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Looking for genuine discourse re:Jay-Z/NBA

Do you think sirkickyass was attacking him on pages 1 through 3 (notice I wasn't even here until page 4). Did that make his argument more persuasive to RobDMB? Not that I could tell, certainly.

You can keep tone-trolling, but it will make no difference. I'm not going to hide my anger.

And as such you will continue to make little to no progress. It's constructive criticism.
It is a point that Kicky does not have enough information to adequately defend in my opinion. It singles out 1 single kind of music from another culture. Perhaps Rob would feel that Bushi, Ranchero and Apala is music...

Stoked, what was the last musical genre you felt was so unmusical you needed to call it "music" instead of music?
I don't like rap music particularly, but I certainly know it's music, that it takes a lot of musical knowledge and talent, and I would never use the scare quotes. You're being deliberately obtuse.

Beyond being aware of past tunes, I would argue that rap doesn't require much musical knowledge.

That is not saying that rappers can't be musically intelligent
Do go on. Show me I'm wrong. Tell me how you were victimized by racism. LogGrad98 and franklin had stories about brief encounters. What's yours?

How about being physically assaulted because I am white? Would that qualify as racism?

Oh no, that's right. You've already explicitly stated that racism can only go one way.

But I am sure you will try to pretend I am equating my victimization at the hands of racism to me making some claim that what I suffered is the same as what a black American (or simply anyone else) must suffer.
I think your outrage at the use of quotes around the word music is a bit misplaced, that's all. The entire context of his statement is what is questionable, and arguing the use of quotes around a particular word seems diversionary to the discussion.

Moe: This entire thread, including but not limited to its deliberate mirroring of the structure of a different thread title, is designed to be diversionary to the real issue related to racism in the news.

I agree that virtually everything he's said has been problematic, but I latched onto that one because it is easily demonstrable and clear as day to all but the usual suspects.
Stoked, what was the last musical genre you felt was so unmusical you needed to call it "music" instead of music?

None. But you jumped on one single nuance to claim that he deemed all music from another culture as no music. A claim you do not have sufficeint evidence to support.
But just becasue he doesn't does not automatically make him a racist. You simply want him to be.

He's a human, so of course he's a racist, just like me or any other human. I have not singled him out on that score.

I agree that the single issue of not liking one particular style of music is not definitive. However, that's not the only indication that RobDMB has accepted some very racist lines of thought.
He's a human, so of course he's a racist, just like me or any other human. I have not singled him out on that score.

I agree that the single issue of not liking one particular style of music is not definitive. However, that's not the only indication that RobDMB has accepted some very racist lines of thought.

He might have some. I simply think that this line of of that that his quotes on music is evidence of racism is uninformed. That's all.

Also the bolded assertion is not something that I can not reconcile with your claim that racism only goes one way.
And as such you will continue to make little to no progress. It's constructive criticism.

Perhaps I'll make no progress with you (although I detect small signs that progress has happened over the years). However, you are not the universal archetype. With some people, you never make progress until you get angry.
Beyond being aware of past tunes, I would argue that rap doesn't require much musical knowledge.

Well, no form of music requires musical knowledge and talent to be played. The only require musical knowledge and talent to be played well, and rap is not an exception.
Beyond being aware of past tunes, I would argue that rap doesn't require much musical knowledge.

That is not saying that rappers can't be musically intelligent

It depends. With any music you can write the most basic structures, or follow the same chord progression/blueprint for a song and make it easy. Hip-hop producers like Madlib and J Dilla are extremely talented, but pretty much use sample based music to create beats, but in my eyes it's just as creative and unique.

In general, I just hate people who dismiss entire genres. Chances are you haven't explored the depths/roots/offshoots of that genre and are only commenting on the most generic version that is produced for the masses.
Perhaps I'll make no progress with you (although I detect small signs that progress has happened over the years). However, you are not the universal archetype. With some people, you never make progress until you get angry.

Fair enough. But you seem unable to hone your approach to the changing audience. You can see that it has placed Rob on the defensive. So why not change it up?

As for the bolded, I simply think it is you understanding my position better. Perhaps it is you that has made the progress. lol
First of all you, personally, can keep your respect as none of it is returned. Second of all at no point was the assertion made that whites suffer the same level of racism, especially in America, that blacks do. Not by me anyways.

But as already stated, by several posters now. One Brow simply wants to act like that since one is worse than the other that the lesser one doesn't matter. Foolish. All racism matters. The degree it matters should of course reflect the severity and depth of the racism in question.

I wasn't really talking to you, or at least i don't think I was, unless you were complaining about being discriminated as a white person.

Pretty much my views are with Louis CK's bit called "Louis CK - Being White" on youtube. Would post it, but I don't want to get fracted, but I suggest you listen to it. It's funny as ****, and basically sums up being white and how you shouldn't bitch about this dumb ****.
How about being physically assaulted because I am white? Would that qualify as racism?

Tell me more about it. Why do you think is was simply because you are white?

Oh no, that's right. You've already explicitly stated that racism can only go one way.

I've also stated that two white people on this board did experience brief moments of racism. Let's hear more about yours.

In any river, you can find small eddies where, for a very sort period of time, water flows in the opposite direction from the usual route. For example, there are places on the Mississippi where water briefly swirls north. However, no one says the Mississippi sometimes flows north.

But I am sure you will try to pretend I am equating my victimization at the hands of racism to me making some claim that what I suffered is the same as what a black American (or simply anyone else) must suffer.

I don't know the details of your claim. I know that a white man walking around Harlem or East St. Louis doesn't have much to fear at the hands of the black people there, and doesn't experience any sort of societal oppression except for the fears he brings with him. However, tell me your story about how you were slected by a group of black strangers and beaten up. I'm all ears.
None. But you jumped on one single nuance to claim that he deemed all music from another culture as no music. A claim you do not have sufficeint evidence to support.

You're right, not all music, just that particular type of music.
I'm sure he likes jazz

Not sure how you got there unless you know him personally.

The only thing I'm sure he likes is Dave Matthews Band, and that's based solely on the username.

How about being physically assaulted because I am white? Would that qualify as racism?

Oh no, that's right. You've already explicitly stated that racism can only go one way.

But I am sure you will try to pretend I am equating my victimization at the hands of racism to me making some claim that what I suffered is the same as what a black American (or simply anyone else) must suffer.

The nature of the way society has been laid out over the course of many many generations is that your recourse for such activity is markedly different than for the reverse scenario. That's why the same actions don't carry the same implications.

Studies indicate that the assailants against a white person would almost assuredly be punished more harshly. We had a very public trial with substantial race based overtones in the last 12ish months here in the United States where outright killing a black kid for no real reason went unpunished.

If you've ever studied the history of lynching for example, a big chunk of the ritual of it was that everyone in town knew who did the lynching. It wasn't just that violence, or even-race based violence, was used it was that the activity itself was de facto condoned by law. That's about the control of power over other human beings where your life is literally worth more than theirs. And that has not really changed on a widespread policy or social level. Things are not as extreme today, but the fact of violence against people of color being condoned by law is not as far back in the past as white people like to pretend. Again, we had that very public trial in the last year and there is no real movement by any politician of note to address the extreme systemic problems that today treat black lives as less valuable than white ones. When you see people write about disenfranchisement of black voters, the incidence of black imprisonment, or the structuring of our criminal code to inherently punish, on average, people of color more harshly you're really seeing a criticism of a society that has decided those lives are worth less.

Racism as a concept isn't reducible as easily as people who want to talk about dumbass concepts like "reverse racism" think. Everything about it is contextual or metacontexual. In the Office Space parlance: going to the dictionary and looking up money laundering doesn't mean you now know a damn thing about anything.
He might have some.

Unless someone else is typing his posts, he does have some.

I simply think that this line of of that that his quotes on music is evidence of racism is uninformed. That's all.

I have already agreed that as a lone item, it would have been insufficient.

Also the bolded assertion is not something that I can not reconcile with your claim that racism only goes one way.

I know, but you're getting closer, step by step. Would you like me to spell it out again?
It depends. With any music you can write the most basic structures, or follow the same chord progression/blueprint for a song and make it easy. Hip-hop producers like Madlib and J Dilla are extremely talented, but pretty much use sample based music to create beats, but in my eyes it's just as creative and unique.

In general, I just hate people who dismiss entire genres. Chances are you haven't explored the depths/roots/offshoots of that genre and are only commenting on the most generic version that is produced for the masses.

And there also numerous producers who actually play instruments and record their own samples to use in their beats.