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Marijuana: Facts, Myths, and plain old Stupidity.

What feels better? Getting drunk or getting high on weed?


Wussy guy.
It really, really depends on who you ask. I prefer the plant overwhelmingly, myself.

The way I break it down is that alcohol is basically giving the devil on your shoulder a megaphone. Tendency for erratic behavior increases with alcohol. Along with generally making for a better time than being sober, it also has a tendency to exacerbate mood changes which can be plainly dangerous for people with anger issues, and it universally makes people hornier to the point that it becomes a pre-occupation.

With marijuana, I just find I enjoy things more. I get most of the benefits of alcohol without getting the mad hornies, and there is not much of a dark side to the experience. Generally, anyway. I have never had a hangover or had to vomit from marijuana (even though I have definitely smoked too much on several occasions). In addition to all of that, unlike alcohol where you generally become uncharacteristically more sexually aggressive but it can also inhibit your sexual experience, I find that if I find myself in a sexual situation when high, it's... whew. Awesome.

Getting high is also a lot cheaper than getting drunk.

For me personally, I have yet to have a truly bad experience (including repercussions/later consequences) with marijuana. That's not to say that that can't happen and I think I have gone about it's usage very responsibly (where depending on my work situation, I'll stay clean for months on end). Moderation is the key to everything.
This is another item I was going to bring up. As mentioned earlier in the thread, my own feelings are complex and I could possibly be persuaded that marijuana should be legalized. However, what I totally do not get are all of the people in the thread who are saying that they think laws against its use are stupid, and therefore they have no issue with using it themselves. There are LOTS of laws that I think are stupid, but that does not mean that I should be able to break them with impunity.

Yet I doubt everyone drives at exactly the same speed limit (or lower) every moment when they are on the road. Nobody seems to mind breaking that law with impunity...ate least on a level that is considered safe.
Gateway Drug

There are people who actually believe that?

What does "gateway drug" mean anyway? I'd like to hear the definition from those who believe in the concept before I offer my rebuttal. What I believe it means to many is that using pot will lead to heroin/cocaine/etc. use, but they don't really phrase it that way because that statement is preposterous based on simple math.
There are LOTS of laws that I think are stupid, but that does not mean that I should be able to break them with impunity.
Uh, why not? Should homosexuals, African-Americans, etc. have been harassed, imprisoned or worse because of their illegal activities that hurt no one in the past? Cannabis improves the quality of life of many people, but they should be obligated to cease use because of some archaic law? Give me a break, Colton.

You, as a scientist, should be open to rational arguments. Before your posts in this thread, I had never thought of you as a mindless authoritarian.
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There are people who actually believe that?

What does "gateway drug" mean anyway? I'd like to hear the definition from those who believe in the concept before I offer my rebuttal. What I believe it means to many is that using pot will lead to heroin/cocaine/etc. use, but they don't really phrase it that way because that statement is preposterous based on simple math.
I think any pot head can tell you that after smoking weed their cravings are for funyons, pizza, gummy bears and the like, and not at all for meth.

And, like you said, statistically, very few cannabis users "graduate" to amphetamines, opiates or other drugs of abuse.
So in that case I don't really care what he does when he is "unemployed". Get high, whatever, knock yourself out. But if you get arrested for breaking the law, however silly one might think that law is, then I have no sympathy.
Again, this is inexcusable authoritarian ********, not fit for anyone who hopes to live in a free and democratic society. If someone is punished for activities that harm no one else, any decent human being should have some sympathy for that person.
I'm late to this conversation, but here's my .02 (for the record, I have never indulged):

1. Dozens of things can impair a driver. It is the responsibility of the driver to make sure he/she does not drive while impaired. Also, the rationale that legalizing pot will result in a huge spike of safety problems is knee-jerk, at best.

2. IMO, those who want to use already do, for the most part. Legalizing it would actually make it more difficult for minors to get, and offer greater incentive to adults to use it properly.

3. Instead of flushing bazillions of dollars away chasing the occasional bale of mexican weed (read: War on Drugs), we could be reaping the revenue generated by the proper management.

4. The concept that adults can be trusted with alcohol, but not with marijuana is laughable.

5. If there is such a thing as a "gateway drug", alcohol is it.

Again, I haven't ever used the stuff, and I don't ever plan on doing it. But I'm watching my mother-in-law slowly deteriorate with MS, and the meds they have her on are doing as much harm as good. Side-effects all over the place. If she could use marijuana instead, a lot of her discomfort could be dealt with, w/o the ******* side-effects.

Pot suffers from an archaic stigma - a government campaign from the 30's that painted it as the gateway to insanity.

I apologize if any of this has already been covered.
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And as far as cannabis use by NBA players is concerned, it's a non-issue. Unlike in other pro sports leagues, the NBA is very permissive of cannabis, with light punishments for positive tests. The same can not be said of hard drugs and steroids.

Given the NBA culture, those regulations won't be changing anytime soon.