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Lowry anybody?

# of games still add up to 576.

Lowry is one hell of a player and I too expect the Raps to blow it up and make him available for trade talks. But he is not the best fit for us. Size, pesky defense, smart unselfish basketball.. Sounds like Lowry to you? Such a bad fit will only ruin the chemistry. You guys will eventually realize Exum is actually the man because he has size, bball IQ and unselfishness, and he's an impressive defender already if not great.
I think this is pretty amazing. I'd have a lot of concern with the chemistry angle though (I think Booker should play out his contract here but think Patterson would be a perfect fit [thought about starting a thread about it, actually], and I've heard things about Lowry being kind of difficult over the years, but he's an absolute stud [at least when his shot is falling]).

I would lose sleep thinking about this. I'd be happy staying the course or exploring this. As Siro said, what's the point of hoarding assets if you're not going to use them?
I'm probably looking at this all wrong but I remember MEM trading Lowry to HOU and seems like despite his production he had issues meshing in HOU (also Jazz did beat him in the playoffs) so off he goes to TOR where for the first time seems like he is a player worth keeping. Patterson who many here liked in the draft as a back up PF was drafted by HOU traded to SAC and then off to TOR.

This is probably my dislike of HOU but just seems like we'd be taking HOU's castoffs and I don't like that idea or feeling (again I admit I'm probably looking at this in the wrong way).
At least you admitted it.
Houston let him walk at the same time they let Dragic go. I'd want to know more about the circumstances there. I'm wary of players who change teams more than a few times. Sometimes guys get paid and they don't care as much anymore. The Jazz are building a culture based around working hard and improving individually. Lowry would need to fit that and help lead it.

A guy with his skills shooting/scoring would put the Jazz on a higher level though.
Houston let him walk at the same time they let Dragic go. I'd want to know more about the circumstances there. I'm wary of players who change teams more than a few times. Sometimes guys get paid and they don't care as much anymore. The Jazz are building a culture based around working hard and improving individually. Lowry would need to fit that and help lead it.

A guy with his skills shooting/scoring would put the Jazz on a higher level though.
Houston didn't let him walk, they trade him for one of the first round picks that was turned into James Harden. Memphis moved him, but also received a first round pick.

He clashed with Kevin McHale in Houston. As Cy says, he has a bit of a reputation as a hot head. He's a competitive player though, which is mostly good.
Career he has shot just under 42%/35%. He'll be 30 next year. So those numbers AREN'T likely to improve and will start to go down. I realize we've suffered through lousy PG's since Deron left, but that is NOT the kind of shooting we need...especially given his big contract. We'd trade all those assets (and have to give up Booker as a cap casualty) for a player who is under contract for 2 more years and then has a PLAYER option. Oh yeah, do we have a chance of bringing Tomic over if we've used up most of our cap in the trade?

No thanks. Lowry is certainly an upgrade over Burke but not a big enough one to justify all the assets lost.

I also think we're looking at this wrong. Hayward, Burks and Hood are essentially the play makers when they are in the game (and at least one of them would be for 48 mins). What we need is a Derek-Fisher type PG: someone who can just fire 3's and play decent defense. I hate to mention that guy's name because I LOATHE him. But in his prime, he was the perfect complement to the ball-dominant Kobe. Not that Burks, Hayward or Hood are that good, but they certainly run the plays. So is there a combo guard or SG who could guard opposing ones and wouldn't need the ball in his hands all the time?
Career he has shot just under 42%/35%. He'll be 30 next year. So those numbers AREN'T likely to improve and will start to go down. I realize we've suffered through lousy PG's since Deron left, but that is NOT the kind of shooting we need...especially given his big contract. We'd trade all those assets (and have to give up Booker as a cap casualty) for a player who is under contract for 2 more years and then has a PLAYER option. Oh yeah, do we have a chance of bringing Tomic over if we've used up most of our cap in the trade?

No thanks. Lowry is certainly an upgrade over Burke but not a big enough one to justify all the assets lost.

He's on a fantastic contract! He's barely making more than Booker.
He's on a fantastic contract! He's barely making more than Booker.

HUH? Isn't Lowry making $12M?
Booker is at $4.8M next season. To make the trade, I'm pretty sure Utah would need to decline the option on Booker's contract, and renounce some of their other FA's and/or exceptions to get under the cap far enough to absorb the difference in incoming salaries.
Yeah, he is making 12 million a year for the next 3 years. Siro gon Hack style making statements without a fact check.

I miscounted how many seasons hes played. But ya, that equals not fact checking.

Let's see. What was your last non fact checking statement. You said when making a trade salaries have to match up regardless if you are under the cap. Wrong. Next time fact check before you make statements. K?

How the hell can you call yourself a basketball fan and not even know how trading works? Please don't post any trades. K?
I miscounted how many seasons hes played. But ya, that equals not fact checking.

Let's see. What was your last non fact checking statement. You said when making a trade salaries have to match up regardless if you are under the cap. Wrong. Next time fact check before you make statements. K?

How the hell can you call yourself a basketball fan and not even know how trading works? Please don't post any trades. K?

We all got our Hack moments.
We all got our Hack moments.

That's a pretty big moment. That's really inexcusable. That's like 1st grade **** when it comes to understanding how the NBA works. If you were paying attention at all then you would have known how and why we got draft picks from Golden State for taking on a salary dump.

Somehow you've skated this long posting trades and critiquing other without knowing something so important to how the whole thing works.
Just goes to show that the way to gain respect for your basketball knowledge on Jazzfanz is to call everyone dumbasses just as soon as you can, so as to hide your true colors of ignorance and not understanding wtf is going on. Because for some reason the majority of people believe aggressive retards over sound logic.
Just goes to show that the way to gain respect for your basketball knowledge on Jazzfanz is to call everyone dumbasses just as soon as you can, so as to hide your true colors of ignorance and not understanding wtf is going on. Because for some reason the majority of people believe aggressive retards over sound logic.
Is it working for you?
I take back what I said about having to get rid of Booker. A trade for Lowry COULD be done without releasing him. Trading the #12 pick + Burke is about $4.7M, IINM. But wasn't Patterson in his final season? Can you still trade a player who is a RFA in anything but a S&T? If they could, Utah could match an offer. If it has to be a S&T, Utah likely can't clear enough space to get Lowry at $12M AND Patterson at $5M+ (his QO is $4.3M).