion that I really like:

"It is the players who'll need to justify why the potential for $1.5 million in average-salary pay hikes -- with a guarantee of no pay cuts -- for at least the next seven years was not a deal good enough to accept.

The players will also need to explain why it's a problem for owners to want Memphis, Sacramento, Milwaukee, Charlotte and other small-market cities to have a fairer shot at competing economically with New York and Los Angeles if it wouldn't affect the bottom-line dollars the players are actually receiving."
Derek Fisher is an attention whore who loves seeing himself at the center of this whole thing on Sportscenter. It's really the only logical explanation.
....I thought this article from ESPN made some pretty good points...as well. I normally would back Sterns 100%....but this guy makes the point that this whole mess began and ended on Sterns watch...thus his legacy will take a pretty good hit. However, if he can reduce salaries by half....and rid the NBA of hopper ball....then he's back in the good grace of us basketball purists!
