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Looking for genuine discourse re: Donald Sterling/NBA

I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please
I get what you are saying, but the nba has to protect their bottom line. If the players start leaving because they know that a racist owner is in power, the league will lose a ton of value. Integrity aside, there are literally tens of thousands of jobs in the nba that could be at stake with the amount of employees aside from players each team has. That's a ton of responsibility. Had it been a private thing that had not been leaked to the news, it probably would not have been a huge issue, even if it was known generally around the league.

It's about time though, this guy has been a huge douche for decades.

There are generally 2 kinds of consequences to our actions: structured or institutionalized consequences (such as jail time for breaking a law, getting fired for sexual harassment, etc.), and natural consequences (touching the hot stove and getting burned, after getting fired for sexual harassment some of my friends won't hang out with me anymore). In this case, no matter the overall monetary cost, I think the natural consequences should follow. Players should refuse to play for him, fans should refuse to go to the games and refuse to buy merchandise. That is the only kind of consequence that matters if we really decry the racism he espouses. If those things don't happen, then it is a very sad commentary on society in general, no matter what structured consequence the NBA cooks up. If those things don't happen and he loses his franchise due to some NBA rule, but there is no real public outcry that deals real damage as a result then nothing will have been changed at all. Not that I think anything can change his outlook, but removing his franchise is more or less sweeping it under the rug to avoid bad publicity considering the NBA has known about his douche-baggery for years and done nothing. IMO the NBA should be hit by this too for allowing it for so long.

And how sad is it that people would scream outrage and call for his head and his livelihood, but we sure won't refuse to buy our kid the newest Jersey, cuz you know, Jersey's make us look cool.
I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please

You hit the nail on the head Moe. THAT is how we show them we won't tolerate it, not by making grandiose posts in some thread on a fan forum, but by actually doing something that will have an impact on them for their behavior. Repped.
I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please

If they actually, truly cared….they would have done something years ago.
He trusted a gold digger with his thoughts? Don't think that's at all analogous to you and your wife discussing thoughts.

I guess you can split that hair as far as you like. He spoke his opinion in his own home to someone he was intimate with. Not that big a stretch.
I was trying to analyze only this conversation to determine IF he was a racist/bigot.

First, I would like to apologize to you. Someone sent me a PM alerting me to the fact that you are actually a woman. I'm not sure why you didn't correct me before. Sorry about that. It's funny that I thought you were a man, but ending up being a woman. When I first started seeing Archie post, I thought he was a woman and he turned out to be a man. Go figure. Sometimes gender bias is lost in translation on the internets.

I do appreciate your posts, though I don't agree with all of them.

This may not be popular, but realistically "they" should do nothing to the man. He is entitled to his opinion as much as the next guy. If he were on a nationally televised interview or something and said those things as a spokesperson of the NBA he should be subject to the NBA's conduct clause if such a thing applies. He said it in the supposed privacy of his own home and the only reason anyone even knows about it is his gold-digging "girlfriend" trying to win the lottery in law suits and notoriety. I know there are plenty of things my wife and I discuss I would never want aired on TV and we should be entitled to that privacy especially if it is in my own home. Just my $0.02.

You are absolutely correct. He is without a doubt entiled to his opinion. And he still has it. He has an opinion until the day he dies. He also is able to say whatever he wants at whatever time he wants. He's afforded that ability. But as others have mentioned, depending on the time and location of where he decides to say these things, there will always be a chance of consequence. In this instance, he was stupid enough to fall for the okey doke by some hoodrat.

You bring up your wife and the things both of you have discussed in private. Many a men and women have had their spouses bring up private conversations in divorce hearings. It happens. Is it moral? Who knows, that's another discussion. But it happens. Life is life and confidences are betrayed all the time.

In respect to Sterling, many CEO's over the years have been issued a vote of no confidence and subsequently fired as a result of their incompetence. In most of these situations, the bottom line was the deciding factor. This is no different. Furthermore, that the CBA calls for a 2/3's vote in order to get Sterling to sell the team shows me that this is being done in a legal fashion.

I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please

Who is they? Is there a chance that over the years, many of these players had certain interactions with this man and this is finally a "ding dong the witch is dead" scenario. Unless I'm wrong, aren't all the other instances of his racial charged statements just allegations and never actually proven? And now, as a result of a good whoore, a "that's the ticket" moment has happened? You should watch the Steven A. Smith interview with Skip Bayless. Smith touches on a time where he met Sterling for the first time and how nice Sterling was too him and as soon as he left, Baron Davis walked over to him and asked him if he knew who he was talking to and what the man stood for.

Not that I think anything can change his outlook, but removing his franchise is more or less sweeping it under the rug to avoid bad publicity considering the NBA has known about his douche-baggery for years and done nothing. IMO the NBA should be hit by this too for allowing it for so long.

Is there a chance that there was no recourse before? Most of his racial trangressions were done outside of the league. No?

You hit the nail on the head Moe. THAT is how we show them we won't tolerate it, not by making grandiose posts in some thread on a fan forum, but by actually doing something that will have an impact on them for their behavior. Repped.

I disagree. I think hitting him where it hurts the most is the right move.

If they actually, truly cared….they would have done something years ago.

I don't think they could.
I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please

Haven't been watching, but I think you are wrong about this. It is an important action for these people to make a stand against racism. The fact is that racism has absolutely no place in a civilized world, and when there is a victory for the right thing, I think it should be celebrated and talked about. The fact that racism still exists is sickening, but awareness is a huge tool in eradicating it, and awareness only happens when people are willing to talk about it.

Most nights, basketball is only about basketball, but today it is much bigger than that.
Haven't been watching, but I think you are wrong about this. It is an important action for these people to make a stand against racism. The fact is that racism has absolutely no place in a civilized world, and when there is a victory for the right thing, I think it should be celebrated and talked about. The fact that racism still exists is sickening, but awareness is a huge tool in eradicating it, and awareness only happens when people are willing to talk about it.

Most nights, basketball is only about basketball, but today it is much bigger than that.

How much bigger is it really? I guess any stand is better than no stand, but what effect is it supposed to have realistically? Now if the Clipper's refused to play another game as a result, or the entire player's union staged a walk-out in unified protest ending the 2014 playoffs as their "stand" that would be something of real value. Making comments on TV is just another talking head realistically. It is better than nothing, but in the end won't really have much lasting effect.
How much bigger is it really? I guess any stand is better than no stand, but what effect is it supposed to have realistically? Now if the Clipper's refused to play another game as a result, or the entire player's union staged a walk-out in unified protest ending the 2014 playoffs as their "stand" that would be something of real value. Making comments on TV is just another talking head realistically. It is better than nothing, but in the end won't really have much lasting effect.

Why can't folks just be happy that one of the good ol' boys got his? Maybe a lot of these "talking heads" who are players have personal experience with the man or his bigotry. Maybe for years they've heard or experienced garbage from this guy and now he's getting his? In the long game, there will always be bigotry and racism, so I don't think it's a big deal to celebrate one of the good ol' boys getting punked...by a whoore no less.
I am SICK of hearing how PROUD they all are of themselves for standing against racism.

Don't even want to watch basketball at all tonight.

Way too much self-aggrandizement. UGH.

just STFU please

This, that, those.

Why can't folks just be happy that one of the good ol' boys got his? Maybe a lot of these "talking heads" who are players have personal experience with the man or his bigotry. Maybe for years they've heard or experienced garbage from this guy and now he's getting his? In the long game, there will always be bigotry and racism, so I don't think it's a big deal to celebrate one of the good ol' boys getting punked...by a whoore no less.

I'm happy a good old boy got his. I've never liked the guy.

I'm disappointed over being punished for pillow talk. That's b.s.

I'm disappointed the players and media didn't boycott him previously, when CP3 and 'em were signing contracts.
How much bigger is it really? I guess any stand is better than no stand, but what effect is it supposed to have realistically? Now if the Clipper's refused to play another game as a result, or the entire player's union staged a walk-out in unified protest ending the 2014 playoffs as their "stand" that would be something of real value. Making comments on TV is just another talking head realistically. It is better than nothing, but in the end won't really have much lasting effect.

I read on ESPN that the players of all six teams playing tonight were going to sit out the games if silver didn't make a satisfactory decision today. That would have been pretty awesome. It should have happened when he fired Elgin Baylor, or when he was in some stupid discrimination lawsuit settled out of court. The nba should have made a stand long ago, but in my opinion it is better late than never.
This may not be popular, but realistically "they" should do nothing to the man. He is entitled to his opinion as much as the next guy. If he were on a nationally televised interview or something and said those things as a spokesperson of the NBA he should be subject to the NBA's conduct clause if such a thing applies. He said it in the supposed privacy of his own home and the only reason anyone even knows about it is his gold-digging "girlfriend" trying to win the lottery in law suits and notoriety. I know there are plenty of things my wife and I discuss I would never want aired on TV and we should be entitled to that privacy especially if it is in my own home. Just my $0.02.


That is, for THIS particular case. For all the **** he did publicly he should have his ball squashed by a bi-curious sumo.

100% agree. this is to harsh.
I'm a little late to the party, and haven't read most of the thread, but here's my 2 scents: The government just needs to put microphones in every room that exists. Then they can monitor people's speech and we can punish those who have different opinions. Perhaps we could even institute the death penalty for people who dare speak their mind (I've heard that works pretty well in North Korea).

Sarcasm aside, I think the guy is an idiot for saying what he said, but it really bothers me that people are cheering for the loss of freedom of speech in this country.
I'm a little late to the party, and haven't read most of the thread, but here's my 2 scents: The government just needs to put microphones in every room that exists. Then they can monitor people's speech and we can punish those who have different opinions. Perhaps we could even institute the death penalty for people who dare speak their mind (I've heard that works pretty well in North Korea).

Sarcasm aside, I think the guy is an idiot for saying what he said, but it really bothers me that people are cheering for the loss of freedom of speech in this country.

How was Sterling's freedom of speech violated? In what way has the United States Government restricted the right of Donald Sterling to speak his mind in this case?
I'm a little late to the party, and haven't read most of the thread, but here's my 2 scents: The government just needs to put microphones in every room that exists. Then they can monitor people's speech and we can punish those who have different opinions. Perhaps we could even institute the death penalty for people who dare speak their mind (I've heard that works pretty well in North Korea).

Sarcasm aside, I think the guy is an idiot for saying what he said, but it really bothers me that people are cheering for the loss of freedom of speech in this country.

Pretty weird to smell this way, tbh.
Haven't been watching, but I think you are wrong about this. It is an important action for these people to make a stand against racism. The fact is that racism has absolutely no place in a civilized world, and when there is a victory for the right thing, I think it should be celebrated and talked about. The fact that racism still exists is sickening, but awareness is a huge tool in eradicating it, and awareness only happens when people are willing to talk about it.

Most nights, basketball is only about basketball, but today it is much bigger than that.

how about opinions, should they be eradicated?