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Banned..... LOLJK!!1!
Okay... so what did everyone think of the ending? I hated it at first, but after some serious prayer and soul searching, I don't know how I feel. I find myself wandering throughout the day wondering WTF happened? I feel like this will be one of those things I die with like marriage, or herpes. I mean seriously??? The heaven get up??? The Island was just his testing ground, all this **** wasn't real?????
I hope JJ Abrams fall down the stairs into a pile of sea urchins, cuz I can't take it.
1st, there was no mention of heaven. 2nd, it was all real as Christian told Jaxk right near the end. Everything was real. 3rd, the human element of the story was executed perfectly...the mythology part not so much. 4th, "It worked" = genius. "You can let go now" = genius.
There are basically 2 reasons that people watched Lost: 1) for the characters and relationships; and 2) for the mysteries and sci fi/fantasy elements. #1 people probably were pretty happy with the finale, #2 people probably weren't so much.

I enjoyed the journey of Lost and didn't get too hung up on the intricacies of the plotline (yes, I'm a #1). Lots of questions weren't answered, but I loved the emotion and the hope of the finale. It made me feel good and a bit inspired. So I'm satisfied. I'm still not quite sure what actually happened, though. :)

Lost and 24 ending the same weekend that Jazzfanz crashed did put me in mourning, however.
Indifferent on the finale...it was satisfying for some elements and unsatisfying for others.

The finale didn't make me like or dislike the show any more then before...still the best show of all time
Hated the ending, though it was emotional. Hated where this season went in general. What the hell was the point of the temple and Dogen? Hell, what the hell was the point of the hatch, the Others, and everything else the show gave us all these years if ultimately it was about magical chanting and a magical ****** that needed to be plugged?

The show turned out to be years and years of macguffins and plot points that went nowhere. In other words, **** this show.
I didn't hate it, but like Fake Pennypacker, I hate that so much time was dedicated to storylines that weren't really explained. Numbers, hatches, Darma, others, polar bears, giant statues, Vincent, children not born on the island, 1977, Ben appearing everywhere, time flashes, Hurley gaining weight, Kate always looking hot, etc. ****, that's a lot of heavy **** that was glossed over. I have heard that one of the producers/writers explained a lot of it on an internet chat. Well, how about explaining it on the ****ing show? At least they weren't sitting around a diner table eating onion rings while listening to Journey.
Hated the ending. But I havent really liked the show since all the "ooooh magic island" stuff started.

I still think the first couple of seasons made for the greatest tv ever.
First season was the best, when everyone had common goals and easier to follow. Next couple seasons were also good with Ben being such a mysterious character and messing with everyones heads. By the fifth season, alot of loose ends were piling up and time travel, including the future flashes, made things near impossible to follow. The final episodes cleared up the big questions (Jacob/MIB), but not enough. The "light" was somewhat of a cop out for explaining the islands mysterious powers. The showdown between Jack and Locke(MIB) was weak, a fist fight? really? Still, I would place the finale as the third best episode after the Pilot and "Through the Looking Glass".
I loved this show for the 1st 5 seasons. The last season felt like the writer's were sick of the show and tried to wrap up in a hurry. The whole flash sideways was a terrible idea that killed the final season. Overall I am sorry to see it go but am very disappointed in the last season and the finally was a major letdown for me.
Just finished this show. Good scott, it was dreadful.

Now starting Battlestar Galactica. It's even worse.

Between this and my hatred (or at least distaste) for Avatar, Seinfeld, and Lady Gaga, I'm finally aware that there's something seriously wrong with me (shut up, Trout). If I can't at least fit in with the mainstream nerds, where do I go?
Just finished this show. Good scott, it was dreadful.

Now starting Battlestar Galactica. It's even worse.

Between this and my hatred (or at least distaste) for Avatar, Seinfeld, and Lady Gaga, I'm finally aware that there's something seriously wrong with me (shut up, Trout). If I can't at least fit in with the mainstream nerds, where do I go?

It's not your fault that you're a horses ***, it's genetics. Also, with the likes of 'Hopper', 'The-Joker', and 'BeanClown' around, you're a gem of a poster -- if only you would post more.

Anyhow, *edited*, poopy pants.
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Lost started so good, why did it have to suck more and more towards the ending :(

They were better at coming up with interesting concepts then at tying them into the plot and coming up with solid conclusions for them. You'd think they'd know where they were going with a lot of this stuff but I don't think they did. They just kept writing and hoping they'd find a way to make it work.

Turns out the solution was "it's magic" which is lame.
They were better at coming up with interesting concepts then at tying them into the plot and coming up with solid conclusions for them. You'd think they'd know where they were going with a lot of this stuff but I don't think they did. They just kept writing and hoping they'd find a way to make it work.

Turns out the solution was "it's magic" which is lame.

There is also suits wantin to keep the show running as long as possible, forcing writers to write extra material that may have not been in the original vision.
warning - spoilers in dis here post.

i liked the ending for what the show became. i wouldve hated the way it ended if the entire series had been like the first couple seasons.
but once they started time travelin and ****, the way it ended was the way to go. Im more disappointed in the time traveling plot twist being the explanation for everything more than the ending and eveyrhting after the time travel reveal. it would seem they really didnt plan things out at first, and then had to come up with some explanation and time travel was easiest to make sure all questions could be explained logically (because time travel has no logic, in this context). really wish the crew who made breaking bad was in charge of a show like LOST. woulda been epic.